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On a positive note...

bigcitybillbigcitybill Member Posts: 4,915 ✭✭✭

Found a wallet on the floor at Kroger today around 430pm. Took it to the customer service desk and asked the lady to read the name on the driver's license and page the man over the PA. No response. Bought my groceries and stopped by the customer service desk on my way out for a status report. The lady says the man called and was overjoyed to learn that the wallet had been recovered and was unmolested. I gave the lady one of my business cards and told her to tell the man I was glad to help. My cell phone rang around 5:15, and it was the owner of the wallet thanking me profusely.

All's well that ends well.

What I find particularly interesting is the unbroken chain of custody after the wallet was dropped.

Another man coming into the store saw the wallet at the same time I did. Actually we almost tripped over it. He suggests that I take it to the office and turn it in, which I do. This is trust/confidence occurrence #1. He trusts me to do the right thing, which I do. I give the wallet to the lady at the desk, trusting her to do the right thing, which she does. Occurrence #2. Wallet and owner are reunited about 45mins after the fact, and just maybe the world is a little bit better place tonight.


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