Ripped off...police report.
Not sure if this the right section so my apologies in advance if not. Purchased a gun at auction on 9/5 and paid through “cash app”. The seller was relatively new but had 12 solid reviews that looked legit. Got the runaround for weeks as to it being shipped, eventually no further contact from seller. We’re going on almost 2 months and I’m out $4,100 with no rifle. Tried filing a report online for Texas but they sent it back and said to file a report where I’m at (Nevada). Anyone provide advice as to where I should file or other steps to take? I’m sure I’m out the $4,100 but I know the name and relative location of the seller to provide the authorities to hopefully dish out some sort of justice. In Texas, that amount of theft is considered a felony from what I saw. There probably is a bunch of federal laws broken in regards to commerce etc as well. ANY advice is highly appreciated. Never again will I purchase with cash, credit card only in the future. Thanks.
I know where I would take a short vacation.
Was this auction through GunBroker or somewhere else?
GunBroker auction side and Forum side are two totally separate sites. No one on the forum side can help with auction issues.
The forum does not allow discussion of problems and issues of the auction side. It is usually complaining and demanding with a bad attitude to boot. Never ends well for the complainer.
Since you posted in a civil manner, asking for help and advice I'm going to leave this post open.
Review the forum posting guidelines for future ref.
Cash App is an online application for the transfer of funds, like Pay Pal and Venmo. That is what the OP used.
Never heard of Cash App.
checked their FAQ’s.
Q: Is it safe to send money to someone I don’t know?
A: No!
I'm sure with it being this level of money there will be charges against this person you can might take some time, but don't give up and follow it to the very end so they get what is coming to them.
Thanks to everyone including the moderators for their response and understanding. It was a sale. Yeah, it’s a big chunk of change and definitely feel like an idiot for sending cash, but I talked to him on the phone, had his name, number, positive reviews etc. But yeah, still stupid. Normally I would always do a CC transaction for obvious reasons but it is what it is. I’ll give a link to the item I was burned on below. I left my review for his store with my experience for others. It looks like he’s ghosted for now as nothing currently up for sale.
A poster mentioned obituary and jail records, those are excellent ideas. You never know.
I paid for a background check on him and have his current address as well as birthdate. So, at this point, will file a police report with LVMPD (Nevada local), his county in Texas, FBI has a wire fraud/internet crime reporting site, FTC (why not?), and Texas attorney general (THANKS for that link). Further, I have looked up the process for filing suit in his county in small claims court, and have the forms already filled out to submit on Monday. With his address, birthdate, and full name, won’t be hard for the process server to find him I imagine. So if the above don’t work criminally, at least I’ll see what I can do civilly. Guess my next “vacation” is to Texas. Ha
Definitely not giving up on GB site! I get the purpose of it, and there will be bad actors out there always. I actually purchased from an established store in Arizona last month as well and was nothing but positive experience. Hopefully I can browse this forum and discuss other more enjoyable topics in the future. One positive of all this, is I did find this forum while looking for advice/input. Lol So again, thanks to all the help and the moderators for being understanding.
Item link:
Thanks Neal, interesting perspective as well. Yeah, there weren’t any red flags on my end either and he seemed genuine when I spoke with him. If he had a medical issue or emergency then I’ll feel like a real *. Although it has been almost 2 months now and he did assure me it was being shipped on 9/28 before falling silent completely. Anyway, would rather just have the rifle and everyone be happy, maybe something positive will come of this. Also agree, agencies do try to shift responsibility to other agencies and could screw me up in the future.
Not sure ATF would get involved since there was no weapon officially exchanged only the promise of one. But it’s an interesting thought to look at as well. Thanks for the input everyone
"use the Services for the sale of firearms, firearm parts, ammunition, weapons or other devices designed to cause physical harm;" So they will not be of any help. If you have not already, file a Buyers Protection claim with GunBroker at
Hey Capt, Seems I remember an incident where someone used PayPal here on GB for a gun purchase and had their funds seized for violating their terms of service. This was PP not GunPal. The buyer made a big stink about it on the forums wanting GB to reimburse him for his loss which didn't happen.
PayPal is now all over the place for both guns and ammo on GB. Sooner or later PP is going to wise up on this.