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Mississippi members



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    gary wraygary wray Member Posts: 4,663
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by beneteau
    quote:Originally posted by gary wray
    quote:Originally posted by casper1947
    Just a little information from FreedomWorks

    Travis W. Childers- Lifetime Score 49%
    Thad Cochran - Lifetime Score 57%

    Tough choice in November.

    Why is this such a tough decision? If we want to take over the Senate and have REP's in control you don't elect DEM's. No brainer. Let's take the Senate over and get rid of Harry Reid, the second step in the process to take back the White House. Electing DEM's ain't the smart way IMO. Suck it up and vote for Thad in Nov.

    Looks like a Dem won the Republican primary. Thad Cockran couldn't have won without his lying and getting his Democrat support. Nothing but a POS. Damn if he will get my vote in November. After the crap he pulled, my wife and I will be voting 3rd party.

    Well said. Another vote for Harry Reid as Senate majority leader. Smart[;)]The DEM's love this thinkin'[:o)]
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    gary wraygary wray Member Posts: 4,663
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bpost
    Joe Manchin let the stink of DC stain him forever.

    He is a PARTY FIRST scumbag now a real hunk of junk.

    Sad, since when he was WV governor I thought he placed people above party and did a great job for WV. His stance on the gun issue forever erased his standing as a good guy that gets what freedom is.

    Understood...well said by a good Ohio voter! Like you I didn't care for his speaking out on the gun issue after his previous stances, but I knew that it wasn't going anywhere nationally. The fear is what the state gov's will do at the local level....not what the POTUS can do. Heck, Clinton tried his best and got for a time his absurd non-assault weapons ban but look what happened when he left. Manchin is trying his level best to get things done in DC and is locking heads with Harry Reid. He is very popular in WV...contrary to your views from the west bank of the Ohio River.
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    kimikimi Member Posts: 44,723 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gary wray
    quote:Originally posted by beneteau
    quote:Originally posted by gary wray
    quote:Originally posted by casper1947
    Just a little information from FreedomWorks

    Travis W. Childers- Lifetime Score 49%
    Thad Cochran - Lifetime Score 57%

    Tough choice in November.

    Why is this such a tough decision? If we want to take over the Senate and have REP's in control you don't elect DEM's. No brainer. Let's take the Senate over and get rid of Harry Reid, the second step in the process to take back the White House. Electing DEM's ain't the smart way IMO. Suck it up and vote for Thad in Nov.

    Looks like a Dem won the Republican primary. Thad Cockran couldn't have won without his lying and getting his Democrat support. Nothing but a POS. Damn if he will get my vote in November. After the crap he pulled, my wife and I will be voting 3rd party.

    Well said. Another vote for Harry Reid as Senate majority leader. Smart[;)]The DEM's love this thinkin'[:o)]

    There in bed together so what's the diff? [:D]
    What's next?
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    gary wraygary wray Member Posts: 4,663
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pwillie
    quote:Originally posted by gary wray
    Since I am a thousand miles from MS, how is the campaign going for Thad? Does he have a chance? Hopeless? Need a fair and balanced report....not some of the usual. Be candid and frank.
    Gary(Your Majesty)Looks like a new friends(business) all say "Cochran" is done...and they are the money behind the new guy...But,it is an election,and remember what happened to Cantor...[;)]

    Well, no, it didn't happen. You are wrong again, as usual. Just finished reading an article that Thad turned out the black vote BIG TIME and over 16k voted for him. National TParty takes it on the chin again...they selected nine contests throughout the US to oppose the national REP party (they didn't do squat for Brat so his doesn't count) and they LOST all NINE! I would argue that the national Tea Party is completely out of touch with what is going on, not very smart, a waster of dough, and that the local Tea Party folks actually are much smarter than the national they defeated Cantor without national help. Things so bad in MS that the TP leadership is (literally) shooting itself! Any more analysis from the perceptive pwillie?[;)][:D]
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    RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
    Actually things are so bad in MS that the incumbent establishment Republican cannot defeat a Tea Party candidate without co-opting the Democrat voters to cancel the will of the Republican voters.
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    casper1947casper1947 Member Posts: 1,147 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It doesn't appear to be over.

    (Reuters) - The Tea Party-backed candidate who has refused to concede defeat to Republican U.S. Senator Thad Cochran in Mississippi's primary runoff said his campaign has found more than 1,000 instances of ballots cast by people who were ineligible to vote.

    Chris McDaniel said his supporters continue to look for evidence of voters who participated in the state's Democratic primary on June 3 and then voted in the Republican runoff primary on Tuesday, which would not be permitted by Mississippi law.

    "We've already found more than 1,000 examples of that in one county alone," McDaniel said in an interview Thursday night on Fox News' Hannity show. "We're talking about widespread irregularities, ineligible voters that should not have been there in the first place."
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    gary wraygary wray Member Posts: 4,663
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rocklobster
    Actually things are so bad in MS that the incumbent establishment Republican cannot defeat a Tea Party candidate without co-opting the Democrat voters to cancel the will of the Republican voters.

    rocklobster...just face facts...the national Tea Party got outsmarted by the MS Rep Party....they reached out to other MS voters who realized the McDaniel was not the kind of guy (he does have some questionable comments in his history) to represent MS in the Senate in 2015. Now I am not a supporter of crossover primaries....I think that only registered REP should had voted in this election as it is in my state (and 11 other states) but the law is the law and the game is the game. The reality is the national Tea Party leadership are not the best political thinkers around, really minor league actually, and have shown that they are not ready for prime time. McDaniel has also shown himself to be a poor loser and that he does not handle defeat well....compared to how Cantor went out in VA....didn't complain, blame others, looked professional. McDaniel looks like a disgruntled talk show host who just got canned from his "show." How ones handles defeat is a good test....and McDaniel is failing the test IMO. I notice that TC has not said a cross word about McDaniel.
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    RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
    The fact is that the establishment progressive Republicans (Orin Hatch and Mitch McConnell are two major financial contributors) reached out to the entitlement crowd to steal an election. These are the "other MS voters" who realized that McDaniel stands for the idea of individuals getting out and improving themselves and producing something rather than doing nothing and being carried by government (in other words tax payers who DO produce something, for you so-called conservative Democrats out there).

    These facts support the truth that the establishment GOP are big-government progressives who want EXACTLY the same things that the Democrats want.

    The fact is that McDaniel was defeated by one point. The fact is that the black Democrat turnout was increased by 40% over previous years, which works out to be nine points. This means that, if the vote had been amongst only the Republican voters in MS, McDaniel would have won by eight points.
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    gary wraygary wray Member Posts: 4,663
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rocklobster
    The fact is that the establishment progressive Republicans (Orin Hatch and Mitch McConnell are two major financial contributors) reached out to the entitlement crowd to steal an election. These are the "other MS voters" who realized that McDaniel stands for the idea of individuals getting out and improving themselves and producing something rather than doing nothing and being carried by government (in other words tax payers who DO produce something, for you so-called conservative Democrats out there).

    These facts support the truth that the establishment GOP are big-government progressives who want EXACTLY the same things that the Democrats want.

    The fact is that McDaniel was defeated by one point. The fact is that the black Democrat turnout was increased by 40% over previous years, which works out to be nine points. This means that, if the vote had been amongst only the Republican voters in MS, McDaniel would have won by eight points.

    You are not getting it. HE LOST! Yes, he lost by crossover votes (which I don't support as I said) but the game is the game and a loss is a one or ten or forty points. Majority rules. You are making my point. A better effort would be to work in MS to change the law to a non-crossover primary like in 12 other states rather than complaining about this loss and pounding the table. The MS reality is that 49% of the dough in MS comes in one way or another from the FED gov't and those translate into jobs and folks didn't think McDaniel, with all his ranting and raving against DC, would help them keep their jobs. One person's pork is another person's job and folks want to keep their jobs that in this day are hard to get. I don't the national TParty "got it" and didn't realize how unpopular McDaniel is in the black MS community. Also, this worked against Cantor in VA as blacks came out to vote for Brat in his race and helped defeat Cantor so it worked, interesting, in both campaigns....helped Brat, hurt McDaniel. I don't think DEM's should have been allowed to vote in either REP primary but, as I said, the game is the game.
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    RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
    Nonsense. "Folks didn't think McDaniel, with all his ranting and raving against DC" were/are the people who do not, and never will, work a job. They are the folks whom progressives lead around by the nose with the free giveaway carrot dangling in front of them.

    You are the one who doesn't get it. Honor is honor and principles are principles. Without them we are nothing but rabble, fodder for the political elite to use to gain power.
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    Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,525 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gary wray
    quote:Originally posted by Rocklobster
    The fact is that the establishment progressive Republicans (Orin Hatch and Mitch McConnell are two major financial contributors) reached out to the entitlement crowd to steal an election. These are the "other MS voters" who realized that McDaniel stands for the idea of individuals getting out and improving themselves and producing something rather than doing nothing and being carried by government (in other words tax payers who DO produce something, for you so-called conservative Democrats out there).

    These facts support the truth that the establishment GOP are big-government progressives who want EXACTLY the same things that the Democrats want.

    The fact is that McDaniel was defeated by one point. The fact is that the black Democrat turnout was increased by 40% over previous years, which works out to be nine points. This means that, if the vote had been amongst only the Republican voters in MS, McDaniel would have won by eight points.

    You are not getting it. HE LOST! Yes, he lost by crossover votes (which I don't support as I said) but the game is the game and a loss is a one or ten or forty points. Majority rules. You are making my point. A better effort would be to work in MS to change the law to a non-crossover primary like in 12 other states rather than complaining about this loss and pounding the table. The MS reality is that 49% of the dough in MS comes in one way or another from the FED gov't and those translate into jobs and folks didn't think McDaniel, with all his ranting and raving against DC, would help them keep their jobs. One person's pork is another person's job and folks want to keep their jobs that in this day are hard to get. I don't the national TParty "got it" and didn't realize how unpopular McDaniel is in the black MS community. Also, this worked against Cantor in VA as blacks came out to vote for Brat in his race and helped defeat Cantor so it worked, interesting, in both campaigns....helped Brat, hurt McDaniel. I don't think DEM's should have been allowed to vote in either REP primary but, as I said, the game is the game.

    Voter fraud is voter fraud. My understanding of the statue is that cross-over voting is legal if you have not voted in the other party's primary, and if you intent is to vote for the person in the general. Cochran deliberately courted voters that he knows will not vote for him in the General Election so as to defeat McDaniel. Statistics tell us that the 16,000+ black voters that helped put him over the top will not vote for him in the General Election, thus Cochran's campaign encouraged and thus participated in voter fraud by promising to continue bringing the pork back to Mississippi.

    He has become a poster-boy for all that is wrong not just in the GOP, but in U.S. politics as a whole. If I could vote for his opponent in the general, I would. It would be voter fraud as I am not a resident, but apparently that is OK with Cochran, so why not?
    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
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    gary wraygary wray Member Posts: 4,663
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rocklobster
    Nonsense. "Folks didn't think McDaniel, with all his ranting and raving against DC" were/are the people who do not, and never will, work a job. They are the folks whom progressives lead around by the nose with the free giveaway carrot dangling in front of them.

    You are the one who doesn't get it. Honor is honor and principles are principles. Without them we are nothing but rabble, fodder for the political elite to use to gain power.

    Man, one person's "principle" is another person's good paying shipbuilding job on the coast of MS. You can believe what you what to believe but jobs are jobs and Thad helped his MS folks with good paying jobs...same as Robert Byrd did in WV and many others did and still do. I know it drives you folks nuts but good jobs translate into votes for Thad.....the REP party knew that and worked the MS to their benefit and outfoxed the Tea Party folks....and outworked them too. Hopefully the hurt will go away and REP Party in MS can unify and join hands and defeat the LIB DEM's in MS and in the other races in the country so we can get the Senate back and then the White House in 2016 and get this country back on track. Poutin' and complain'n won't beat the LIB's...let's get together to get 'er done.[:)]
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    Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,525 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gary wray
    quote:Originally posted by Rocklobster
    Nonsense. "Folks didn't think McDaniel, with all his ranting and raving against DC" were/are the people who do not, and never will, work a job. They are the folks whom progressives lead around by the nose with the free giveaway carrot dangling in front of them.

    You are the one who doesn't get it. Honor is honor and principles are principles. Without them we are nothing but rabble, fodder for the political elite to use to gain power.

    Man, one person's "principle" is another person's good paying shipbuilding job on the coast of MS. You can believe what you what to believe but jobs are jobs and Thad helped his MS folks with good paying jobs...same as Robert Byrd did in WV and many others did and still do. I know it drives you folks nuts but good jobs translate into votes for Thad.....the REP party knew that and worked the MS to their benefit and outfoxed the Tea Party folks....and outworked them too. Hopefully the hurt will go away and REP Party in MS can unify and join hands and defeat the LIB DEM's in MS and in the other races in the country so we can get the Senate back and then the White House in 2016 and get this country back on track. Poutin' and complain'n won't beat the LIB's...let's get together to get 'er done.[:)]

    If the shipbuilders in MS were the best choice, Cochran did nothing. If they were not the best choice, Cochran interfered with the efficiency of the process and cost the U.S. Treasury money.

    Sadly, personal greed is a motivator to too many voters. That politicians advertise this brand of governance is shameful.

    On balance, it sounds like the country would be better served if the MS Senator-elect has less power, regardless of party or ideology.
    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
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    gary wraygary wray Member Posts: 4,663
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Don McManus
    quote:Originally posted by gary wray
    quote:Originally posted by Rocklobster
    Nonsense. "Folks didn't think McDaniel, with all his ranting and raving against DC" were/are the people who do not, and never will, work a job. They are the folks whom progressives lead around by the nose with the free giveaway carrot dangling in front of them.

    You are the one who doesn't get it. Honor is honor and principles are principles. Without them we are nothing but rabble, fodder for the political elite to use to gain power.

    Man, one person's "principle" is another person's good paying shipbuilding job on the coast of MS. You can believe what you what to believe but jobs are jobs and Thad helped his MS folks with good paying jobs...same as Robert Byrd did in WV and many others did and still do. I know it drives you folks nuts but good jobs translate into votes for Thad.....the REP party knew that and worked the MS to their benefit and outfoxed the Tea Party folks....and outworked them too. Hopefully the hurt will go away and REP Party in MS can unify and join hands and defeat the LIB DEM's in MS and in the other races in the country so we can get the Senate back and then the White House in 2016 and get this country back on track. Poutin' and complain'n won't beat the LIB's...let's get together to get 'er done.[:)]

    If the shipbuilders in MS were the best choice, Cochran did nothing. If they were not the best choice, Cochran interfered with the efficiency of the process and cost the U.S. Treasury money.

    Sadly, personal greed is a motivator to too many voters. That politicians advertise this brand of governance is shameful.

    On balance, it sounds like the country would be better served if the MS Senator-elect has less power, regardless of party or ideology.

    Don......HUH? Are you saying that Thad didn't work to get defense contracts to MS? That is "personal greed?" Jobs for MS people is "greed?" What you don't understand, or want to understand, is that Thad has been effective for MS is getting necessary jobs to MS. Just as Robert Byrd did in my state of WV. You hate it, I know but I can tell you that Byrd, no matter what you think, is a hero in WV. You and your folks don't like how the country is arranged, but it has been this way since the first defense contract to let six frigates be built by the early Congress. Started in the 1790's and it is what it is... and not going to change. You see it as "pork," others see it as their good job. Got to get over it.
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    RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
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