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n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Read the story, and watch the video...just dont hit " larger player" wont work on that one...
Read the comments below the story as well...


  • ATHOMSONATHOMSON Member Posts: 3,399 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    That looked very mild compared to what I got as a kid. I honestly don't see anything wrong; other than she should have waited until they got home.

  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    crap, that was just a switchin, my mom could whip your * faster than that.. and she would have done it in the store. here again, when the courts take away a parents rights to correct a child, who is going to be responsible for the outcome of that child. i remember lookin at my mom and sayin"grandma can hit harder than you"[;)][:D][:D]
  • ATHOMSONATHOMSON Member Posts: 3,399 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tomahawk
    crap, that was just a switchin, my mom could whip your * faster than that.. and she would have done it in the store. here again, when the courts take away a parents rights to correct a child, who is going to be responsible for the outcome of that child. i remember lookin at my mom and sayin"grandma can hit harder than you"[;)][:D][:D]

    I rememder my mother taking a belt of the rack, dragging me into a dressing room, warming my seat, and hanging the belt back on the rack. I am sure I deserved it and it served me well later in life.

  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BlackRoses
    Read the story, and watch the video...just dont hit " larger player" wont work on that one...
    Read the comments below the story as well...


    Hard to say.

    When my brother and I were kids, my Mom and Dad used a belt for our 'whoopins'. I do not remember either of us getting 9 to 10 licks, though. We did, however, deserve everything we got, and then some.

    I am by no means opposed to spankings. I haven't used a belt on my kids, just an open handed pop on the rear. Usually, one was enough, but with my son, he's taken 2-3, but he is hard-headed like his Dad. My kids are 10 now, and I cannot rememebr the last time I had to pop them. It seems that a 'look' does far more than a spanking now.

    The video is not the best quality, and it is not quite clear. The posterior is padded for a reason, but it looked to me like the line was crossed, and she hit his back a few times. IMO, that's a no go. If you are angry enough to lose control of your disciplinary method, then discipline should be postponed just long enough for you to regain control.
  • SpartacusSpartacus Member Posts: 14,415
    edited November -1
    quote:I rememder my mother taking a belt of the rack, dragging me into a dressing room, warming my seat, and hanging the belt back on the rack. I am sure I deserved it and it served me well later in life.

    my dad would just take his belt off and tell me to "take it like a man"
    after awhile he just had to touch his belt and i turned into a little angel.[B)]
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    worst i ever got it was one of two times

    when i coaxed my big brother up under a cedar tree that had a huge wasp nest in it and then i threw a brick and kocked it down on him[B)]


    when i mixed concrete in her brand new [used] washing machine that was full of all of dads shirts[:0]

    she used a whiffle ball bat both times, and it stung like fire...never did that crap again[:D]
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    I can't remember actually being whipped by my mother but there was never any doubt in my mind that she would if I didn't do what I was supposed to do.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sheesh, wonder kids are out of control.
    Only took me a few times before I learned.

    Worst one I got was when I tried to run and crawl under the bed.[:0]
    Yep,....I'm really messed up from having a few spankings.

    Should be up to the parent as long as they aren't bringing blood, or hitting to the face IMHO.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tomahawk
    worst i ever got it was one of two times

    when i coaxed my big brother up under a cedar tree that had a huge wasp nest in it and then i threw a brick and kocked it down on him[B)]


    when i mixed concrete in her brand new [used] washing machine that was full of all of dads shirts[:0]

    she used a whiffle ball bat both times, and it stung like fire...never did that crap again[:D]

    Sounds like you were a real PIA![:D][;)]
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    I think anytime a parent uses a belt/spoon/switch etc, anything except a hand is going too far...

    It was excessive and done for the wrong reason....THe child wandered off away from her,...well dingbat, keep a better eye on the child next time and they wont have the chance to wander off...
  • mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    The pussification is in overdrive.

    And folks wonder why a lot of kids today have no respect or discipline. They are in control, not the parents...
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Dad, I recall something about shooting or throwing stuff at cars as they drove by hmmmm
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BlackRoses
    I think anytime a parent uses a belt/spoon/switch etc, anything except a hand is going too far...

    It was excessive and done for the wrong reason....THe child wandered off away from her,...well dingbat, keep a better eye on the child next time and they wont have the chance to wander off...
    My rear end! If we were bad, mom had no choice other than to use a belt or a yard stick, She isnt strong enough to make it sting...

    DAD on the other hand, could swat you one time with an open hand, and you wouldnt do ANYTHING wrong for MONTHS!

    There is a fine line between abuse and .. discipline. I deserved every * whoopin I got
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    Dad, I recall something about shooting or throwing stuff at cars as they drove by hmmmm

    Jake,......a wee bit of an edit ehh?[:D]
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    BR, I have seen in some parenting books that you should not use your hand as you don't want children associating your hands with the punishment and all that bad karma (I didn't say it.. not really even my opinion, just passing on what I have read in multiple sources). Another object is better.

    That said, I think I would have preferred a hand to the belts and switches i got as a kid, though I deserved all of them (except one, no really I WAS innocent THAT time)

    We don't know the whole story here, probably never will. She did not whoop him hard enough to even leave a mark. She should not be charged with anything.
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    Dad, I recall something about shooting or throwing stuff at cars as they drove by hmmmm

    Jake,......a wee bit of an edit ehh?[:D]
    Couldnt decide which one i wanted to throw his way. LOL
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BlackRoses
    I think anytime a parent uses a belt/spoon/switch etc, anything except a hand is going too far...

    It was excessive and done for the wrong reason....THe child wandered off away from her,...well dingbat, keep a better eye on the child next time and they wont have the chance to wander off...


    Concerning the use of a belt or switch; it is a much safer form of discipline than an open hand. We, as adults, oftentimes are not good judges of our own strength. The force of a belt or switch is enough to cause a child to 'snap to', but much gentler than an open-hand strike.

    And, yes, I agree 100% the lady should have kept a better eye on her kid. She was probably yacking away on her bluetoof, and not paying any attention at all to the whereabouts of her kid.
  • screwobamascrewobama Member Posts: 625
    edited November -1
    The mother may have whoooped the kid for the wrong reason- like you say keep an eye on your child- but I do belive childern should be spanked or get the belt if that's what it takes. I got my fair share growing up and I'm glad I did and I don't hate my parents for doing it. I don't belive "time out" would have worked for me because I'm hard headed.

    A lot of the problem with the younger generations is the parents try to be thier kids friend instead of the parent! Kids have enough friends.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by screwobama
    The mother may have whoooped the kid for the wrong reason- like you say keep an eye on your child- but I do belive childern should be spanked or get the belt if that's what it takes. I got my fair share growing up and I'm glad I did and I don't hate my parents for doing it. I don't belive "time out" would have worked for me because I'm hard headed.

    A lot of the problem with the younger generations is the parents try to be thier kids friend instead of the parent! Kids have enough friends.

    If all I was given were "time-outs" I might be a serial killer by now![:0][:D]
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    I did not say a spanking is not out of the question when deserved, I said anytime a parent uses a belt/spoon/switch or whatever, its excessive....

    I received both,...spanked with a hand and also with a belt, also with a flyswatter and believe me, a hand is more than enough...
  • anatomically correctanatomically correct Member Posts: 1,045 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yeah, "time out." Go to your room, where your tv, computer games, electronic do-dads and toys are. If this is punishment, chain me to the wall!
  • TrupoBPTTrupoBPT Member Posts: 381 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What used to be a normal thing now is frowned upon.[V]
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am convinced that if more parents would bust * that need busting, a lot of kids would not have a mugshot photo in the collection of pics from their adolescence.
  • kidthatsirishkidthatsirish Member Posts: 6,981 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I wacthed the video and read the article....whats the big deal?
  • anatomically correctanatomically correct Member Posts: 1,045 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Raising kids is easy. Make few rules, allow no exceptions, discipline disobedience. Daughter's a nurse at KC Children's Mercy Hospital and son is working on a degree in psychology.
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't see any gray area there. Whether this woman went to far or not is up to the child's mother and father and no one else. It's none of law enforcement's damn business. If she gets into the area of abuse, then somebody including law enforcement should intervene.

    If parents raise (rear) their children wrong, it's just one more thing the kid has to overcome. Life ain't fair and nobody's perfect.

    It's too late to do anything about it though. The inmates already have the keys to the institution and there ain't no getting them back.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by kidthatsirish
    I wacthed the video and read the article....whats the big deal?

    The big deal is the woman will probably face charges for what she though was disciplining her child.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • savage170savage170 Member Posts: 37,504 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    I am convinced that if more parents would bust * that need busting, a lot of kids would not have a mugshot photo in the collection of pics from their adolescence.

  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    BR, you may not agree but it was said above about how some folk don't know there own strength..and i fit that bill[V].in correction when my boys were small ,i had to be careful..usually a swat was sufficient to bring them around...trouble was my swat is equal to another's kick...i grew up working hard,and what some would call rough. in a real fight,punches break bones,a grab and jerk breaks arms, a single slap to the head will roll a man 10 ft. a switch or a newspaper is much safer...believe wife is a small woman,5'2"105lbs, i mostly let her do the correcting,until the time when they bully up and lose respect for her...that ain't happening, and i don't back up. respect is not ask for is means no[;)]
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tomahawk
    BR, you may not agree but it was said above about how some folk don't know there own strength..and i fit that bill[V].in correction when my boys were small ,i had to be careful..usually a swat was sufficient to bring them around...trouble was my swat is equal to another's kick...i grew up working hard,and what some would call rough. in a real fight,punches break bones,a grab and jerk breaks arms, a single slap to the head will roll a man 10 ft. a switch or a newspaper is much safer...believe wife is a small woman,5'2"105lbs, i mostly let her do the correcting,until the time when they bully up and lose respect for her...that ain't happening, and i don't back up. respect is not ask for is means no[;)]

    Agree 100%.

    When folks deliver an open-hand strike, they will use more of their palm than they do their fingers. This can cause fractures.
  • ladyhunterladyhunter Member Posts: 2,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My mother used what ever she could get her hands on. There are seven of us and she will tell you she raised seven good kids
  • frog21frog21 Member Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I didn't see anything wrong,just a parent doing their job.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    So its the parents job to beat the child for the parent being neglectful..

    Well that says a lot..
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    maybe the child was told to quit runnin off and didn't weren't there Beth...your speculating and need a good switching, then off to bed with you[;)][:D]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:maybe the child was told to quit runnin off and didn't listen...

    IT doesnt matter if the child was told to quit running off or not, the fact remains the so called mother was not paying attention to the situation or the child would not have been away from the mother in the first place...

    Do they not hang on to the child's hand anymore? they not watch where they are? what they are playing with?..what has attracted their attention? I have seen it too often here when I am shopping...the parents get on the phone, talking to friends and completely ignore the kids then give the kids hell for not being there...
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BlackRoses
    So its the parents job to beat the child for the parent being neglectful..

    Well that says a lot..

    This child wandered off. Maybe momma should have been keeping a better eye on the child. SO what. The kid wandered off. My bet is he won't do so again.

    IF I had done that as a kid, my mom would have knocked my teeth out. She would have been correct in doing so.

    A child should DO as they are TOLD. If that means they need their * tanned to get the point across, so be it.

    I really don't care that she beat his * with a belt. She did what a parent is supposed to do, she corrected her child. IF the child had a hemotomia from the whoopin, then I would agree it went to far.

    Like Matt said, PUSSIFACATION.
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    well Beth, if kids can't listen , then mabe a collar and leash are in order to stop * whoopins..if your that soft, you would have never made it as i grew up[V]
  • kidthatsirishkidthatsirish Member Posts: 6,981 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BlackRoses
    So its the parents job to beat the child for the parent being neglectful..

    Well that says a lot..

    Yeah the parent may have been neglectful in the mall...but who is to say the two incidents were related?

    Maybe as they were getting into the car the young boy did something or said something that was so wrong as to deserve the punishment...there was no audio with the video, so we dont know.
  • Sav99Sav99 Member Posts: 16,037 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've sure received worse than that. At least she disciplines her youngen. He might just grow up to understand consequences for actions and maybe even respect authority.
  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,502 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The video is an ad for a pest control company.
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