State Rights vs Federal Rights on Election Laws
Looks like The liberal Guardian Website is pushing for Federal rights in all state elections manners and blaming The Republicans Big money to control free elections. They fail to recognize they buy votes too with big Money!
The only problem they got now after allocating big money for either Big Business Tax cuts or Socialism giveaways while enriching themselves with back door investments neither can say one party is better than another when Inflation is rampant and a huge national debt over 31 trillion in debt keeps increasing!
The Federal Reserve is in the same situation (bank wise) as The Bank of England to control their respective management of sound money! All this propaganda below is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Looks like a huge conundrum only a hot nuclear war could eerr.. could help hide their transgressions. Out of Chaos comes order.
Recent US history shows how spectacularly effective rightwing funders, representing wealthy Americans and corporations, have been in essentially buying control over our political system. These forces correctly perceive that if democracy is allowed to exist in an unfettered and neutral way, then corporate profits will be diminished and the powerful fossil fuel industry will be phased out over time. So they are organizing to prevent that from happening.
The article was leftist Marxist bilge. No wonder DEMOCRATs worry. Should come as no secret these Marxists want to federalize elections. From the DEMOCRAT point of view, the US Constitution is anti democracy.
Also big money is in tech, banks and financiers, not as stated in the article and aforementioned are DEMOCRAT party controllers.
The Dems tryed to federalize with HR1 after election did not pass
The media is so untrustworthy anymore.
Is that why labor unions are not mentioned?🤔
Brad Steele
The federal government does not have rights. Only the states and the people have rights. The constitution was written in order to establish and maintain that.
The democrats want to make Washington D.C. a state. All those citizens being denied to vote and spend their tax money!😁
Tell that to a DEMONCRAT and they will go into the jimjams.
It is increasingly obvious that the states do not have rights, and neither do the people. After November 8 this will totally obvious to everyone.
The elimination of the meaning of state borders has been a goal of the socialist left for decades.
Brad Steele