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SELLERS if you QUIT on California you've given up.



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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    You beg permission EVERY TIME YOU BUY A GUN FROM A DEALER..crawling to your Master, as it were.

    You call it whatever you wish...I remember walking into a store (11,12) and walking out with a 303 British and box of cartridges. You paid your money and WALKED begging involved.

    Perhaps it makes you feel more 'manly' to deny it...but I stopped begging daddy for a gun at TEN YEARS OLD....until 1968, that is...
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    RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
    Sorry, it's too late. California has already given up on me.
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    JuggernautJuggernaut Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The only people that have given up on Kalifornia are the Kalifornians that voted for the garbage that is currently in power there, I believe that the others in non communist states are restricted at the moment in what we can do now short of staging an all out revolution which will more than likely happen in the near future. This is because of the way that Kalifornia and other communist states have decided to become because the majority of Kalifornians and other communist states didn't think that it was important enough at the time to elect politicians that would protect your Second Amendment rights and block other immoral beliefs from taking a foothold there and the rest of us refuse to conform to the anti-Second Amendment and immoral policies of these communist states which are run by pro-liberal, anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual deviants and they believe that it is more important to protect these warped and twisted beliefs than anything else and that is now what you have garbage, garbage in, garbage out.
    I amongst others have barraged these communist states with pro Second Amendment and anti immoral literature and beliefs and that they change their policies, which have obviously fallen on deaf ears, it might as well be Sodom and Gomorrah.
    The only way to get things to change in Kalifornia and the other communist states is to start letting people know that when they vote for these liberal politicians that they are giving up on Kalifornia and the other communist states and are depriving their own citizens of their Constitutional rights and perverting the populace with debauchery. Find other Pro Second Amendment groups and research them first to make sure that they are not really on the liberal left and then join and support them with the goal of removing these garbage politicians that are just parasites feeding off the good citizenry and giving nothing in return.

    Here is a list of politicians that have betrayed their citizens and made major contributions to the liberal left anti gun and immoral agenda of today:

    George Bush Jr. R-TX
    Bill Clinton D-AR
    George Bush Sr R-TX
    Carl Levin R-MI
    Arlen Specter D-PA
    Frank Lautenberg D-NJ
    Herb Kohl D-WI
    Joseph Lieberman D-CT
    Dianne Feinstein D-CA
    Barbara Boxer D-CA
    Russ Feingold D-WI
    Tom Lantos D-CA
    Ron Wyden D-OR
    Charles Schumer D-NY
    Mike DeWine R-OH
    Jack Reed D-RI
    John Kerry D-MA
    Hillary Clinton D-NY
    Ted Kennedy D-MA
    Dick Durbin D-IL
    Carolyn McCarthy D-NY
    Nancy Pelosi D-CA
    Sheila Lee D-TX
    Diana Degette D-CO
    Anthony Weiner D-NY
    Jim Moran D-VA
    Zoe Lofgren D-CA
    Henry Waxman D-CA
    John Conyers D-MI
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    TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,275 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I guess you would have to live in Calif to understand how and why this state is so screwed up. The liberal socialist have taken control with the unions and by district gerrymandering.

    When Arnold was still pretending to be a real Republican, he tried to strongarm a change in the way the districts are drawn up. The unions almost went bankrupt trying to defeat it, and they won. In fact they shot down every initiative he had on the ballot, even the ones that were good for both parties, just to prove that they were in control.

    Blanket statements like "you need to fix your own problems" and "you voted them in" just show your small minded ignorance. Do you really think that any gun owner in Calif voted for these azzholes? And yes, I do try to fix the problems, just like thousands of others here do.

    The ones that won't "jump through the hoops" or won't even sell C&R firearms to Calif? Screw em, there's plenty others that will, and they are the ones making the money. They are also telling the anti gun scum here that this form of gun control won't work.

    Calif people, there is a ballot initiative in Nov that will change the way the districts are drawn up. This is the first step to taking this state back. The other good news is, several of these gun grabbers will term out this year, Don Peratta among them![^]
    Vote YES on Prop 11!
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    RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by TRAP55

    Blanket statements like "you need to fix your own problems" and "you voted them in" just show your small minded ignorance.

    The ones that won't "jump through the hoops" or won't even sell C&R firearms to Calif? Screw em, there's plenty others that will, and they are the ones making the money.

    And then you're all surprised you're not well regarded in other states in The Union. No, not screw us, screw YOU, arrogant self-absorbed human garbage.
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    TRAP55TRAP55 Member Posts: 8,275 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:And then you're all surprised you're not well regarded in other states in The Union. No, not screw us, screw YOU, arrogant self-absorbed human garbage.
    arrogant self-absorbed human garbage?
    Why? Because I couldn't care less if you sell to Calif buyers? You already told me and a thousand others to get screwed when you made the decision not to sell to anyone in this state.
    Just who did you think that would spite? The gun grabbers that made the law? It's just what they hoped you would do, and you did. You're being used as a tool, but I can see you already have that title.
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