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So, how was your 2012.....rate it one to Ten

William81William81 Member Posts: 24,751 ✭✭✭✭
edited January 2013 in General Discussion
10 being perfect and 1 meaning sucks....

Mine was an 7. The death of my FIL was a great loss. But for the most part this was a decent year.

How about you......

Here's to all of us having a blessed 2013 !!!!!!!


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    RustyBonesRustyBones Member Posts: 4,956
    edited November -1
    10. Life has been good. [:D]
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    MVPMVP Member Posts: 25,074
    edited November -1
    Several things that I can not control turned out bad and the things I can control have all turned out great.

    So I rate my controllable life a 10 and the stuff I can't control a 1 for an average of an overall 5[:D]
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    KEVD18KEVD18 Member Posts: 15,037
    edited November -1

    im still struggling to find my place in the world post accident. i cant work as an emt or sailor any longer, or at least not yet although i am improving.

    my best friend, who i told you guys died in my living room 10-16-10, remains deceased and while ive made peace with that, life isnt the same without him.

    i met, fell in love with, and lost the girl of my dreams, the one, HER. clearly she felt otherwise or we'd still be together as true love conquers all, so that has to be considered; but at the end of the day the girl i know would complete my life walks the earth with(im assuming) another.

    i go to work every day that i hate with an all consuming passion that grows every single day. i literally hate my job a little bit more every day i have to go do it. efforts to find another job thats more fulfilling have been unsuccessful(for the aforementioned reason). i cant seem to find my way clear.

    im fundamentally unhappy with my life at a basic core level. not just work or the broad or whatever. im unhappy with who i am as a person and the life im living and i find myself impotent to affect positive change on the circumstances which define my life. i hopelessly wander the earth with no direction and no shining light to inspire me.

    yeah, so thats pretty much my year in a nutshell. probably not what you wanted out of this thread, but you caught me at a moment when i felt like unloading.
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    William81William81 Member Posts: 24,751 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by KEVD18

    im still struggling to find my place in the world post accident. i cant work as an emt or sailor any longer, or at least not yet although i am improving.

    my best friend, who i told you guys died in my living room 10-16-10, remains deceased and while ive made peace with that, life isnt the same without him.

    i met, fell in love with, and lost the girl of my dreams, the one, HER. clearly she felt otherwise or we'd still be together as true love conquers all, so that has to be considered; but at the end of the day the girl i know would complete my life walks the earth with(im assuming) another.

    i go to work every day that i hate with an all consuming passion that grows every single day. i literally hate my job a little bit more every day i have to go do it. efforts to find another job thats more fulfilling have been unsuccessful(for the aforementioned reason). i cant seem to find my way clear.

    im fundamentally unhappy with my life at a basic core level. not just work or the broad or whatever. im unhappy with who i am as a person and the life im living and i find myself impotent to affect positive change on the circumstances which define my life. i hopelessly wander the earth with no direction and no shining light to inspire me.

    yeah, so thats pretty much my year in a nutshell. probably not what you wanted out of this thread, but you caught me at a moment when i felt like unloading.

    I am sorry things are not the best for you at this time. I pray 2013 will be better and life will come into focus for you.
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    Old-ColtsOld-Colts Member Posts: 22,700 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    9.5; at 67 I have a few more aches than I used to, so I'll probably never see a 10 again. However, regardless of the aches, it's nice to be on the sunny side of the grass! [:D]

    If you can't feel the music; it's only pink noise!

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    whiteclouderwhiteclouder Member Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Finished another book, met some new people, family's doing well. I'd rate it a 9.

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    IdahoboundIdahobound Member Posts: 20,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I will give it a 8.
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    Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    2012 has been a tough year for me, and one that has made me face impending changes.

    Another major health challenge for my mother, as well as her financial situation going downhill due to interest rates.
    Both of those impacted, or are going to impact me before the end of next year.

    Worst for myself personally, is my deteriorating work abilities due to my back, neck, and knees.
    I am coming to the conclusion that I am going to have to shut my business down unless a miracle takes place before too long.

    I am blessed monetarily, but have no desire to be 'virtually' disabled at my age.[V]

    A number of good things happened as well, so I give it a 7 overall.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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    Old.22BoltsOld.22Bolts Member Posts: 6,032
    edited November -1
    8 out of 10 for me but it ain't over yet
    so there's still time for improvement....[:D]
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    mark christianmark christian Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 24,456 ******
    edited November -1

    In the previous years I was having quite a bit of trouble with my left arm but now, after three surgeries, it seems to be fine and this has really improved my quality of life. A few investments did not pan out (I am a member of to a very large club) but my health is great, I did a lot of traveling this year and I am ready to enter 2013 at full speed.
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    oldrideroldrider Member Posts: 4,934 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Saw a muslim get re-elected, saw our gun rights being threatened, lost part of the sight in my right eye.

    Everything else ig going great, I'll give it a nine.
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    mark christianmark christian Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 24,456 ******
    edited November -1
    What happened to your eye and is there any chance that your vision can be restored?
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    mlincolnmlincoln Member Posts: 5,039 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by KEVD18

    im still struggling to find my place in the world post accident. i cant work as an emt or sailor any longer, or at least not yet although i am improving.

    my best friend, who i told you guys died in my living room 10-16-10, remains deceased and while ive made peace with that, life isnt the same without him.

    i met, fell in love with, and lost the girl of my dreams, the one, HER. clearly she felt otherwise or we'd still be together as true love conquers all, so that has to be considered; but at the end of the day the girl i know would complete my life walks the earth with(im assuming) another.

    i go to work every day that i hate with an all consuming passion that grows every single day. i literally hate my job a little bit more every day i have to go do it. efforts to find another job thats more fulfilling have been unsuccessful(for the aforementioned reason). i cant seem to find my way clear.

    im fundamentally unhappy with my life at a basic core level. not just work or the broad or whatever. im unhappy with who i am as a person and the life im living and i find myself impotent to affect positive change on the circumstances which define my life. i hopelessly wander the earth with no direction and no shining light to inspire me.

    yeah, so thats pretty much my year in a nutshell. probably not what you wanted out of this thread, but you caught me at a moment when i felt like unloading.

    Dude, you're having a rough go of it. I'm very sorry to hear that. I will offer some advice.

    Regarding your health and so much else, time will fix a lot of it. Be it weeks or months or years, if you're doing your physical therapy and following doctor's orders and eating right and keeping your weight down, you'll slowly get better.

    I know how daunting recovering from a serious injury can be. What has helped me is going to a calendar and circling a date two months or four months or six months in the future. I could then look at that date and know that by the time I get there I'll be a lot better. A lot of the pain will have gone away and I'll be able to do a lot more than I can know. Sometimes simply looking at that date and knowing that it will come helped me a great deal.

    I followed doctor's orders and did my PT religiously and I got a lot of it back. As the surgeon told me--and he was right--I did not get back to 100%. That happens. The body is not like a machine where you can just swap in a new part and everything will be as good as new. I did get back to 90%, and I learned to accept that there are some things I just can't do anymore. I have memories of doing those things, but I can't do them anymore. I can sit around and think about the things I used to be able to do and feel bad, or I can think about the things I can do and feel happy about them.

    I would also urge you to never use terms like "the one" when talking about women. It's just--and I don't mean to be rude--idiotic. There are 3,000,000,000 women in this world, and there are many who could be wonderful girlfriends and wives. Saying that there's "the one" out there means that the other 2,999,999,999 are no good for you. Don't be silly. I've dated a lot of women and five I could have seen myself marrying. Molly was very bright and pretty but neurotic. Carrie was very pretty but kind of dumb. Michelle was attractive and bright but afraid of the big wide world. The point is that any of these women had good and bad points, and with love and respect any one of them would have made me a good wife. Saying things like "the one" is buying into silly Hollywood unrealistic ideas about relationships and the world.

    Finally, you should realize that happiness is a choice. Nobody and nothing can make you unhappy or happy. It's a choice. There are people in this world with their health and friends and great wealth who are unhappy because they don't have more. There are people just scraping by who have a smile on their faces. It's a choice.

    Years ago I worked in a butcher shop. We'd trim the fat of the hanging beef and throw it in these big barrels. Once full we'd muscle them outside and put them next to the dumpster. The lids never stayed on and in the August heat the fat would get incredibly hot and smelly. Clouds of flies would swarm around it, and maggots were everywhere. Every two weeks a fellow would come and would dump the fat in his truck. I simply couldn't imagine what an awful job that was, and one day I ran inside and got him a cold Coke out of the machine. I brought it out to him as he stood there in the 100 degree heat and clouds of flies, and I gave it to him. His face lit up like the Fourth of the July, and he stood there and enjoyed that Coke with all that mess swirling around him. That fellow decided to be happy, to enjoy a cold Coke even with all the awfulness around him.

    Finally--and again, you'll never see this in a Hollywood movie--you need to muddle through. Get up everyday and give it a shot. Accept that if you do 85% of what you want to do, you'll have done pretty well. Accept that you're going to struggle and things won't always be pretty. Get up and do it. As a young man in Boy Scouts I remember one incredibly long hike we took. We started at 5 PM and walked for 35 miles straight. After 15 miles I was very tired and miserable. I changed my shoes, rubbed my feet, tried to think of other things. After 25 I was a mess. I was staggering along, stopping and starting, and even started crying. My scoutmasters urged me to keep going. I finally finished and was all embarassed at how I'd struggled. I'd been wobbling along and crying. "The important thing," my scoutmaster told me, "is that you kept going. That's all that matters." He was a wise fellow. So muddle through, Kev. You'll get there.
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    jltrentjltrent Member Posts: 9,237 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    9, probably give it a 10 if I hadn't had my head over the commode 6 times last night throwing up with a virus. I still feel bad. Dang KEVD18 you have no way to go but up.
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    bhale187bhale187 Member Posts: 7,798
    edited November -1

    work is not the best and looking worse, but I'm still gainfully employed and everything else in life has been wonderful. I'm blessed to have a job at all in the troubled economy of today. Everyday on Earth with my family and friends is such a great blessing that little things like work just don't matter that much so long as I have a way to support my family. As a friend of mine says 'work is just an 8 hour inconvienence' (that's assuming you're lucky enough to have an 8 hour a day job).
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    Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mlincoln
    quote:Originally posted by KEVD18

    im still struggling to find my place in the world post accident. i cant work as an emt or sailor any longer, or at least not yet although i am improving.

    my best friend, who i told you guys died in my living room 10-16-10, remains deceased and while ive made peace with that, life isnt the same without him.

    i met, fell in love with, and lost the girl of my dreams, the one, HER. clearly she felt otherwise or we'd still be together as true love conquers all, so that has to be considered; but at the end of the day the girl i know would complete my life walks the earth with(im assuming) another.

    i go to work every day that i hate with an all consuming passion that grows every single day. i literally hate my job a little bit more every day i have to go do it. efforts to find another job thats more fulfilling have been unsuccessful(for the aforementioned reason). i cant seem to find my way clear.

    im fundamentally unhappy with my life at a basic core level. not just work or the broad or whatever. im unhappy with who i am as a person and the life im living and i find myself impotent to affect positive change on the circumstances which define my life. i hopelessly wander the earth with no direction and no shining light to inspire me.

    yeah, so thats pretty much my year in a nutshell. probably not what you wanted out of this thread, but you caught me at a moment when i felt like unloading.

    Dude, you're having a rough go of it. I'm very sorry to hear that. I will offer some advice.

    Regarding your health and so much else, time will fix a lot of it. Be it weeks or months or years, if you're doing your physical therapy and following doctor's orders and eating right and keeping your weight down, you'll slowly get better.

    I know how daunting recovering from a serious injury can be. What has helped me is going to a calendar and circling a date two months or four months or six months in the future. I could then look at that date and know that by the time I get there I'll be a lot better. A lot of the pain will have gone away and I'll be able to do a lot more than I can know. Sometimes simply looking at that date and knowing that it will come helped me a great deal.

    I followed doctor's orders and did my PT religiously and I got a lot of it back. As the surgeon told me--and he was right--I did not get back to 100%. That happens. The body is not like a machine where you can just swap in a new part and everything will be as good as new. I did get back to 90%, and I learned to accept that there are some things I just can't do anymore. I have memories of doing those things, but I can't do them anymore. I can sit around and think about the things I used to be able to do and feel bad, or I can think about the things I can do and feel happy about them.

    I would also urge you to never use terms like "the one" when talking about women. It's just--and I don't mean to be rude--idiotic. There are 3,000,000,000 women in this world, and there are many who could be wonderful girlfriends and wives. Saying that there's "the one" out there means that the other 2,999,999,999 are no good for you. Don't be silly. I've dated a lot of women and five I could have seen myself marrying. Molly was very bright and pretty but neurotic. Carrie was very pretty but kind of dumb. Michelle was attractive and bright but afraid of the big wide world. The point is that any of these women had good and bad points, and with love and respect any one of them would have made me a good wife. Saying things like "the one" is buying into silly Hollywood unrealistic ideas about relationships and the world.

    Finally, you should realize that happiness is a choice. Nobody and nothing can make you unhappy or happy. It's a choice. There are people in this world with their health and friends and great wealth who are unhappy because they don't have more. There are people just scraping by who have a smile on their faces. It's a choice.

    Years ago I worked in a butcher shop. We'd trim the fat of the hanging beef and throw it in these big barrels. Once full we'd muscle them outside and put them next to the dumpster. The lids never stayed on and in the August heat the fat would get incredibly hot and smelly. Clouds of flies would swarm around it, and maggots were everywhere. Every two weeks a fellow would come and would dump the fat in his truck. I simply couldn't imagine what an awful job that was, and one day I ran inside and got him a cold Coke out of the machine. I brought it out to him as he stood there in the 100 degree heat and clouds of flies, and I gave it to him. His face lit up like the Fourth of the July, and he stood there and enjoyed that Coke with all that mess swirling around him. That fellow decided to be happy, to enjoy a cold Coke even with all the awfulness around him.

    Finally--and again, you'll never see this in a Hollywood movie--you need to muddle through. Get up everyday and give it a shot. Accept that if you do 85% of what you want to do, you'll have done pretty well. Accept that you're going to struggle and things won't always be pretty. Get up and do it. As a young man in Boy Scouts I remember one incredibly long hike we took. We started at 5 PM and walked for 35 miles straight. After 15 miles I was very tired and miserable. I changed my shoes, rubbed my feet, tried to think of other things. After 25 I was a mess. I was staggering along, stopping and starting, and even started crying. My scoutmasters urged me to keep going. I finally finished and was all embarassed at how I'd struggled. I'd been wobbling along and crying. "The important thing," my scoutmaster told me, "is that you kept going. That's all that matters." He was a wise fellow. So muddle through, Kev. You'll get there.

    Very nice post there, and lots of good advice.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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    MudderChuckMudderChuck Member Posts: 4,105
    edited November -1
    I'd say I'm treading water, not making much headway, not loosing much ground. Lost another friend, but at my age that it is to be expected, the shelves are getting pretty bare in the friend department. My kids seem to be doing well all things considered. I'm financially stable.

    I'd say 4.9-5.1

    I did get hit on by a thirty something hotty. A temporary 8.0 that was good for the old ego.[:D]
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    bhale187bhale187 Member Posts: 7,798
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mlincoln
    "The important thing," my scoutmaster told me, "is that you kept going. That's all that matters." He was a wise fellow. So muddle through, Kev. You'll get there.

    Sage words ideed.

    Hang in there Kev
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    MVPMVP Member Posts: 25,074
    edited November -1
    If it is any consolation KevD, I always think you are a good person and have a good head on your shoulders. I hope things will improve for you in the coming year.
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    Bubba Jr.Bubba Jr. Member Posts: 8,241 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you take into consideration the election, and the general state of this country, I'd have to rate it a big fat 0. [:(][:(][:(]

    Personally, with the health issues I've gone through, I'd rate it about an 8.

    But everything considered, we're retired, warm, well fed, financially secure, and living in our dream home, so it could be a lot worse.
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    woodhogwoodhog Member Posts: 13,115 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    KevD18 I say this in all seriousness. You need to get laid, and you need to go on a road trip, at least a 4 day trip. Immediatly
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    retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Given that I'm capable of responding to this : 10
    Consider my finances : 7
    Consider my loss of Bea-Jay : 2
    Consider the near loss of Oreo : 8
    Consider my position as to employment : 5
    Consider my love of family : 9
    Consider my friends who are still around : 10
    Consider my optimistic outlook for 2013 : 7

    Considering it ALL together : ~7.25

    That's actually better than I thought it would be...
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    jltrentjltrent Member Posts: 9,237 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by retroxler58
    Given that I'm capable of responding to this : 10
    Consider my finances : 7
    Consider my loss of Bea-Jay : 2
    Consider the near loss of Oreo : 8
    Consider my position as to employment : 5
    Consider my love of family : 9
    Consider my friends who are still around : 10
    Consider my optimistic outlook for 2013 : 7

    Considering it ALL together : ~7.25

    That's actually better than I thought it would be...

    That is a lot of considering.
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    retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by woodhog
    KevD18 I say this in all seriousness. You need to get laid, and you need to go on a road trip, at least a 4 day trip. Immediatly
    I'd second that... Even for Kev.
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    retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jltrent
    quote:Originally posted by retroxler58
    Given that I'm capable of responding to this : 10
    Consider my finances : 7
    Consider my loss of Bea-Jay : 2
    Consider the near loss of Oreo : 8
    Consider my position as to employment : 5
    Consider my love of family : 9
    Consider my friends who are still around : 10
    Consider my optimistic outlook for 2013 : 7

    Considering it ALL together : ~7.25

    That's actually better than I thought it would be...

    That is a lot of considering.
    What can I say... I try to consider ALL the facets of the situation.
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    p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 25,750
    edited November -1
    9. It would have been a 10, but the election sucked.
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    armilitearmilite Member Posts: 35,483 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Had to many highs and lows so I'll have to say a 5. But when I'm on here it's always at least an 8.[;)]
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    retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    quote:Originally posted by mlincoln
    quote:Originally posted by KEVD18

    im still struggling to find my place in the world post accident. i cant work as an emt or sailor any longer, or at least not yet although i am improving.

    my best friend, who i told you guys died in my living room 10-16-10, remains deceased and while ive made peace with that, life isnt the same without him.

    i met, fell in love with, and lost the girl of my dreams, the one, HER. clearly she felt otherwise or we'd still be together as true love conquers all, so that has to be considered; but at the end of the day the girl i know would complete my life walks the earth with(im assuming) another.

    i go to work every day that i hate with an all consuming passion that grows every single day. i literally hate my job a little bit more every day i have to go do it. efforts to find another job thats more fulfilling have been unsuccessful(for the aforementioned reason). i cant seem to find my way clear.

    im fundamentally unhappy with my life at a basic core level. not just work or the broad or whatever. im unhappy with who i am as a person and the life im living and i find myself impotent to affect positive change on the circumstances which define my life. i hopelessly wander the earth with no direction and no shining light to inspire me.

    yeah, so thats pretty much my year in a nutshell. probably not what you wanted out of this thread, but you caught me at a moment when i felt like unloading.

    Dude, you're having a rough go of it. I'm very sorry to hear that. I will offer some advice.

    Regarding your health and so much else, time will fix a lot of it. Be it weeks or months or years, if you're doing your physical therapy and following doctor's orders and eating right and keeping your weight down, you'll slowly get better.

    I know how daunting recovering from a serious injury can be. What has helped me is going to a calendar and circling a date two months or four months or six months in the future. I could then look at that date and know that by the time I get there I'll be a lot better. A lot of the pain will have gone away and I'll be able to do a lot more than I can know. Sometimes simply looking at that date and knowing that it will come helped me a great deal.

    I followed doctor's orders and did my PT religiously and I got a lot of it back. As the surgeon told me--and he was right--I did not get back to 100%. That happens. The body is not like a machine where you can just swap in a new part and everything will be as good as new. I did get back to 90%, and I learned to accept that there are some things I just can't do anymore. I have memories of doing those things, but I can't do them anymore. I can sit around and think about the things I used to be able to do and feel bad, or I can think about the things I can do and feel happy about them.

    I would also urge you to never use terms like "the one" when talking about women. It's just--and I don't mean to be rude--idiotic. There are 3,000,000,000 women in this world, and there are many who could be wonderful girlfriends and wives. Saying that there's "the one" out there means that the other 2,999,999,999 are no good for you. Don't be silly. I've dated a lot of women and five I could have seen myself marrying. Molly was very bright and pretty but neurotic. Carrie was very pretty but kind of dumb. Michelle was attractive and bright but afraid of the big wide world. The point is that any of these women had good and bad points, and with love and respect any one of them would have made me a good wife. Saying things like "the one" is buying into silly Hollywood unrealistic ideas about relationships and the world.

    Finally, you should realize that happiness is a choice. Nobody and nothing can make you unhappy or happy. It's a choice. There are people in this world with their health and friends and great wealth who are unhappy because they don't have more. There are people just scraping by who have a smile on their faces. It's a choice.

    Years ago I worked in a butcher shop. We'd trim the fat of the hanging beef and throw it in these big barrels. Once full we'd muscle them outside and put them next to the dumpster. The lids never stayed on and in the August heat the fat would get incredibly hot and smelly. Clouds of flies would swarm around it, and maggots were everywhere. Every two weeks a fellow would come and would dump the fat in his truck. I simply couldn't imagine what an awful job that was, and one day I ran inside and got him a cold Coke out of the machine. I brought it out to him as he stood there in the 100 degree heat and clouds of flies, and I gave it to him. His face lit up like the Fourth of the July, and he stood there and enjoyed that Coke with all that mess swirling around him. That fellow decided to be happy, to enjoy a cold Coke even with all the awfulness around him.

    Finally--and again, you'll never see this in a Hollywood movie--you need to muddle through. Get up everyday and give it a shot. Accept that if you do 85% of what you want to do, you'll have done pretty well. Accept that you're going to struggle and things won't always be pretty. Get up and do it. As a young man in Boy Scouts I remember one incredibly long hike we took. We started at 5 PM and walked for 35 miles straight. After 15 miles I was very tired and miserable. I changed my shoes, rubbed my feet, tried to think of other things. After 25 I was a mess. I was staggering along, stopping and starting, and even started crying. My scoutmasters urged me to keep going. I finally finished and was all embarassed at how I'd struggled. I'd been wobbling along and crying. "The important thing," my scoutmaster told me, "is that you kept going. That's all that matters." He was a wise fellow. So muddle through, Kev. You'll get there.

    Very nice post there, and lots of good advice.
    Yep... Agreed.
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    bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,664 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It was a 10, I am still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Money wise a .005 but that will get better, Obama said so. [:0]
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    ZinderblocZinderbloc Member Posts: 925 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had a good year. 9 out of 10 for 2012.
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    rongrong Member Posts: 8,459
    edited November -1
    10+. This past week, I received news
    that I'll be hunting the woods
    for years to come.
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    big genobig geno Member Posts: 2,685 ✭✭
    edited November -1
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    Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,741 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'll give mine a 4.

    I don't know what this IRS mess will bring, but nothing having to do with them is ever easy. I can only imagine that my 2013 will be just as horrific because of them.

    The past election was almost as depressing. I really hope this country makes a turn toward the light very soon.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
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    poppaleepoppalee Member Posts: 1,239 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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    lkanneslkannes Member Posts: 2,269 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I rate mine a solid 5. Hope to make some serious changes this year.
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    select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,453 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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    skicatskicat Member Posts: 14,431
    edited November -1
    Started at a 3

    Improved to a strong 6

    Changed some fundemental things in my life and met some new people. Good people.

    I will make 2013 better than 2012 in spite of what they are doing to my country.
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    Lucky_LeftyLucky_Lefty Member Posts: 7,971
    edited November -1
    I will give it a 7, got divorced, and sold all my firearms. that makes it a 3 but bet a really nice woman and bought some new evil firearms, and I got a house to myself and a dog. so 7 is fair.
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    armilitearmilite Member Posts: 35,483 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Lucky_Lefty
    I will give it a 7, got divorced, and sold all my firearms. that makes it a 3 but bet a really nice woman and bought some new evil firearms, and I got a house to myself and a dog. so 7 is fair.

    Great to see your fortunes have turned around. [;)]
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    KEVD18KEVD18 Member Posts: 15,037
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by woodhog
    KevD18 I say this in all seriousness. You need to get laid, and you need to go on a road trip, at least a 4 day trip. Immediatly

    I can do the first half of that anytime I like, and have. It's just hollow and meaningless.

    A trip would be nice, but I have enough funds in any given week to get perhaps to the next town. I'd love to hop in a car or even better a bike and see where the road takes me, but I just can't swing it.

    Thanks for the kind words guys. Eventually I'll work it all out I suppose. I'm not quite sure how, but I'm sure someday I'll be happy...
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