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My Lord, my lord, what have we done?



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    thunderboltthunderbolt Member Posts: 6,038 ✭✭✭
    The problem is all the mail in ballots that keep pouring in.  No way to tell if they are legit or not.  A bunch were turned in that
    only had the presidential election marked and all were for Biden.  What Democrat wouldn't fill out the rest of the ballot?
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    dreherdreher Member Posts: 8,825 ✭✭✭✭
    I hate sounding stupid but what does RCH mean??
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    KenK/84BravoKenK/84Bravo Member Posts: 12,054 ✭✭✭✭

    Bingo thunderbolt.

    The Mail In (No ID required) was the easiest avenue for fraud this Election cycle.

    I believe we are seeing it come to fruition, in these final days.

    "Democrats predominently Vote by Mail, While Republicans choose to show up in person and Vote on Election day." Hearing that over and over, as an explanation as to the disparity of Party choice, in these Mail In ballots.

    Guess with Votes are now being counted with an 8020% split, all leaning Democrat? When it really matters.

    The fix is in.

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    medic07medic07 Member Posts: 5,222 ✭✭✭
    This is just my opinion...does not mean I am right or wrong...just what I see in the current state of the US.
    Older (read conservative) people are on the decline.  We are outnumbered by the younger generation (say 18-30) who are falling into one of the following areas:
    1. College students
    2. Newly into the workforce (with or without a degree) and at the lower end of the pay scale
    3. Single or married with no children.
    Those citizens are a major player in the voting this year and they tend to vote more liberal as that is the philosophy they are exposed to in college and in the media.  They are promised things like $15/hour pay, free medical, free housing, free food, etc.  They believe this is a basic human right.  They will vote for the party that offers that.
    These same people in about 15 years or so will become conservatives once they have advanced up their career path and have a house and family.  They will be paying a mortgage and trying to put money back for college for their children (because they will have discovered the "free college education" that was put in place (if it really happens at all) is not considered as good as a private college education that you pay for.
    They will see their paychecks impacted by the increased taxes to pay for all these social equality programs and start wondering where their money has gone to and what it was used for.
    They will start to understand personal responsibility and you may see the pendulum swing back to the conservative side for a good 12-16 years until once again the youth outnumber the older conservatives.
    At least that is how I see it.  I know that in my circle of people, the older crowd is outnumbered almost 4:1 by their children and many of their children are hard left because that is what they are seeing and hearing in college and in the media.  The youth are very tech savvy and the left has been a master at using the media and social platforms to their advantage.
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    serfserf Member Posts: 9,217 ✭✭✭✭
         It will be too late to save the 2nd amendment even if they wised up. Once they got them your had. There is no going back just like after 9/11 and all the so called patriots acts that said they would have sunset deadlines and expire. The FISA court will never be dissolve and if it did it would be a cold day in hell. An all knowing seeing eye has been in place in perpetually here in The USA.
    • constantly.
    • endlessly.
    • always.
    • forever.
    • continuously.
    • everlastingly.
    • permanently.
    • unceasingly.

    They will see their paychecks impacted by the increased taxes to pay for all these social equality programs and start wondering where their money has gone to and what it was used for.
    They will start to understand personal responsibility and you may see the pendulum swing back to the conservative side for a good 12-16 years until once again the youth outnumber the older conservatives.

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