Mashed potatoes and The 5 second Rule
The 5 second rule applies to food items that have been dropped and landed on the floor. If you pick up said food item within 5 problem.
For example: Your Oreo (or Hydrox, depending on your preference) hits the floor. OH NO!!! MY COOKIE!!! Don't panic. Be brave, focus, move quickly, and pick up that delicious snack and pop it in your mouth where it belongs.
However, there are some foods for which it is difficult to apply the 5 second rule. Mashed potatoes, for one. Some of the mashed potatoes will no doubt have acquired a dog hair patina while some remain pristine.
How then should the 5 second rule be applied? I really need to know although 5 seconds has already passed and my dogs took care of the matter long ago.
🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲
How hungry are you? Don
Depends on how hungry you are and how many vittles are available.
I am sure we have all eaten a hair or 3 over the years.
And why does buttered toast always land with the butter side down?
Mashed taters? I'd have to hungry enough to chew the butt off a roadkill skunk. or eat taco bell
That question was answered long, long, ago back in the days of the Wild West.
Just where do you thing the expression "TRUE GRIT" came from?
Is anyone looking
Then don't tell
Only the dog and cat will know odds are you share every thing else with them
Pet them then eat your sandwich comes to mind
Besides ever read by law how much fecal and rat bug parts are allowed in all our food
Pick out the dog hair and have at it
I would wager you have had a mouth full of hair
I dropped some cookies a few days ago. Picked them up, brushed off the grit, and put them back in the container.
You just got to scrap as much as you can without getting the very bottom layer which is left for the dogs... or so I've heard... also as was said did anybody else see it happen besides the dogs?
The dogs and I are the only witnesses. And they're not talking. They're sleepy from eating too many mashed potatoes.
🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲
Many years ago on a job site
Before start time some one or many would bring in doughnuts
Two buddies both carpenters Sam and Bill since they were kids
Had been friends for years still are if I had to guess if not dead
Any way one morning we were eating the dougnuts one hit the ground in mostly sand dirt area
Bill picked it up said Sam's late he will eat it
We all made the comments as expected so bill scooped up some more sand grit sprinkled it on there it's better now
So Sam shows up Bill said here Sam I saved one for you from the gang
Good old Sam smiled said thanks and ate it
we all being the considerate group just watched as most guys would do lol
Someone ask Sam how was it he said it seemed a bit gritty but was OK
Never trust your buddies lol
Butchdog3, Let not get into your personal life. This is a family site. 😂
Ha, Ha.
If'n it hits the floor, belongs to the dog. She's lucked out on shrimp, rice, blood pressure medicine. And you're not going to sneak anything by her. She hears all.
blood pressure medicine
Damm, that scares me there. Be careful.
Can't stop her. She's a little bolt of lightning.
I don't think the 5 second rule counts with mashed potatoes... Cookies and m&ms yes 😎 if the dog's don't get it first.
"Independence Now, Independence Forever."
John Adams
Just don't chew the 'gritty' stuff as much.
And cats always land on their feet. I see an experiment coming: butter some toast, tie it to the back of our cat.
🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲
is the cat dead or alive???????
Scrape it all up and serve the hairy portion to someone else at the table, preferably someone with poor eyesight.
Pipe down, Schrödinger..... 😁
🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲
If a dog eats something bad, like owners medicine.........FORCE feed the dog MILK. That WILL make the dog puke and MIGHT help get it out while on the way to the vets office!
Someone actually did a study on it (no surprise really) and the conclusions were that mushy food like ice cream come back up off the floor with less harmful bacteria and such, because some of the infected food was left behind. It's when you had hard food like a cookie that you got more of the bad stuff.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
this is a real forum question? this place is not the same as it was when I joined 20 years ago.
Sir, sometimes good old fashioned fun is needed in a troubled world.
"Independence Now, Independence Forever."
John Adams
Jerry Clower says , "laughter is good medicine", I agree 100%.
If you had a Microbiology class in college you just might have a different view of food handling.
Joe, where the heck did you find that?!
Someone posted it here a few years back. Can't remember who, but it cracked me up. From this thread I remembered it and had to do a goggle search.
Too funny. Thank goodness for google!