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Kyle Rittenhouse May Not Be a Role Model, But Is He Still an American Hero?
There is so much misinformation and politically motivated bullsh*it coming out of the mouths of the filthy liars in the media, 90% of it negative towards Rittenhouse.
Consider, there are a number of high power lawyers involved and several investigations in progress, so rather than make impetuous assumptions like I see several posters have done; best wait until after the investigation is over.
Remember Obamas son: Baby Travon, The Gentle Giant, Eric Garner etc. When dealing with dirt digging media, best wait for the truth comes from the facts.
If the young man was so worried about violence in Racine that he needed an assault rifle why go there? He didn't go to join the un-armed protesters!
First off it was Kenosha not Racine. He had no business coming here, he was a flat lander from Illinois and had no business in the state. The Kenosha police didn't need any help. They had their regular police force the Sheriffs department and 1,000 Wisconsin National guard soldiers on hand. On top of that they had every armored vehicle from South Eastern Wisconsin at their disposal. WTF to fight what 400 protestors at the most. That armed kid from Illinois again had no business in the state. I hope that kid gets life. Check out the photos of his mother a female Rambo if I ever saw one. These are the kind of extremists that give responsible gun owners a bad name.
Kenosha, Racine, been so long since I have been through there names get a little fuzzy. Sorry for the error.
I wasn't calling you out on this just stating that if you don't live near where a particular event is going down, you only get what the media wants you to here. Just saying with all the armed law enforcement and National Guard that was on sight this idiot had no reason to be here. Just like I was going to pack up the Exploder with a so called arsenal of weapons and go offer my services to Portland Oregon. I also left out the fact that the President had sent Federal Agents there as well and this kid thought he was gonna help GEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZ Well it will help put him in prison.
Agree that if you live there you may indeed be more aware of specific facts regarding these incidents. Now a question if the Feds and National guard had everything covered why would a person need to be defending themselves with an AR 15? When the rioters were chasing this kid down the street where were the 1000 guard adn cops?
Funny stuff, man! LOL (Well, there goes those little details...again.)
Mohawk: One of Kyle's lawyers was on Fox News tonight. Some of the points he clarified are as follows: Kyle worked in the area of the riots, and a business owner requested his and the help of his friends to help protect the business, so they responded to the request. Kyle is of legal age to own the subject rifle, the rifle is also legal, and he acted in self defense.
Mohawk: One of Kyle's lawyers was on Fox News tonight. Some of the points he clarified are as follows: Kyle worked in the area of the riots, and a business owner requested his and the help of his friends to help protect the business, so they responded to the request. Kyle is of legal age to own the subject rifle, the rifle is also legal, and he acted in self defense.
kimi............i believe it was self defense all the way. My point was that this kid made a bad decision to even have a rifle with probably little to no training........going into a very hostile environment. He played a stupid game in a town that he was not a resident of. He shot three people and killed two. He won a stupid prize in the form of his criminal charges. Whether he gets convicted for anything or walks doesn't matter at this point...........he is facing a serious legal battle. He decided to be there with a rifle.
And yes, I understand that he is being represented pro bono..........he still went to jail and has to fight the charges.........crowd funding might pay for his legal defense but in the end, will it be worth it (his actions)? this 17 y.o. young man has to now live with the consequences of his actions............mainly that he killed two people. Justified or is going to f*^k up his young psyche and have a profound effect on him.
Mag00 told me I was part of the problem, apparently because I think the kid made a dumb mistake that I would not have made.
I am still waiting for the footage from MrMag00s patriot mission across state lines with his AR or AK..........
The more I learn about the kid, the more I admire him. I'm not sad about the guys he killed...good riddance to the skunks. I am sad that the kid will have to weather this storm. I'm also sad that his Mom has to weather it as well.
I have no reason to think you are part of this problem. I believe when push comes to shove that you will be on the right side.
The more I learn about the kid, the more I admire him. I'm not sad about the guys he killed...good riddance to the skunks. I am sad that the kid will have to weather this storm. I'm also sad that his Mom has to weather it as well.
I have no reason to think you are part of this problem. I believe when push comes to shove that you will be on the right side.
The more I learn about the kid, the more I admire him. I'm not sad about the guys he killed...good riddance to the skunks. I am sad that the kid will have to weather this storm. I'm also sad that his Mom has to weather it as well.
I have no reason to think you are part of this problem. I believe when push comes to shove that you will be on the right side.
Here's some information about Kyle that was sent to me via an email by my dear friend:
A couple of notes here to combat media misinformation. Follow the facts... Not the agenda, people.
1) Carrying a rifle across state lines is perfectly legal. However, Kyle's lawyer is stating that the gun belonged to his friend, a Wisoncsin resident, so the gun never left the state of Wisconsin. This doesn't mean it is right for him to have the firearm, the courts will decide this.
2) Under Wisconsin statues, anyone under 18 who "goes armed" with any deadly weapon is only guilty of a class A misdeamnor. However, John Monroe, a lawyer who specializes in gun rights cases believes there is an exception for rifles and shotguns, intended to allow people age 16 and 17 to hunt could apply.
3) Kyle lives in Antioch, IL and traveled to Kenosha, WI. This is a 20-30 minute drive depending on what time I looked. And he claimed he worked in Kenosha. He was not an out of state agitator. He came to help defend a friend or families business (different reports, it’s unclear still) and offer aid to the non aggressive protestors.
4) Kyle is a former member of a youth police cadet program, according to police.
5) He was scrubbing BLM graffiti off of buildings earlier in the day and offering medical aid to protestors, yelling he was an EMT and wanting to offer his services. This is caught on video/photos.
6) All 3 shootings he was involved in were justified uses of lethal force. 1st guy charged him and threw an unknown object at him then continued to charge after missing. In one video, you can see a rioter fire the first shot into the air (it’s been freeze frames many times) with a pistol as Kyle is running, meaing Kyle did not fire the first shot and most likely thought he was being shot at by the man chasing and yelling obscentities at him. 2nd guy clubbed him with a skateboard in the head and got hands on his rifle to take it. 3rd guy presented a pistol and aimed it at Kyle’s head.
7) He was not running from the 1st guy he shot. He called 911 and attempted to get police to the location to assist him and the man he shot. He also attempted to render aid. He was chased off by the crowd that the next 2 assailants came from.
8)He ran to police after the last engagement with his hands up declaring what happened. He did not try to flee, he immediately tried to turn himself in.
9) There is 0 evidence of being racially motivated or having came to incite violence. He did not come looking for a fight, he came to help and defend. There is a lot of evidence in the videos that reinforce this.
10) Joseph Rosenbaum, who has a rap sheet a mile wide ( and was the first man Kyle shot, was filmed earlier that day shouting at militia members, "shoot me ni**a" while they were guarding a local business from violent rioters.
11) Comments on social media about some of the videos, from purported witnesses, indicated that Rittenhouse may have verbally confronted someone who was attempting to damage cars, and that the person then began chasing Rittenhouse, which is what prompted him to flee. It's unclear exactly what prompted the initial confrontation.
The media has spun an immediate narrative that this man cold blood executed 3 people. That is simply not the truth and the very large amount of video from before during and after the event shows that.
Sorry folks. I know you want this to fall on Trump, or Republicans. You can’t spin this one. The video evidence is everywhere, not just the clips the MSM is showing you. These people can't handle the truth as it causes severe cognitive dissonance. They need an enemy, a bad guy, and a white patriot is the perfect target because it embodies everything they hate and despise.
If this post offends you, put your mask on and keep scrolling!
9) There is 0 evidence of being racially motivated or having came to incite violence. He did not come looking for a fight, he came to help and defend. There is a lot of evidence in the videos that reinforce this.
As I understand it, the unsupervised posession of a rifle by a 17 yr old is a misdemeanor. As an American citizen, Kyle Rittenhouse had every right to be there. To claim he "had no stake" in Kenosha, is elitist and ignorant. All Americans have a stake in Kenosha, Portland, Chicago, New York, or anywhere else that is under siege by the terrorists masquerading as "protesters ". As to having little to no training, the dude held onto his rifle, directed accurate fire, while laying on his back, killed a couple terrorists and, against long odds, lived to see his day in court for defending his own life. This kids got bigger ballz than those who claim to "have a stake" in the goings on in Kenosha. Bigger than most of the keyboard commandos (myself included) on these forums. As Kimi stated, when the SHTF, I'd want him on my team.
"Kyle worked in Kenosha. Rifle was in Kenosha. He was at work that morning as a community lifeguard. Then stayed to clean up and only later was asked to help guard a business by a friend.
Statement by Rittenhouse’s legal team at Pierce Bainbridge, provided to the Gateway Pundit, they explain, among other things that “after Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters.”
Additionally, the weapon Rittenhouse was using to protect himself and others never crossed state lines.
“Later in the day, they received information about a call for help from a local business owner, whose downtown Kenosha auto dealership was largely destroyed by mob violence,” the statement continues. “Business owner needed help to protect what he had left of his life’s work, including two nearby mechanic’s shops. Kyle and a friend armed themselves with rifles due to the deadly violence gripping Kenosha and many other American cities, and headed to the business premises. The weapons were in Wisconsin and never crossed state lines.”
When Rittenhouse arrived at the mechanics shop, he and others stood guard to prevent further destruction. Later that night, long after the 8 p.m. curfew had passed, the police began to disperse a group of rioters. His lawyer, John M. Pierce, explains that while dispersing the mob, they maneuvered a mass of individuals down the street towards the auto shops. Rittenhouse and the others were threatened and taunted, but he did not react. “His intent was not to incite violence, but simply to deter property damage and use his training to provide first aid to injured community members,” Pierce says.
After the situation seemed to be diffused, Rittenhouse became increasingly concerned about people who were injured at the gas station, so he went in that direction with his first aid kit. He helped those he could find who were injured, either by administering aid or directing them which way to go for help beyond what he could offer.
The statement says that by the final time that Rittenhouse returned to the gas station and “confirmed there were no more injured individuals who needed assistance, police had advanced their formation and blocked what would have been his path back to the mechanic’s shop. Kyle then complied with the police instructions not to go back there. Kyle returned to the gas station until he learned of a need to help protect the second mechanic’s shop further down the street where property destruction was imminent with no police were nearby.”
“As Kyle proceeded towards the second mechanic’s shop, he was accosted by multiple rioters who recognized that he had been attempting to protect a business the mob wanted to destroy. This outraged the rioters and created a mob now determined to hurt Kyle. They began chasing him down. Kyle attempted to get away, but he could not do so quickly enough. Upon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker,” Pierce explains.
Additionally, Rittenhouse stopped to ensure care for his attacker, hardly sounds like someone who had went to the riot with intent to kill.
“Kyle stopped to ensure care for the wounded attacker but faced a growing mob gesturing towards him. He realized he needed to flee for his safety and his survival. Another attacker struck Kyle from behind as he fled down the street. Kyle turned as the mob pressed in on him and he fell to the ground,” his legal team says. “One attacker kicked Kyle on the ground while he was on the ground. Yet another bashed him over the head with a skateboard. Several rioters tried to disarm Kyle. In fear for his life and concerned the crowd would either continue to shoot at him or even use his own weapon against him, Kyle had no choice but to fire multiple rounds towards his immediate attackers, striking two, including one armed attacker. The rest of the mob began to disperse upon hearing the additional gunshots.”
Rittenhouse then attempted to turn himself in, but was told to keep moving. He went and turned himself in to his local police that evening.
“Kyle got up and continued down the street in the direction of police with his hands in the air. He attempted to contact multiple police officers, but they were more concerned with the wounded attackers. The police did not take Kyle into custody at that time, but instead they indicated he should keep moving,” the statement says. “He fully cooperated, both then and later that night when he turned himself in to the police in his hometown, Antioch, Illinois.”
The legal team says that “in a reactionary rush to appease the divisive, destructive forces currently roiling this country, prosecutors in Kenosha did not engage in any meaningful analysis of the facts, or any in-depth review of available video footage (some of which shows that a critical state’s witness was not even at the area where the shots were fired); this was not a serious investigation. Rather, after learning Kyle may have had conservative political viewpoints, they immediately saw him as a convenient target who they could use as a scapegoat to distract from the Jacob Blake shooting and the government’s abject failure to ensure basic law and order to citizens. Within 24-36 hours, he was charged with multiple homicide counts.”
Rittenhouse is now being represented by some of the best legal minds in the country at Pierce Bainbridge, with help from Nicholas Sandmann’s lawyer Lin Wood.
On Friday, his legal team obtained a several-week continuance of his extradition hearing to September 25th. The lawyers say that this is an attempt to slow the rush to assassinate his character and destroy his life.
“Kyle, his family, the team at Pierce Bainbridge and his other lawyers intend to fight these charges every step of the way, take the case to trial and win an acquittal on the grounds of self-defense before a jury of his peers,” the statement reads.
The legal fees and other costs of Kyle’s defense will be provided through donations to #FightBack Foundation Inc., a Texas 501(c)(4) foundation created by John Pierce and Lin Wood to protect law- abiding American citizens whose rights are being trampled on by state and local governments that are more concerned with appeasing mobs than protecting those rights.
“A 17-year old child should not have to take up arms in America to protect life and property. That is the job of state and local governments. However, those governments have failed, and law-abiding citizens have no choice but to protect their own communities as their forefathers did at Lexington and Concord in 1775,” Pierce said. “Kyle is not a racist or a white supremacist. He is a brave, patriotic, compassionate law-abiding American who loves his country and his community. He did nothing wrong. He defended himself, which is a fundamental right of all Americans given by God and protected by law. He is now in the crosshairs of institutional forces that are much more powerful than him. But he will stand up to them and fight not only for himself, but for all Americans and their beloved Constitution. We will never leave his side until he is victorious in that fight.”
I wish Kyle the best in his ongoing legal fight. I am glad he "is now represented by some of the best legal minds in the Country."
From the sounds of it, he SHOULD be acquitted. I hope so.
As we all know, the rioting will intensify when this happens.
You're welcome, friend! Yes, let's hope he beats all of the charges.
As for the rioting, how can it possibly cease without military intervention or having our first legitimate civil war. These scum need to be identified and run straight to the poor house or to dust. And, for those people who think they are poor to begin with, let's recall that they run our governments at all levels...and that's just for starters. Going back to the good old days WILL NEVER HAPPEN without these skunks being beat down to real slave status in more ways than one. And, how do we beat the insane funding that corporations give to our enemies? Like sxsnuf said, "All Americans have a stake in Kenosha, Portland, Chicago, New York, or anywhere else that is under siege by the terrorists masquerading as "protesters ". Now all we need to start doing is something different than what we have done to this point, aside from beating our gums. Maybe our best bet here is that we are on such a course right this moment and once it is set off, there will be no stopping us until it's all said and way or the other...anything short of this will likely end in disaster for our side's way of life.
In some of the pictures it almost looked like he was strutting.
Maybe he saw that skater creep's GF and decided he'd show how he could stand up to a bunch of them, so he got a little separated from the main mass of armed graffiti cleaners and strutted around with his gun.
That would be a hard pill for them to swallow because low socioeconomic status. Look at the guy who was locked up in Arizona. He apparently did quite a stretch.
A judge and jury may take into account that responsible people should know that these protesters are acting like children and provoking them may be as good as having to shoot them.
Consider, there are a number of high power lawyers involved and several investigations in progress, so rather than make impetuous assumptions like I see several posters have done; best wait until after the investigation is over.
Remember Obamas son: Baby Travon, The Gentle Giant, Eric Garner etc. When dealing with dirt digging media, best wait for the truth comes from the facts.
Mohawk: One of Kyle's lawyers was on Fox News tonight. Some of the points he clarified are as follows: Kyle worked in the area of the riots, and a business owner requested his and the help of his friends to help protect the business, so they responded to the request. Kyle is of legal age to own the subject rifle, the rifle is also legal, and he acted in self defense.
And yes, I understand that he is being represented pro bono..........he still went to jail and has to fight the charges.........crowd funding might pay for his legal defense but in the end, will it be worth it (his actions)? this 17 y.o. young man has to now live with the consequences of his actions............mainly that he killed two people. Justified or is going to f*^k up his young psyche and have a profound effect on him.
Mag00 told me I was part of the problem, apparently because I think the kid made a dumb mistake that I would not have made.
I am still waiting for the footage from MrMag00s patriot mission across state lines with his AR or AK..........
The more I learn about the kid, the more I admire him. I'm not sad about the guys he killed...good riddance to the skunks. I am sad that the kid will have to weather this storm. I'm also sad that his Mom has to weather it as well.
I have no reason to think you are part of this problem. I believe when push comes to shove that you will be on the right side.
Ken: You're welcome, and I agree about the surrender note as well.
Additionally, the weapon Rittenhouse was using to protect himself and others never crossed state lines.
As for the rioting, how can it possibly cease without military intervention or having our first legitimate civil war. These scum need to be identified and run straight to the poor house or to dust. And, for those people who think they are poor to begin with, let's recall that they run our governments at all levels...and that's just for starters. Going back to the good old days WILL NEVER HAPPEN without these skunks being beat down to real slave status in more ways than one. And, how do we beat the insane funding that corporations give to our enemies? Like sxsnuf said, "All Americans have a stake in Kenosha, Portland, Chicago, New York, or anywhere else that is under siege by the terrorists masquerading as "protesters ". Now all we need to start doing is something different than what we have done to this point, aside from beating our gums. Maybe our best bet here is that we are on such a course right this moment and once it is set off, there will be no stopping us until it's all said and way or the other...anything short of this will likely end in disaster for our side's way of life.
Maybe he saw that skater creep's GF and decided he'd show how he could stand up to a bunch of them, so he got a little separated from the main mass of armed graffiti cleaners and strutted around with his gun.
That would be a hard pill for them to swallow because low socioeconomic status. Look at the guy who was locked up in Arizona. He apparently did quite a stretch.
A judge and jury may take into account that responsible people should know that these protesters are acting like children and provoking them may be as good as having to shoot them.