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New help ID gun part.

bambambambambambam Member Posts: 4,814 ✭✭✭
This is a broken piece from my CVA BP trappers pistol. I'm not sure of the part name, think it's called a tumbler?


I think there is a piece broke off where I made the arrow. The hammer will not lock back now & when I took it apart I saw the freshly broken area.



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    firstharmonicfirstharmonic Member Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The full cock notch is broken off. And yes, that's called a tumbler. Looks like there might have been a fly installed as well. Willing to bet that that lock still "catches" on half cock.

    All of CVA's sidelock-style spare parts inventory was bought out by Deer Creek Products. They don't have a web site; you'll have to call them at(765) 525-6181. Good luck with your project.
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    bambambambambambam Member Posts: 4,814 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks fish![^]
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    hillbillehillbille Member Posts: 14,252 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you have no luck, you may try, Cains outdoors, in Williamstown WV, just google the name they work almost exclusively on muzzleloaders.
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    Chief ShawayChief Shaway Member, Moderator Posts: 6,223 ******
    edited November -1
    PrairieLand Rendezvous is in a couple of weeks. You might be able to find one there.
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    bambambambambambam Member Posts: 4,814 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Chief Shaway
    PrairieLand Rendezvous is in a couple of weeks. You might be able to find one there.


    I haven't been for a few years. Bill Wagahoff was the one that turned me onto BP.
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    Chief ShawayChief Shaway Member, Moderator Posts: 6,223 ******
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bambambam
    quote:Originally posted by Chief Shaway
    PrairieLand Rendezvous is in a couple of weeks. You might be able to find one there.


    I haven't been for a few years. Bill Wagahoff was the one that turned me onto BP.

    I believe the last weekend in April. I remember Wags. Very nice guy. I grew up camping there. Haven't camped in quite a few years but still go down an visit.
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