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Sex change question



  • Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,625 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rack Ops
    quote:Originally posted by Classic095
    OK! I want all you mind experts with all the Knowledge of where ones sexual orientation comes from to explain this one.....

    FRESNO, California (KFSN) -- A British Rugby player is back on his feet after a freak training accident, and he says he is a changed man. In this case, that would be an understatement.

    Chris Birch, 26, was engaged to be married when he broke his neck and suffered a stroke while attempting a backflip.

    The injuries left him in the hospital in a coma for several days. But when he regained consciousness, Birch claimed to be gay.

    Since the change he's ditched his job in a bank and is training to be a hairdresser. He also broke up with his fianc? and soon to be wife.

    Birch's neurologist attributes the changes to the stroke. The doctor says it opened up a different part of Birch's brain.

    Two years ago another British man awoke from a stroke to find he could paint and draw in incredible detail, despite not being able to do so before his accident.

    Golly! could it be the brain that determines what we feel regardless of what we have between our legs???

    Thats as good an argument as any I've seen that homosexuality is caused by brain damage.


    Probably a different conclusion than Classic had in mind, but very funny, Rack. Thanks.
    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
  • mlincolnmlincoln Member Posts: 5,039 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tacking1
    quote:Originally posted by mlincoln
    quote:Originally posted by tacking1
    quote:Originally posted by mlincoln
    quote:Originally posted by nunn
    quote:You all seem entertained and/or disgusted by the notion of a sex change procedure but how would you like to be one of those unfortunate people living as the wrong gender? It's not funny. These people are in agony.

    Do you think they would go through something like that on a whim?

    Wrong gender? Agony? Nah...If these folks "think" they are of the wrong gender, and are in "agony," it is all between their ears, not between their legs.

    However you are born is what you are. Get used to it. Get counseling if need be, but be what you were born to be. There is no way these surgically-altered freaks are happy.

    OK, so what if it is "all between their ears" and "however you are born is what you are." Everything I've read about these cases--and I admit that it is not a lot--has said that these people have felt that they're the other sex since they were very young and it's a feeling that has persisted for a very long time. It would seem, then, that these people need a few physical changes to bring their body in line with their mind, to make them as they were born.

    And I wonder how much of their unhappiness stems from people calling them "surgically altered freaks." This is something that I always find amusing in a sad way: The same people who hurl insults and rocks at "different" people are those who then say, "See, look how unhappy they are!" as if their behavior and attitude had nothing to do with the person's outlook.

    How do I feel about all this? I really don't care. I care whether people are honest, fair, decent, whether they don't hurt others with their behavior, whether they don't drive like maniacs on the road. As far as what they do in their bedrooms and how they define themselves sexually, I really couldn't care less.

    But you should care...because these folks my become teachers or some position that puts them in contact with children developing thier own identities. Or the "mainstream media" may show it as no big deal...makes raising a kid very hard.

    And if they were my kid's teacher I would care very deeply if they were teaching the pythagoreum theorum correctly, if they were teaching my kid the difference between adjectives and adverbs correctly, and so forth. And that's all I would care about. News flash: I'm a teacher, have been a teacher for 19 years, and I have never, ever, ever discussed my sex life, thoughts on sexuality, whatever with my students. Do I tell them how I bone my wife every way til Tuesday? No. Do I tell them about my thoughts about gay rights? No. I teach the curriculum set out by the County and state. In 19 years I have never, ever seen the flaming America-bashing liberal public school teacher that everybody "knows" is so common.

    Here's another news flash for you: Corporate America has by and large gone very diverese and very tolerant. You can raise your child any way you want to, but in present day America if he stands up at a sales meeting and says, "I hate gays and think they are freaks" he will not have a job at the end of the day. Period. End of story. This is the way the world works now.

    And have you ever sat down and wondered about the odds of having a transgendered person as your kid's teacher? What exactly do you think the chances of that happening are? And how, unless you ask to see MRI's of the persons testes or ovaries how are you even going to know?

    Raise your kid however you want, but I think you're doing him a disservice if you send him out into the world thinking that everybody different from him is "wrong."

    "This is the way the world works now"? The world, to be quite honest, is not working very well now.

    I am proud that you stick straight to a curriculum. Good for you. You seem to have taught school for 16 years and made no lasting impact on a young man other than to teach him the whatever theorum. (I hate spelling out greek words) Come on man, you know that boys are HUGELY influenced by thier male teachers. A flitty limp wristed effeminate male will present a terrible impression to boys when they are most impressionable.

    I think, and boy does it hurt, that you are saying that I better teach my kids to accept people for what they are, even if they are something they should not be.

    Let's apply that logic to gun control and just accept that society and the world just aren't tolerant of guns and we should just accept that as the way things are and turn in our guns. Same thing in reverse.

    Young people need strong, easily understood role models. They don't need the added confusion of gender manipulation or fluid sexual orientation.

    Well, best of luck to you and your children. I hope it all works out for you.
  • CubsloverCubslover Member Posts: 18,601 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by woodshed87
    Are you still Gonna Be Tacking1?[:o)]

    He will change to "Taking 1" [:0]
    Half of the lives they tell about me aren't true.
  • oldrideroldrider Member Posts: 4,934 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sometimes I just can't believe this forum.

    "I was appalled, but I couldn't look away!"
  • reloader44magreloader44mag Member Posts: 18,783 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Cubslover G16
    quote:Originally posted by woodshed87
    Are you still Gonna Be Tacking1?[:o)]

    He will change to "Taking 1" [:0]
    LMAO...good one[:D]
  • reloader44magreloader44mag Member Posts: 18,783 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by oldrider
    Sometimes I just can't believe this forum.

    "I was appalled, but I couldn't look away!"I would say about 30% are the way you describe the posts here....just gotta take peek...human nature[:D]
  • givettegivette Member Posts: 10,886
    edited November -1
    Sincerely hope I never go to sleep as 'Joe', and wake up as 'Josephine'.

    ...all the money I would have to spend by having to re-wardrobe would be a nightmare!

    On second reflection, as Josephine, I should be able to enjoy shopping, correct?

    Oooh, the confusion! It's like that cop that was so confused he jumped off his whistle and blew his horse!

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