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Wrestling with God...



  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JamesRK
    quote:Originally posted by p3skyking
    Now Jim needs to give his take on it.

    My take is it's a foolish and argumentative question.

    Foolish because you assume you know what God's idea of success is, argumentative because you are not looking for an answer, you are looking for an argument.

    So mark that down as another non-answer. You guys are slippery for sure. And just so you know, there's plenty enough for me to argue about, finding something that makes rational sense is what's hard.
  • MercuryMercury Member Posts: 7,822 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No, you don't value everyone's input. You are a jesus freak........they are too closed minded to value anyone's input, unless it aligns exactly with theirs.


    quote:Originally posted by ECC
    quote:Originally posted by burdz19
    Sorry Eric, I'll work on listening more and talking less. [B)]

    Now, why would you go and do that!?!? I value everyone's input. Thanks for participating in this discussion![:)]
  • cactuspete1cactuspete1 Member Posts: 1,482 ✭✭
    edited November -1
  • k_townmank_townman Member Posts: 3,588
    edited November -1
    ECC ~ You enjoy stirring the Honey Bucket, don't you?
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by p3skyking
    So mark that down as another non-answer. You guys are slippery for sure. And just so you know, there's plenty enough for me to argue about, finding something that makes rational sense is what's hard.

    As a Christian I should care what you think and believe, but the honest truth is I really don't.

    I am well aware that you can find endless circular arguments. I'll just accept that your definition of rational is different from mine.

    If you want to know if I would blame God if I were to get run over by a truck while crossing the street, then no, I wouldn't blame God. It could simply be that I didn't look before I stepped into the street.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • cactuspete1cactuspete1 Member Posts: 1,482 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    on the other side of the coin James, if a car jumped the curb and you didnt see it and you were directly in its path, and for some reason it rushed by you without hitting you , would you attribute this to an act of god ? I am sure you would be saying Thank you god? But what if it hit you, what would you attribute that to?
  • burdz19burdz19 Member Posts: 4,145
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by cactuspete1
    on the other side of the coin James, if a car jumped the curb and you didnt see it and you were directly in its path, and for some reason it rushed by you without hitting you , would you attribute this to an act of god ? I am sure you would be saying Thank you god? But what if it hit you, what would you attribute that to?

    Why am I thinking you view God kinda like


    Clash of the Titans?
  • VinhlongVet71VinhlongVet71 Member Posts: 4,605
    edited November -1
    For you belivers and non belivers alike,,,,, I'm not taking any
    sides. That in itself, makes me a 'non-believer'.

    I think there is another demention right here where we are that we
    just can't see. I retired in 2003 and moved to this little town in
    middle Georgia. It wasn't until then that I started experiencing
    strange occurances. Real spooky poop that freaked me out at first.
    God? Ghosts? Devil? I have no idea, and neither does anybody else
    that is alive on this earth today. I was raised to believe in 'GOD'.
    But now that 50 years has gone by, modern science has prooved the
    bible and its intrepretations to be false.

    I'm not tryin' to pic a fight with anybody,,, but if anybody wants to
    pick a fight with me bring it on.[:D]
  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Uh-oh, Not even Billy Graham could refute the anti-superstition logic in this thread!
    The hellbound among us better stand by for some preaching, some waffling, and then a locked thread. [:0]
  • VinhlongVet71VinhlongVet71 Member Posts: 4,605
    edited November -1
    I remember that! Black and white TV I was about 10 yrs old. I'M
    INFECTED!!!!!!! [:0]quote:Originally posted by cactuspete1
  • VinhlongVet71VinhlongVet71 Member Posts: 4,605
    edited November -1
    I reckon god is gonna get me now[:0]
  • VinhlongVet71VinhlongVet71 Member Posts: 4,605
    edited November -1
    In an attempt to hyjack this tread,,, anybody want to start a
    CACTUSPETE fan club?[}:)]
  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by VinhlongVet71
    In an attempt to hyjack this tread,,, anybody want to start a
    CACTUSPETE fan club?[}:)]

    Hell, I'm a fan of ANYONE that can think! It's a cryin' shame I meet so few.
    GB Forums does it best to run them off.
  • VinhlongVet71VinhlongVet71 Member Posts: 4,605
    edited November -1
    I see now
    [V] Instead of me crying about my posts being poofed,,, just
    let me tell the mods on this forum to delete my Idenity and forget
    me. I will not be back. This forum mirrors the current administration when it comes to freedom of speach,,, good bye
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by cactuspete1
    on the other side of the coin James, if a car jumped the curb and you didnt see it and you were directly in its path, and for some reason it rushed by you without hitting you , would you attribute this to an act of god ? I am sure you would be saying Thank you god? But what if it hit you, what would you attribute that to?

    It appears to me you are too concerned about what other people believe. If you are as firmly grounded in what you claim to believe you wont need to worry about what I believe.

    What I believe may or may not be the same as what other Christians believe. All that is required to be a Christian is to believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is God, died for my (or your) sins so I (you) don't have to. He was dead and buried and after three days he rose and lives today. Everything else is academic. Good to know but not required.

    To address your above scenario, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't believe God has a plan of the day laid out for me when I gut up each morning; that's my wife's job. I believe bad things happen to good people and vice versa.

    I don't believe it's in God's plan for me to commit suicide, but if I put a .44 muzzle in may mouth and shoot it, it would kill me graveyard dead.

    I would like to be a better Christian so I could care what you believe, but as I told p3skyking, the honest answer is I really don't.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • Nurse DebbieNurse Debbie Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1

    I think the best way to answer that is to say that God watches over us at all times. All of the "bad" things that can happen that you listed didn't mention any loss of life, limb, or eyesight. So, yes, God is there, even for the "bad" stuff that we live through. God could care less about our flat tires, and about house fires, as long as his children are safe.

    We, all human beings of any color or creed, are God's children. He sends our spirits to the Earth to grow, learn, and mature, and when He feels it is our time, He brings us home.

    The planet we live on is not our home. It is a world He built for us to live on until we have achieved what He set us out to do. Sometimes, however, we fail to achieve the goal that God sent us to do.

    He gave us free will so that we can achieve His goal for us in our own way. But sometimes that free will is what causes us to fail.

    Yes, God is with us every day, through both the good and the bad. He protects us, but sometimes calls us home before we feel it is our time. All He asks of us is that we believe in Him, and believe in the task He gave us to do, and give it our all to accomplish what He sent us here to do, so that we may return to Him at the end of our physical lives. God shares in our victories as well as our defeats. He feels our joy, and our grief. He is ALWAYS there for us.

    Young man I see you have a good head on your shoulders. And you are very knowledgeable of the Bible. Thank you for your excellent explanation. If your momma reads this she will be proud. I believe I am going to like you.

    As a nurse in Vietnam, I came across many brave young man about to lose their lives to various wounds. Literally thousands. And I cannot remember any of them refusing a prayer from a priest or a pastor.
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