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OK, guys. Quit calling them "weapons".



  • tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    I agree with much of your last post ArmaliteA4. And you are right about "how much hope". My only hope is that we pro-gun, pro-constitution people will start working as the large powerful group we are (or could be) and that we get smarter and fight our battles the legal way. In a legal battle no one has to be the first to get killed nor do we have to be in great physical shape. This is my only hope.

    Quote "Somehow government decided that the Constitutional Bill of Rights has become the Bill of "Suggested" Rights and are to be rationed to the citizens as the power elite sees fit"
  • gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    OK, Armalite, I have an answer for you about that:

    The most likely time this will happen is when something has happened, and the goons come out of the shadows. Whether it be that Socialist Insecurity collapses, enough people have made a stand against arms confiscations, in the face of something terrible and tragic, or, perhaps, when the system fails, just like it did in USSR.

    Something will trigger it, and leave a lot of people SOL, and with nothing more to lose... ALL AT ONCE.

    ...however, if we do nothing, we are doomed.

    It's the cycle of socialism. Always has been, always will be.

    Death to Tyrants!!!
    Lev 26:14-39

    Remember how many seats were lost after AWB passage? Vae victis!
    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
  • ca_deepdiverca_deepdiver Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Battleships, cruisers, and some destroyers and frigates have guns. The army has field guns. We all have rifles, sidearms, peices, etc. I guess shotguns are called guns. I did love "Homeland Defense Rifles." I'll tell my folks that one as they dont like me owing a pistol. Good times. Later. [8D]
  • mag44pistolmag44pistol Member Posts: 229 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    to say what most have not, no matter what you call them gun, weapon, tool,ect.ect.ect. the anti-gunners are not going to change there point of view and it does not matter to them, there idea is no one has a right to own one, no one, and there out to get them out of our hands not matter what we call them, so I agree frig them, we call them want we want, im not giving another inch to them we just need to stand together and stop and not give any more of our rights away we, our parents, grandparents ect, have fought and died for. the way i see it is if we start to confuse ourselves and loose our way between all of us they win by pass right through our confushion between us and suceed in getting there way.


    If you like my first shot? wait until you see my next!
  • ArmaliteA4ArmaliteA4 Member Posts: 489 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    Someone who agrees with me on how to handle the anti's[:D]
    Thanks Mag44[;)]
  • tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    mag44pistol: by trying to get rid of such terms as "assault weapons" we are not trying to change the anti-gunners minds. That is probably impossible in most cases. We are merely trying to dig ourselves out of a hole the anti-gunners dug for us by slapping the term "assault weapons" on some guns that are not any more dangerous or lethal than other guns in the same caliber, etc.

    By doing this we hope to give us a more level playing field when we actively fight for gun rights. And when we fight we are trying to change the minds of the great middle of the road group of citizens who are either neutral or starting to lean with the anti-gunners. That is the only group worth trying to convince. We pro-gun people are ALREADY convinced. The anti-gun people will NEVER BE CONVINCED. Our only hope is to get the majority of the middle group on our side. And dragging around the term "assault weapons" tagged onto guns we want to keep just makes our presentation that much harder. Kinda like you walking into a court room before a judge and jury to be tried for a case and you are introduced as "Mag44pistol the rapist" The very people you are trying to convince to help you are going to automamtically be against you simply because of your name and the term "rapist" attached to your name.

    Trying to make this change is not wimping out or giving in to the anti-gunners. It is simply a good tactical move just as in a chess game.

    Quote "Somehow government decided that the Constitutional Bill of Rights has become the Bill of "Suggested" Rights and are to be rationed to the citizens as the power elite sees fit"
  • rbks09rbks09 Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    While I do admire the reasoning concerning gun vs. weapon, etc., I cannot call my firearm a gun. This has roots in my Marine Corps basic training in 1970. If anyone dared referring to their rifle or other firearm as a gun, they ended up trotting around with one hand on their "gun" and one on their "weapon", chanting some insane mantra that only an insame Marine D.I. could concoct. Now it is a subconscious decision that I never use the word "gun."
  • tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    rbks09: well, I wouldn't argue with your reasoning about your Marine Corp training, but my point is to not help the anti-gun agenda by casually using the term "Assault" in connection with any rifle or pistol. Or not protesting any anti-gunners statement that some civilian legal guns are more dangerous than others simply because they are semi-automatic, has a pistol grip or a detachable magazine or folding stock. Or even for that matter, a bayonet lug, or flash surpressor. I doubt any crime victims have felt anymore attacked simply because of how the weapon they were shot with might or might not have the features I just mentioned.

    I am just trying to say that we need to stop using "scary" words when referring to our rifles and pistols (see, I didn't use the word "gun"). And we need to protest the use when other people use it because it is not a fair or correct term for any guns the average citizen can legally own. And if we continue to use those hurtful terms, we are merely playing into the hands of the anti-gunners. JMHO

    Quote "Somehow government decided that the Constitutional Bill of Rights has become the Bill of "Suggested" Rights and are to be rationed to the citizens as the power elite sees fit"
  • gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Last I checked, the Marines don't refer to their rifle as a "weapon" anymore than they refer to it as a "gun", either. They are called "rifles". YOU are the weapon. Is this correct?

    Death to Tyrants!!!
    Lev 26:14-39

    Remember how many seats were lost after AWB passage? Vae victis!
    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
  • ArmaliteA4ArmaliteA4 Member Posts: 489 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    on and on and on,,,,,,,,,

    still splitting hairs I see.
    I still think we would ALL better better served fighting the anti's than debating semantics.[;)]
  • gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Semantics is what has sunk us so far. You don't honestly believe the gun controllers are going to tell the truth when they present their cases before the legislature, do you? If they did, there wouldn't be these types of stupid laws in the first place.

    Do what you want, but be ready to suffer the consequences later.

    Death to Tyrants!!!
    Lev 26:14-39

    Remember how many seats were lost after AWB passage? Vae victis!
    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
  • ArmaliteA4ArmaliteA4 Member Posts: 489 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am ready to see what consequences come to pass.
    And, I will surely spend my time and effort on something more important than the "name game"
    You are obviuosly stuck on the short of this issue and will always spend your time on the small picture.
    Obviously, it has not occured to you that you are wasting your time trying to re-word things. It has happened before and not accomplished a damn thing.(gun cotrol to gun safety for example).
    Also, I would bet anything that as long as you allow the anti's to keep your attention on the small issues, they will keep feeding you a bone from time to time. I hope you will understand someday that they are masters of deception, and by keeping your attention on something as stupid as the name game, they will work on their agenda through the mass media.In other words, keep worrying about the small fish while, the shark gets close enough to bite you.
    Good luck......
  • gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's a bigger 'game' than you realize. The name of their game is to sway by deception those who are neutral to the gun vs. disarmament war. They are winning this game, because they are leading people on to the false notion that there are certain things that are intrinsically evil in this world, and that they want them gone, starting with those scary black "assault weapons", that are designed for nothing other than mass killings, drive-by shootings, and sniper shooting. Does this sound familiar?

    I am convinced that those who are, without exception, anti-gun, will not change, and apparently, we agree on that point, Armalite. So, why not bring others that have no feelings on them one way or the other to the range under the pretense of preserving the American Heritage of marksmanship using a rifle or handgun, rather than try to entice them to the dark side with the promise of being able to shoot a nasty black rifle called an "assault weapon"?


    Death to Tyrants!!!
    Lev 26:14-39

    Remember how many seats were lost after AWB passage? Vae victis!
    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
  • ArmaliteA4ArmaliteA4 Member Posts: 489 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    I think we definately DO agree that we should introduce this sport/hobby to new people. I think we also agree that we should talk intelligently and non-passionate about firearms ownership/use to others. As soon as we raise our voice in a conversation to new people, we lose all credibility. I guess we have to disagree on the whole "naming" issue.
    Reckon it won't be the first time I ever disagreed with something or somebody.
    As long as we all do our jobs, we are more than a blip on their radar.[;)]
  • tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    there are important and expensive products on the market that are second best to that which actually sells best. The reason is marketing. Part of Marketing is the language you use to sell your product. The anti-gunners have latched onto some terms (cop-killer bullets, assault weapons, sniper rifles,etc) which have the effect of giving their "product" (gun control) more effective selling than that of us pro-gunners selling "gun-rights". When I am in any kind of battle, excuse me, but I want EACH AND EVERY advantage I can get. Getting rid of the anti-gunners terms that CONVICT US PROGUNNERS JUST BY BEING UTTERED has got to go. Then we can get on to the real fight which I think each and every one of us here agrees on and is involved in. How about throwing us a bone and at least agreeing that at it won't "hurt" gun rights to get rid of those negative terms and it might even help. Then maybe we can get on with the real fight. JMHO.

    Quote "Somehow government decided that the Constitutional Bill of Rights has become the Bill of "Suggested" Rights and are to be rationed to the citizens as the power elite sees fit"
  • budaboybudaboy Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    After reading all the posts here and this being a topic near and dear to my heart as well as all of us here on the form I had to chime in.

    I came from a left wing liberal household, my mother once told me many years ago that I could not take a gun into her house. I then explained to her how this would lead to no visits to her home at all. She did not take that well until I explained to her several facts. I explained to her that a firearm/gun, in her mind weapon, is nothing but an inanimate object and under the control of a human being so it was not the firearm she did not trust but me. I let her see that a lack of trust in me was a lack of trust in her skills as a parent/ mother talk about opening her eyes. I after all was a product of her and my father and the way they raised me. I consider myself a realist and always have. I would like nothing better then to live in a utopian society where guns, weapons of any nature are completely unnecessary but the human race will never allow that. Since the dawn of man weapons have been one of his first tools, from the rock to the sharpened stick. It is sad we have come to a point in life where we rely on others for so many things we should provide ourselves the main one being self defense. When hurricane Andrew hit South Florida and all hell broke loose boy did she see things differently. When she could not flick a switch and get light and turn a faucet on and get clean potable water the light went on in her head. For the first time she understood why I keep candles and matches stocked up. Why I have water purification supplies and know how to use them. Most of all she saw the break down that took place in general and the lawlessness that prevailed. She felt a hell of a lot better knowing that people we knew and trusted where armed and bad that she did not have the skill to defend herself if it came to that. I have been a martial artist and firearm instructor for many years and she could of availed herself to free, quality training anytime she wanted but did not. She still does not like guns but has the sense to ask me when a question comes up and knows that I will give her a sound and correct answer. Now I know some of you are saying "yea but she is your mother" true but she was also one of the resistant liberals that has come to see at least a small bit of light. If my mother can understand and see truth so can others. The key to their understanding is a clear non threatening concise explanation that does not sound like "war talk" or is peppered with harsh or abusive comments or even worse things that make us sound like "war mongering gun nuts". I hate to conform to what others believe, I am my own man and always will be. I was given the free will to choose and think for myself and I exercise it at every opportunity. I do find that I tend to surround myself with people of like mind and tend to have them as friends, as I am sure most of us do. The important thing to remember is that the pen is mightier then the sword and words to carry a certain amount of power good and bad. So if we are to win this war we must better choose our battles and the strategy we use in them. If choosing correct and that does not mean PC terms and words to educate someone who has no idea what the truth is, we will have a much better chance of opening peoples eyes to the truth and not the lies fed to them everyday by the talking heads on the one eyed idiot box. The news media is supposed to be reporting the facts and letting us make up our own minds based on them. Yet when we read the paper or watch the evening news or even worse watch the primetime news shows what we see is opinions and twisted lies that are reported as facts that are designed to sway public opinion. If we are to combat this we need to stay above the lies and defeat them with truth. I have always believed never to argue with an idiot, innocent bystanders cannot tell the difference.

    Some of the things we should remember is there is no such thing as an "assault rifle" in civilian hands, unless they have a permit to own Title II weapons. In modern times the only true assault weapon still in use by an armed force is the AK-47 and its variants. The rest of the world carries battle rifles and carbines in defense of their countries as a standard issue to the bulk of their ground forces. So dropping a term that the anti-gunners made up is no loss to me. I own several firearms of all different types. I have pistols, revolvers, shotguns pump and gas operated, I have rifles in many configurations, bolt, semi-auto, pump action just to name a few. None of these are a weapon but a tool with specific and not so specific jobs. I am the weapon and I choose my tools as needed to meet the requirements of the job at hand. To give a little thought and care in the choice of words you use can make a huge difference in how people will react and accept us for what we are, human beings, with a desire to lead a happy, healthy, secure life. The words we choose can make us appear to be educated, reasonable, smart and most of all connected to others. When we break the connection is when we loose the ability to influence and reach people.

    Lets make it our mission to educate and show people the truth, as we know it to be. The fact that they do not teach civics in school is sad and when they do it tends to be watered down and filled with opinion as fact. The founding fathers where and the Bill of Rights is very clear about what rights we have as humans these rights where not granted to us by any government but are ours by birth and can not be trampled upon by anyone or group. I live in the Republic of the United States of America, where 1% of the population's rights cannot be trampled on by 99% of the population. Democratic ideals are what we live by but make no mistake we are not a democracy we are a republic. Democracy is mob rule by another name. Some things are not voted on because they cannot be taken away and my rights are one of them. Given by my creator and taken by him only in my death.

    Choose your words with care make a new friend share the experience of life and teach the children well this is the way we shall prevail.

    Now I shall step down off my soap box as it is wash day and this has gotten a bit long in the tooth.

    If it can cut, kill or maim, I want two.
  • WoundedWolfWoundedWolf Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Amen, Budaboy.

    "History will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." -Gandhi
  • ArmaliteA4ArmaliteA4 Member Posts: 489 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Very well said Budaboy.....[:D][8D]

    I still stand by my posts and I will not bend to them anymore.
    I am DONE is time to start grabbing those kumbaya singing, circle jerking, freaks the way out the door. Period[}:)]

    But I did enjoy reading your post and thanks for the insight. Welcome aboard[;)]

    You may take the most gallant sailor,the most intrepid airman,or the most audacious soldier,put them together at a table.
    What do you get?
    The sum of their fears
    -Winston Churchhill
  • budaboybudaboy Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thank you Woundedwolf and Armalite for the welcome.

    I will always respect someones right to agree or disagree with me or anyone else, jusat wanted to get my two cents in. I will never bend to anyones will, for I am my own man and will stand or fall as that man.

    Let's face it the only way they want us to bend, is over. All I was and am saying is that it is not bending to anyone but making a choice to use a better selection of terms that are more acurate and better suited to those that do not understand the truth.In this way we can at least get them to listen with an open mind and heart and shed some much needed light on a very dark subject. Freedom first, freedom always and never anything less.

    I tend to shy away from some political debates on forums because I believe in total freedom. It is not for me to judge others and the personal choices they make. I make my choices and live with them every day. I am just sick and tired of people talking about freedom when what they really mean is freedom for what they believe and not freedom for everyone. It was said best many moons ago "Don't Tread On Me". I would never be first to commit a violent act but if violence is forced upon me I will deal it back in spades. I wish people would stop whining when they make bad choices and get called on to the carpet for them. Learn and start to make better choices and shut up and take what you earned good and or bad. Then again my grandfather once said wish in one hand and S*@T in the other and see which one fills up first. Lets just say I have had to wash my hands many many times.Once again I will step off the soap box and get back to my dirty laundry.

    If it can cut, kill or maim, I want two.
  • ArmaliteA4ArmaliteA4 Member Posts: 489 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Amen bro...[:D][8D]

    Guns up!!!!!![;)]

    You may take the most gallant sailor,the most intrepid airman,or the most audacious soldier,put them together at a table.
    What do you get?
    The sum of their fears
    -Winston Churchhill
  • Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    I refer to them as 'personal protection devices'.[^]
    Or my 'game harvesting tools'.[^]

    Self defence is an ablsolute and natural right. Keep your powder dry! J. Rau, Alaska
  • americanboyamericanboy Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited November -1

    That was alot of reading. For the most part I think we are reading way too much into the 2nd amendment. I think what it really boils down to is that if you are a law abiding citizen of this free nation, then you should not be restricted in any way from purchasing anything if you have the money to purchase it. The State and Federal Governments have way too much power, and we have only ourselves to blame. We allowed them to get away with it, by not holding their feet to the fire. They should vote how we tell them to, period. They afterall are "our" representatives. If we dont want anti-gun laws to limit our personal freedoms, we should make our representatives vote the way the majority says to vote. If they dont, a special election is easy to arrange, and then vote them out. Bottom line up front. I am a law abiding citizen, I should be able to purchase a home, a car, a gun or a weed wacker if I so choose, without limitations of any type. At one time, this was a free country. We used to be able to hunt and fish in the steams and woods without a license, who in God's name started the Government control of licensing. Vehicle registration, more Gov control, a Drivers license, more control, a weapons registration or a permit, more control. These are all forms of government control and they amount to retrictions on personal freedoms, no matter how you look at them or what you call them.

    If you allow Kerry to get in, you will really see control!!!!

    Al Harig
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    quote:If you allow Kerry to get in, you will really see control!!!!

    I assume that your have had your head up in the clouds..and missed the steady movements towards total control no matter which party or person in control ?

    quote:For the most part I think we are reading way too much into the 2nd amendment.

    I don't believe we could EVER read 'too much' into the Second Amendment...since all the freedoms we enjoy stem from that couple dozen words..
  • longhunterlonghunter Member Posts: 3,242
    edited November -1
    True words Highball my friend......A welcome to you budaboy and the others that r showin up.Nice to see some new faces round.....I garee with the others armalite...while I do agree with what you say(because that is the way it SHOULD be) I agree with them because that is the way that it is..You do not have to convince me,or others of like mind,we must convince those on the fence/Some of them are hand wringin types but if we could belay the fear,they may see some things OUR way.FEAR is the weapon that is driving the anti-gun agenda,They use it as a tool to furthur their aims.We must disarm that fear(IMHO),and if that means speaking differently amoung them ,so be it.I can yap and cuss out with the guys,but don't in mixed company etc.Same idea.....anyhow it is always good to readYour thoughts and opinions.....L.H.
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