Kyle Rittenhouse May Not Be a Role Model, But Is He Still an American Hero?
Kyle Rittenhouse May Not Be a Role Model, But Is He Still an American Hero?
By Harold Cameron
Revolver News
August 29, 2020
This is a Guest Post. Guest Posts do not necessarily represent the official editorial position of Revolver News.
For a few moments in the wee morning hours of Wednesday, August 26, 2020, a 17-year-old kid from exurban Chicago, carrying an unremarkable, bargain-bin rifle no different from those owned by millions of Americans, proved more powerful than the combined might of the entire world order.
Ethnonarcissist rioters have been coddled and lionized in the establishment’s media, lavishly funded and fawningly endorsed by the largest corporations on earth, and utterly immunized from legal or physical consequences by complicit civil servants. Joined by legions of the downwardly mobile refuse of the white lower middle class, they have spent months doing exactly as they pleased with our country.
There seemed to be nothing we could do. If we complained, as many of us did, we could be fired from our jobs. If we exercised our First Amendment rights the same exact way as leftists, we could be charged with “hate crimes.” If we tried to go about our business and enjoy our public spaces as though masked thugs had not been given license to enforce “justice” as they saw fit, we could be cornered by shrieking mobs, forced to submit to their demands, or worse, simply beaten to a pulp for asserting our right to go where we please in a supposedly free country.
If we armed ourselves for defense, we often prevented our neighborhoods from becoming burnt-out, bare-shelved husks. But, as Mark and Patricia McCloskey learned in St. Louis, if your local elected officials are sufficiently in the enemy’s corner, merely refusing to yield your own front yard to people who hate you can now land you with felony charges.
Our despair discounted one thing: a 17-year-old named Kyle Rittenhouse was braver than we were — or at least naive enough to not understand the odds we’re up against.
This past weekend, the Bolsheviks unleashed another round of rioting, arson, and looting in once-bucolic Kenosha, Wisconsin, justifying their crimes against innocent Americans — as they nearly always do — with the shooting of a violent, black career criminal who refused to submit to lawful arrest. On the first night, rioters knocked out a Kenosha Police Officer with a brick to the head. On the second night, they ransacked a mom and pop used car dealership. CNN declared this “fiery but mostly peaceful.”
Margaret Thatcher
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
Mark Twain
Don’t take your guns to town.
Still hoping for a return of the green font.
This is what DEMOCRATs do. DEMOCRATs no longer protect communities and honest citizens from the criminals: They protect the criminal mobs from honest citizens.
Toss main stream media into the same group as the rioters. Most of media is clearly on the side of DEMOCRATs .
Kenosha, Racine, been so long since I have been through there names get a little fuzzy. Sorry for the error.
He has been charged as an adult, and charge for the possession of a dangerous weapon by a minor at the same time.
You can always be viewed as an adult in the name of justice, but newer be viewed as an adult in the name of liberty.
In years past, when there have been "organized" gatherings at the Texas State Capitol in support of constitutional carry, where people have shown up open carrying...........I stayed away, although I do support constitutional open carry. When the BLM and ANTIFA protests hit downtown Austin, I did not rush down there with my AR to try and maintain order, although it hurt my sensibilities to see what was happening. You all know what happened to one dufus named Garrett Foster. I don't do these things becasue I don't think it is smart. It is stupid.
Now let some BLM or ANTIFA types come to my neighborhood and start burning and harrassing and I will certainly protect myself, my property, and/or my neighborhood. Until that happens.........I am not going to play stupid games. These thugs have no regard for life or property and challenging them by being there armed is just inviting a deadly encounter.
I think it was self defense for him, but he voluntarily put himself in a stupid situation.
Mohawk nailed it . Goes double for me
MagOO I normally try to stay above the fray and not respond to personal attacks but this strains my patience . I am neither a fool nor am I ignorant of the wAys of the world . My opinion is still that the child really screwed up and his actions do nothing to advance our cause
Apparently, the kid worked in Kenosha. He didn’t travel to fight BLM, he was already there, doing volunteer work, cleaning graffiti with friends.
And his “high priced lawyer team”, is doing it pro bono.
I’ve been following these stories, and more and more comes out everyday.
Like, how you have to be 18 to purchase a long gun in Wisconsin, but only 16 to open carry one. Except the city of Kenosha, had local ordinances forbidding it. And the rifle didn’t cross state lines.
But, I see a few here spinning the msm lies, denouncing the kid.
Seems I remember the same ones repeating the same fake news about Michael Brown, and others. Getting whipped up into frenzies.
The the truth comes out about the blatant lies being told by msm, and they’re obvious political agenda they’re pushing.
Just look at what they’re saying about the three convicted felons this kid shot. One of them a convicted pedophile.
I think I’ll reserve my condemnation of the kid until all the facts come out, not the vial spewed by the fake news organizations.