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Turkey Kill

Chief ShawayChief Shaway Member, Moderator Posts: 6,199 ******
I shot this bird on the 19th.
23 lbs, 10 1/4" Beard, 1" spurs. 
I called him in from about 500 yards. 
He had a buddy with him. 
I had been using diaphragm calls that my son had gotten me for Christmas. 
When they got behind me, I switched to the push button call. 
I've never used it. It was my Dad's. I had just put it in my vest the night before for some reason. 
Every time I used it, they gobbled and came closer. 
The last time I called, one was directly behind me and one to my left, which is where I was set up to shoot. 
The one to left stepped out into the field and at 16 yards got a 3" load of #6 copper plated pellets from my Benelli Super 90. 
great hunt and great memories. 


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