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Why the bailout failed

bigdaddyjuniorbigdaddyjunior Member Posts: 11,233
edited October 2008 in General Discussion
It is stupid for a bunch of millionaire members of congress and the executive branch to go on tv and tell the american people that we need to open the doors to the treasury to a bunch of other rich guys, who spent the last ten tears or more squandering over a trillion dollars, while ofcourse still getting their comissions and bonuses, and threaten that if we don't bail them out the economy will stall and we will all have a hard time of it. It is stupid because the majority of americans don't have anything left to loose after they have watched their jobs go overseas and watched the remaining low wage jobs go to illegal immigrants, have their homes foreclosed upon and looking at the prospect of spending the winter living in a car that they can't afford to put gas in. I think a lot of people want the economy to collapse if for no other reason than for the company. I think something must be done to fix what these scoundrels have done, but why not sell off their homes in the Hamptons and raid their retirement funds. That's where the money went anyway. I don't have it. Do you have it? No, we don't have the missing trillion dollars, but you can make a sure bet that once this thing does pass, they'll turn loose the IRS to take it from us.


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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    And I will say it again, You are pretty smart. You need to post more.

    I agree with all that you have said.
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    v35v35 Member Posts: 12,710 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Cap those Golden Parachutes retroactively for a start.
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    mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    Who sez crime don't pay?
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Some fine day, the American people will get a belly full, and they will TAKE their country back.

    Until then ..don't hold your breath expecting anything except power-grabbing, greed, corruption, wholesale selling out of every treasure America has.

    There will be no change at all except for the worst ..until that fateful day.
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    AZEXAZEX Member Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ammo, the currency of the next decade.

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    wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ammo, the currency of the next decade.

    Agreed, and we must make certain efficiency is exercised when we spend it.[;)]
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    bigdaddyjuniorbigdaddyjunior Member Posts: 11,233
    edited November -1
    I think we need to beg, plead and cajole regular everyday people to run for congress and then vote for them. Could you imagine a sitting congress with an average net worth of whatever last month's pay was? If some lobbyist comes in and tells a group of former assembly line workers, truck drivers and auto-mechanics that it would be a great thing if they'd vote to allow american companies to move to Vietnam for the lower wages they'd have to pay which would lower the cost of goods here, that lobbyist would get his * kicked and tossed out of the capital. Some bleeding heart comes asking for money for the poor disadvantaged ghetto teenage single moms, they'd say,"Sure, we need someone to sweep and mop around here. We'll pay them $10/hr and provide a day care school for the kids where they will be taught how to keep their damn panties on until they have an education and an income." A little common sense would go a long way in DC.
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    lindalecowboylindalecowboy Member Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've been saying it for years, ain't no man (or woman) alive worth umteen millions a year in salary. athlete, movie star, dang sure on politician, NOT ONE. I don't have a problem with Bill Gates millions, it was HIS company. CEOs, etc should never be permitted to make the huge sums of money they make. It legalized mafia activities and you and I are the losers. They will make dang sure their balance sheet says what it has to in order to make their bonus but when the crap hits the fan, they have theirs in swiss bank accounts, who cares if they go to jail for a a year or two. They come out (if you catch them) and go live in luxury in Costa Rico for the rest of their lives and you and I who sweat for 40 years in a factory to add to our paltry 401K that is now worth the same this as a pair of OJs sweat socks don't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of............ They put a CAP on salaries in some sports, the better find a way to put one on corporations.
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    cowdoccowdoc Member Posts: 5,847 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    BDJ, hows it going?

    Bailout = Rob Peter twice to pay Paul!

    " that lobbyist would get his * kicked and tossed out of the capital"

    I'd be the first in to start kicking *....not only lobbyist...but all the current crooks that take up residency in DC ....pitch their * right out on Pennsylvania ave!
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    FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    The bailout is nothing but a socialist play for the Gov. to take over the financal instututions of the U.S.
    After that, they OWN US.
    And there's NOTHING in the Constitution to support it.
    Let the market fail and correct itself. For our KIDS sake!
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    adminadmin Member, Administrator Posts: 1,079 admin
    edited November -1
    It's comical to think that a half dozen firms on Wall Street could cause a mess of this magnitude. The real culprit in this mess is the people who took out mortgages on property and then defaulted on the payments. No one seems to be talking about how the deadbeats caused this problem, or how the Federal goverment encouraged it in the first place. See:
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    T1jetmechT1jetmech Member Posts: 224 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    The bailout is nothing but a socialist play for the Gov. to take over the financal instututions of the U.S.
    After that, they OWN US.
    And there's NOTHING in the Constitution to support it.
    Let the market fail and correct itself. For our KIDS sake!

    [;)] Can he get an AMEN!
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    44 shotdoctor44 shotdoctor Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    For the most part the companies that have gone belly up were purchased and taken over for the better by more responisible compianies. Which is what will happen if no bail out is in place.I think any company that gets them selfs in that postion should go under. We will recover. So most of you heard the payout amount for the WaMu ceo. He only heald the position for 3 weeks and received 19.1 million or 1220.00 per hour for his services. These companies deserve it.
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    ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by admin
    It's comical to think that a half dozen firms on Wall Street could cause a mess of this magnitude. The real culprit in this mess is the people who took out mortgages on property and then defaulted on the payments. No one seems to be talking about how the deadbeats caused this problem, or how the Federal goverment encouraged it in the first place. See:

    The jerkoffs in the lending industry could have, would have, and should have prevented this by NOT lending to bad risks.

    I know it's real popular to kow tow to the rich and powerful, but let's place the blame where it belongs: the fat cat lenders confused paper figures with actual assets, got too greedy for their own good, and lent way too much money to people who were worse than bad risks - they were wholly unable to pay.

    Now tell me, if I have a million bucks and I give it to some homeless person at 50% interest, who's the * here?
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    MercuryMercury Member Posts: 7,814 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I wish you were right, but I don't think it will happen. Too many generations of people have been taught that GUNS ARE BAD!!!!!! And no matter what happens, you won't be able to change their minds. [xx(]


    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    Some fine day, the American people will get a belly full, and they will TAKE their country back.

    Until then ..don�t hold your breath expecting anything except power-grabbing, greed, corruption, wholesale selling out of every treasure America has.

    There will be no change at all except for the worst ..until that fateful day.
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    arraflipperarraflipper Member Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When they started offering loans with nothing down and in some cases up to 140% it is no wonder they are getting the homes back. They should stuff some of those people that made the loans where the sun doesn't shine. They could have a lot of company, if we put the congress in with them. They make and have so much money, and only care about making more not the poor taxpayer that is working to make ends meet.

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    minitruck83minitruck83 Member Posts: 5,369
    edited November -1
    I haven't saw this posted yet. Sorry if it has been.

    This is on top of the 700 billion "bail out" and a done deed!

    When it comes around again it's going to be called a 'RESCUE' instead of bail out.
    I mean who could be against a 'rescue'?

    Jeeez [V]

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    lpaalplpaalp Member Posts: 947 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The real culprits - insofar as the lending industry is concerned - are Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Community Reinvestment Act. If a banker makes a questionable loan knowing the government will buy up any bad paper, why shouldn't he? Profit will be made on loans which are paid off, and the government will take the questionable loans at face value... its good business for the lender.

    We - or more correctly, our elected congressional reps - have to accept the fact that not every American can afford to be a homeowner, and legislate accordingly.

    Its ironic the bailout failed most likely because of upcoming elections... many Reps voted against because an "aye" would cost them votes. Rarely does voter opinion override party politics; one for the godd guys!
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    FEENIXFEENIX Member Posts: 10,559 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It was a shared risk(s) by all parties involved and they should be held responsible and face the consequences of their actions.
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    Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 39,538 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    Good posts BDJ.
    Also agree with FEENIX.
    It was a shared risk(s) by all parties involved and they should be held responsible and face the consequences of their actions.
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    cce1302cce1302 Member Posts: 9,555 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 44 shotdoctor
    For the most part the companies that have gone belly up were purchased and taken over for the better by more responisible compianies. Which is what will happen if no bail out is in place.I think any company that gets them selfs in that postion should go under. We will recover. So most of you heard the payout amount for the WaMu ceo. He only heald the position for 3 weeks and received 19.1 million or 1220.00 per hour for his services. These companies deserve it.

    I didn't hear that, but if he received over 19 million for being there 3 weeks, that's nearly $38,000 per hour, for 24 hr days, 7 day weeks (504 hours).
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    cowdoccowdoc Member Posts: 5,847 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "The real culprit in this mess is the people who took out mortgages on property and then defaulted on the payments"

    no the real culprits are the banks who loaned the money.....basically as an unsecured loan so to speak.
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    trapguy2007trapguy2007 Member Posts: 8,959
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by cowdoc
    "The real culprit in this mess is the people who took out mortgages on property and then defaulted on the payments"

    no the real culprits are the banks who loaned the money.....basically as an unsecured loan so to speak.

    It is easy to get politics involved in all of this(I am not accusing anyone),but it seems that these loans were secured .
    Through the Community Reinvestment Act,the Gov. has basically
    "co-signed"for these loans.
    It could be simplistic to look at it this way,but ultimately
    the banks were looking at the the responsible party.
    Anybody who has had a gov. insured student loan can relate .
    Off base ?

    Are the banks trying to collect on the insurance ?
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    WulfmannWulfmann Member Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by FEENIX
    It was a shared risk(s) by all parties involved and they should be held responsible and face the consequences of their actions.

    The problem is that it is not a shared risk.
    These people did not share their profit but are demanding we share their failed risk while they keep their personal compensation that is part of the failure.

    The ratio of people calling/emailing their representatives ranged for 20 to 30 against for every one in support of the failed bail out.

    Let this thing crash now so we can rebuild from reality and not continue to postpone the pain in hopes a miracle that will never come, comes.
    We continue to make the eventuality worse

    "Fools learn from their own mistakes. I learn from the mistakes of others"
    Otto von Bismarck
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    COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    ...I agree to a big degree with BDJ...sounds as if you have the right idea, the sky is NOT falling and the Wall Street * wipes don't need to be bailed out; but it's pure Commie poop to want to control the SALARIES of the private sector, maybe the Govt. will step in and regulate everyone's salary, what oatmeal.

    This bill not only controlled the "Golden Parachute" deals..but REGULATED the salaries of Corporations(utter BS!)...WHAT A DEAL...maybe if we all write our Senators we can get TOTAL wage control...worked for years in the USSR.

    It's Armegeddon so lets put PORK into the bill, heh dims?
    Turn over the Preamble to the Constitution to the LIBERAL Paulson, raise of hands for all that knew Paulson IS a Liberal...Little Chuckie Schumers bestest friends. Unheard of POWER for all future Secy. Of The Treasury? BS!

    I DON'T give the 90+ Dims ANY credit for voting against this garbage...the bill did NOT have enough PORK in it to PLEASE their "give-away-your-money" nature is all.

    The Dims wanting to give ACORN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, the Barrack Hussein Obama (he was the LEAD attorney for ACORN for YEARS) "community" group that is being CONVICTED of voter fraud all across the country as we speak; is incrediable!!! WTH funding of the Marxist Party by the Dims, oh, that is happening now, a donation to the Dim Party or Barrack Hussien bad.

    ...Banks and other lending institutions did NOT lend this money because they "wnated" to, just to increase their "wealth", institutions KNEW this "formula" was a looser; the formula they used to loan this money was social engenineering contrived by the libs, ENFORCED by the Libs. The lending institutions KNEW loaning this was money was BAD business but were literally threatened by he/she "it" Janet Reno and Jamie Gerlic among other CLINTON Administration's ALL on record, and now appearing on U-Tube also.

    The institutions were THREATENED with breaking Federal Red Lining laws if they did NOT give these BS loans, the banks knew better but WTH were they to do with the Clintoon Commies threatening them and the Weener Franks/Chuckie Schumers/SweetHeart Deal Dodd and 99% of ALL DIMS BLOCKING any exsposure or REGULATION of these grand liberal experiements??

    I don't care much for the Repubs, less for the Dims...but there is NOT even CLOSE to "enough blame" to "go around", jeez, read up on Fannie/Fredddie...the PROBLEMS...and WHO tried to rein in these LIBERAL ran institutions...thank you DIMS![xx(] Weener Franks and Dumb Dodd are BIG defenders of this failed experiement...and the idiots want to get INPUT from these two POS for a "fix-it"....chit! Hang these treacherous fools.

    With the way the DIMS LOVE investigations, do you REALLY think if a Repub was involved to the degree that the dims "want" all to think that an investigation wouldn't have been begun YESTERDAY?

    Whats done is done, the sky is not falling...and BRING on the investigations PLEASE...under Peanut Carter the economy was worse, oh how we forget...or how we want to re-write history for and election ploy...[;)]

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    fideaufideau Member Posts: 11,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The "bail-out" is another scheme by the Dumocraps, who have been the main reason for these problems, to steal the country and create totalitarian rule for themselves. They never wanted it to pass, and if it did they were making sure it was Republicans who put it over the top. Today we find out that certain Dims were told to vote no by Pelosi, as they watched carefully for the Repubs to put it over the top. It didn't work. Since it didn't pass, they are blaming Repubs. If it had passed they would still blame them for this huge give away. While I am not happy with either party, I see Dim leaders as caring nothing for the country, the Constitution or the people they hurt to get the power they want. I see what Highball and others have been saying clearly now. I wish it were not so but if the world lasts long enough, there will be a tragic struggle to get us back to the founders' original principles that created this nation. I'm afraid it's going to take a lot of suffering first and maybe a generation or two to harden enough people to make it happen. Heaven help us.
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    quote:The "bail-out" is another scheme by the Dumocraps, who have been the main reason for these problems, to steal the country and

    Please remember...YOUR president is the guy going on the tube 3 times a day..first ORDERING the bailout...then begging, the last couple days....
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    sarge_3adsarge_3ad Member Posts: 8,387 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    quote:The "bail-out" is another scheme by the Dumocraps, who have been the main reason for these problems, to steal the country and

    Please remember...YOUR president is the guy going on the tube 3 times a day..first ORDERING the bailout...then begging, the last couple days....

    Yep, old GW wants this to pass, so he can give a bunch of bankers more control over the US's money. I still feel this is a part of a ploy to destroy the dollar. This way they can introduce the Amero as the new save all currency. This will also destroy the Constitution, American soveriegnty, and give them the North American Union the Bush's and Clintons want so bad.
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    fideaufideau Member Posts: 11,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    quote:The "bail-out" is another scheme by the Dumocraps, who have been the main reason for these problems, to steal the country and

    Please remember...YOUR president is the guy going on the tube 3 times a day..first ORDERING the bailout...then begging, the last couple days....
    I'm sure not happy about that either. He's been a disappointment I didn't expect. I just couldn't stomach Gore or Kerry. Who knows, maybe the worst would be over by now if Gore had won. Hate to be so fatalistic. Just worry for my children and grandchild.
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    Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 39,538 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by fideau
    I'm afraid it's going to take a lot of suffering first and maybe a generation or two to harden enough people to make it happen. Heaven help us.
    Spot on.
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    FEENIXFEENIX Member Posts: 10,559 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wulfmann
    quote:Originally posted by FEENIX
    It was a shared risk(s) by all parties involved and they should be held responsible and face the consequences of their actions.

    The problem is that it is not a shared risk.
    These people did not share their profit but are demanding we share their failed risk while they keep their personal compensation that is part of the failure.

    The ratio of people calling/emailing their representatives ranged for 20 to 30 against for every one in support of the failed bail out.

    Let this thing crash now so we can rebuild from reality and not continue to postpone the pain in hopes a miracle that will never come, comes.
    We continue to make the eventuality worse


    I said shared risk(s), not equality.
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    victorlvlbvictorlvlb Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November -1
    The publicans didn't want to be blame for th community reinvestment act.
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    spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,724 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    IT HASN'T FAILED....they will keep twisting the wording & the ordinary taxpayer will be screwed in the way or another
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    Colonel PlinkColonel Plink Member Posts: 16,460
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by sarge_3ad
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    quote:The "bail-out" is another scheme by the Dumocraps, who have been the main reason for these problems, to steal the country and

    Please remember...YOUR president is the guy going on the tube 3 times a day..first ORDERING the bailout...then begging, the last couple days....

    Yep, old GW wants this to pass, so he can give a bunch of bankers more control over the US's money. I still feel this is a part of a ploy to destroy the dollar. This way they can introduce the Amero as the new save all currency. This will also destroy the Constitution, American soveriegnty, and give them the North American Union the Bush's and Clintons want so bad.

    I used to think this was the worst kind of tin-foil hattery.

    But let's face it, you couldn't ruin the economy more effectively if you were trying to....
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    Oklahoma223Oklahoma223 Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    My Dad used to tell me " The last thing I got for free cost me 50$ to get rid of."
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Forget the bailout;
    Forget the depression/deep recession that is coming;

    No...the HARDEST job decent, law abiding, believe-in-the-system Americans will face...ARE facing;

    Their leaders, both business and governmental, are corrupt.
    This sell-out by elected/business leaders is of such a magnitude as to be unparalleled in any despot/murderer/fanatical dictator EVER.

    Every other Nation/despot started in near bondage ..for freedom such as we enjoyed for a hundred years was UNKNOWN to history.

    No....our ` leaders' have taken a free people and made serfs of them.

    The slit trenches and roundups are right around the corner. Next year, five years, ten ..they are coming.

    The ABSOLUTE ONLY CHANCE LEFT is if ENOUGH Americans wake up soon enough with the will to do what is neccessary.

    All is lost...if not.
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    Forget the bailout;
    Forget the depression/deep recession that is coming;

    No...the HARDEST job decent, law abiding, believe-in-the-system Americans will face...ARE facing;

    Their leaders, both business and governmental, are corrupt.
    This sell-out by elected/business leaders is of such a magnitude as to be unparalleled in any despot/murderer/fanatical dictator EVER.

    Every other Nation/despot started in near bondage ..for freedom such as we enjoyed for a hundred years was UNKNOWN to history.

    No....our ` leaders' have taken a free people and made serfs of them.

    The slit trenches and roundups are right around the corner. Next year, five years, ten ..they are coming.

    The ABSOLUTE ONLY CHANCE LEFT is if ENOUGH Americans wake up soon enough with the will to do what is neccessary.

    All is lost...if not.

    Highball get real. As long as american idol isn't canceled no one cares. [xx(]
    We're done. It's just taking a little more time for the "gub" to put the icing on the cake. [xx(]
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Did the house already vote? If so I missed it.
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    Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    Did the house already vote? If so I missed it.

    No, will be the Senate this time, and will pass them.
    Possibly tonight, or tomorrow.

    They will then be able to make the House appear to be the ones holding this up.

    It's gonna pass, it or not. I just hope that everyone remembers the ones that voted against their wishes.

    My Senators will vote FOR it, Rep will NOT.
    We even have talking heads like Bill O'Reilly saying that if this isn't passed, we will have violence in the streets, as folks lose their homes, and cars.

    What a bag of hot gas he has become over the years. Must have gone to "Oprah" training school. He is a knucklehead that reads a teleprompter, but somehow knows what is best for the country.

    The "violence" should come when our Congress goes totally against the wishes of its citizens.[}:)][xx(]
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Darn I don't want to hear anymore. What SCUM!![:(]

    quote:The "violence" should come when our Congress goes totally against the wishes of its citizens
    I though this happened years ago. [:(!]

    I forgot to add one of my senators is Obama. 10164562711e7d194.gif
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