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Military has a 70% Divorce Rate

Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
edited January 2005 in General Discussion
I've always wanted DOD to say what the divorce rate was for military members....and it finally comes out:

"The U.S. military has a 70 percent divorce rate, which exceeds the national average by 20 percent, according to Lt. Cmdr. Dan Link, a chaplain for Naval Base Guam."

Not that I was shocked or anything.


  • Night StalkerNight Stalker Member Posts: 11,967
    edited November -1
    As saddended as I am to hear this, I am not surprised.

    I am curious as to which scientific research methods he used to gather his data and test his hypothesis.

    I think 70% is high, but as they say, statistics lie and liers use statistics [;)].

    I do know more than one spouse who has stayed with their soldier until they hit 10 years of federal service and then punched out with 50% of the soldiers future retirement; an action we can thank our legislature for, as ridiculous as it is. This seems like highway robbery to me, a soldier trains, deploys, sweats, bleeds and damn near dies for 20 years and his ex-wife of 10 years is GRANTED an automatic payment in the form of 50% of his retirement paycheck.

    Just sad. [:(][:(]



    "The Lord knows the way I take, and when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold" JOB 23:10
  • Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
    edited November -1
    You know the saying, the happiest military member ain't with a round eyed girl.[;)]
  • Night StalkerNight Stalker Member Posts: 11,967
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Red223
    You know the saying, the happiest military member ain't with a round eyed girl.[;)] [:0] how true... how true. Perhaps my wive can have reconstructive surgery in order to take the roundness out of her eyes [:D][:D]



    "The Lord knows the way I take, and when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold" JOB 23:10
  • Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
    edited November -1

    I've noticed in my years anyone with over 15 years in had a slant eyed wife. Anyone that had one sooner was consider very intelligent.[:D][:D]

    I'm not being racist or anything but asian girls understand a man's sacrifices for his family more than non-asian girls.

    I'm one of the converted.[;)]
  • ZERODINZERODIN Member Posts: 6,338
    edited November -1
    So, what you're telling me is that for every 10 gorgeous women I know who are married to someone in the military (which is about 9 of 10 women I know in Virginia [;)]), 7 of them are fair game? [:D]
  • Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
    edited November -1
    ....Or they are going to be.

    It's factual statistics.[:D]
  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • Joe DreesJoe Drees Member Posts: 2,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think the divorce rate is so high because so many 18 year olds get married. That plus GI Joe gets back from a six month deployment and spends his first home leave period drunk, plus the wife living in a trailer because that's all an E-3 can afford kind of takes the glamor out of a marraige. "Toughest Job in the World: Navy Wife" T-shirt sells well on base and contains a lot of truth. In 1985 I spent 330 days at sea or on the ship. In 1990 I spent six months straight working 14 hour days on the ship IN PORT. Takes an incredible woman to put up with that. And if you think Asian woman are any more faithful I can give you the names of quite a few guys who can tell you otherwise and the name of a few bars where you can find out for yourself. Trophy Lounge in San Diego comes to mind right off the bat. Dales in Alameda, and the list goes on. When I was single I was dating a gal who was married to my chief's best friend. I did not know she was married and dropped her like a hot potato when I found out. Dating some guy's wife (West pac widows) was the lowest thing a person can do. BTW I got married three weeks before I got out and is one of the reasons I left active after 14 years. Hard enough on the wife in the reserves.....Joe

  • ruger270manruger270man Member Posts: 9,361 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thats cuz, just like in the Whiskey Lullaby video, the woman is a dirty cheater [}:)]

    just a guess.. stir stir


    "I will no longer debate a liberal because I feel they are beneath contempt. Just communicating with one contaminates a person." - whiteclouder
  • ZERODINZERODIN Member Posts: 6,338
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ruger270man
    Thats cuz, just like in the Whiskey Lullaby video, the woman is a dirty cheater [}:)]

    Quite frequently, she's not the only one cheating. One of my friends in the Navy is married and is with more women in an average week than I have been in my life. Not saying it's all that many, but it's more than a married man should by an order of magnitude.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Joe Drees--X-Ring!!! There are a LOT of brand new Privates who get their first bit of physical "action" and fall in "love". They're married within weeks or a few months and it doesn't last. It's quite common. I know people who got married for convenience purposes so that they could draw a housing allowance and move out of the barracks.
  • guntech59guntech59 Member Posts: 23,187 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The spouse is not "automatically" granted the 50% at 10 years. I divorced my ex after she was with me for 17 years of my career and she got nothing! Most of it is up to the judge and how good your lawyer is. It is not carved in stone!

    For your information, I hope you never need to use it.
  • Night StalkerNight Stalker Member Posts: 11,967
    edited November -1
    Guntech, I think you were able to sneak on over on the old ex-wife. I've had two soldiers in my company go through a divorce tis year, and as soon as their wive's went to JAG, they were given the 50% figure no sooner than they sat down.

    In my nearly 17 years of service, I've never heard of anyone over 10 getting out of the 50% retirement loss... except for you. Congrats, got any tips I can pass along to my soldiers?



    "The Lord knows the way I take, and when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold" JOB 23:10
  • Joe DreesJoe Drees Member Posts: 2,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had a room mate while active duty. He was an E-6 with three ex's and a kid with each. He had to move out because he could not afford the $40.00 (1987) share of the trailer we were in. Gave up shore duty to go to a tender in Guam so he could get the sea pay. His own fault, though. He would be dancing with one gal while eyeing the rest.....

  • mkirklandmkirkland Member Posts: 1,040 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think a large number of those divorces are also soldiers who can't take living in the Barracks(Horrible living conditions) so they set up an arrangement with another soldier in order to get off base and be left alone. I don't think you can rate those statistics as saying anything really provocative. Oh and when soldiers are deployed you would be amazed at the number of finger tan lines you will spot in the clubs.[}:)]
  • Ray BRay B Member Posts: 11,822
    edited November -1
    Mkirkland- I don't recall "barracks" conditions as being horrible. It wasn't a situation that I'd want on a permanent basis; but given the temporary nature of it, and that it was preceded by living in really horrible conditions- living in a big room with other guys of similar age/experience/interests & being able to go into town in the evenings and weekends didn't seem all that bad to me.
  • bobskibobski Member Posts: 17,866 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i feel stats would be lower if the majority in the military werent now women and people of the lower to middle income social group. though this group is responsible for keeping the military going, face it, most people in the military are there as a last resort to homelessness, looking for freebies so they can go on to something better later, or were sold by recruiters to have pride and to do your part. though its all volunteer, very few are called to serve god and country and do a good job. there are more points of interest, but for sake of discussion, people with lower life skills and those from minority groups where divorce is the number one remidy to conflict, rather than counceling, are making that stat go up. its for this reason i say....KEEP FAMILIES OUT OF THE MILITARY. bring back the draft and get high social class guys in there too and frown upon married couples or single moms from enlisting. keeping focused on war and not momma back home will be a better service. now dont go jumping me on this, im just trying to make a point. and besides, anyone who has had to stand in line for meds at V.A. will know what im talking about. i do.

    former air operations officer SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team 2. former navy skeet team, former navy rifle/pistol team member. co-owner skeetmaster tubes inc.. owner/operator professional shooting instruction. NRA certified instructor.
    Retired Naval Aviation
    Former Member U.S. Navy Shooting Team
    Former NSSA All American
    Navy Distinguished Pistol Shot
    MO, CT, VA.
  • Night StalkerNight Stalker Member Posts: 11,967
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bobski
    .... most people in the military are there as a last resort to homelessness, looking for freebies so they can go on to something better later, or were sold by recruiters to have pride and to do your part. though its all volunteer, very few are called to serve god and country and do a good job. .... Bobski, I respect your opinion, but I have not ONE individual soldier in my company which fits into that descriptive category.

    In fact it is quite the opposite. I have a soldier with a JD, three soldiers with Master's Degrees (hell, my 1SG will complete his MS this semester) and well over half of my company have either a BS or a BA.

    Now before you throw the BS flag, I'll tell you that I am the Company Commander of a Military Intelligence unit, and I understand we have some exceptions rather than rules here, but by and large I see a more competent fighting force than I remember back when I enlisted in 1988.



    "The Lord knows the way I take, and when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold" JOB 23:10
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    bobski--Thank you for promoting wonderful lies about the men and women serving in uniform. You are so FOS. Most High School Seniors DON'T enlist for the college money. That's actually pretty low on the list of reasons why people enlist today. Today's prolonged global war on terror has almost eliminated from the pool of new enlistees folks who joined for the reasons you mentioned. A bonus and a free ride through college doesn't cut it when soldiers and marines are being blown up by IED's.

    My father judged me based on the BS that you stated in your post. It took him six months to pull his head out and realize what I've accomplished. Today's military is different from the military of your experience.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mkirkland
    I think a large number of those divorces are also soldiers who can't take living in the Barracks(Horrible living conditions) so they set up an arrangement with another soldier in order to get off base and be left alone. I don't think you can rate those statistics as saying anything really provocative. Oh and when soldiers are deployed you would be amazed at the number of finger tan lines you will spot in the clubs.[}:)]

    mkirkland--Today's BOSS program and barracks conditions are pretty much like living in college dorms except that your rooms have to be clean but you can have your own bedding and put up tasteful posters and pretty much decorate as you please. I put down a full piece of carpet on my floor when I was at Fort Lewis because it was easier to vacuum than it was to wax. We had our own bathrooms at Fort Drum and NCO's in the barracks have their own NCO room which is usually larger than a typical room sans roommate due to NCO status. Anyone that spends much time in the barracks is probably a loser anyways. The grass around the barracks still needs to be mowed. The snow still needs to be shoveled in places like Fort Drum, NY. I was on a mowing detail once and I voluntarily helped out after graveyards with shoveling on more than one occasion. Barracks soldiers have it easy these days. Most Army posts have built or are in the process of building new barracks buildings where you access your barracks room from the outside. There is no hallway connecting all rooms so you have more privacy still.

    Unfortunately, you're right about the finger tan lines. I arrived at Fort Drum when most of the 10th Mountain Division was deployed to Bosnia. I'd stop by the clubs during graveyards just to mingle with the club operators to see if there were any problems and then I'd head out. I've been propositioned many times by the spouses of deployed soldiers.
  • WarbirdsWarbirds Member Posts: 16,901 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Bobski- I think that you're way off base this time, and I have to disagree with you. Since I know you're a (retired) chief did you know that by 2007 a Chief will have to have an Associates degree? 2009 a SR. chief will need a Bachelors' degree, and to make master chief you're going to need a Masters degree by 2012. This is written in stone by the CNO. As for the divorce rate I definetly know way more people with failed marriages in the military than people with successful marriages. There's no ring on my finger, but if there were to be it would not be during this career path. I would have to follow Joe Drees' footsteps and get out of the Navy.


    People everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.

    -- A. J. Liebling
  • bobskibobski Member Posts: 17,866 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    lies? did you miss the part about the 22 years service i did? or the 22 years of counceling i had to waste my life on to keep my unit in working order mentally because jim bobs wife was a whoore? or 2 years as a recruiter in nyc until my NEC was requested and i was pulled to liason with the 266th airborne unit in ft lee? or the part how we use to pass our 24QT applicant scores of to the army with 75 being the basic for navy? i served under all branches TAD/TDY/PCS to include with forgeign host nationals. benning, bragg, jfk center, lackland, dix, groton, mardet subic, rossy roads, bermuda, singapore, 25th tropic lightning, just to name a few unclassed ones. its a fact gents. the majority of the cream delacream dont even consider service. fact, less than 7% of eligable children of congressmen enlist. fact, i would rather bet my life on a known drunk who is sober enough to save my life than a man who doesnt want to be there, but the fact still remains, those poor skills were either taught by peers or by his upbringing. it usually takes 4 years for the average joe to learn to break his bad habits and realize his or her potential. but until then, its sheer hell in some cases for NCO'S and staff. oh geeeesh....tweaks and geeks with 400,000 IQ's telling me they never had problems![:D] imagine that! but what about that GED guy who had to give up his part time tire store job to serve his unit? follow me? and dont think i dont know about the 2/3 rule in equal rights either. we are forced to make comprimises to hit the law wickets...even at the cost of bringing in a few bad apples. 50% of all recruiting is done off the beaten trail where people are desperate for jobs or income. how do i know? i created and canvassed all the blind adds in the 3 top nyc newspapers. i was to put in numerous ads for say welders wanted, computer technitions, plumbers,etc... and when they called, i got all their info up front and THEN told them it was with a job in the navy. we had a 20% quota average and i can assure you, the other 80% werent very educated or very american. if they hung up, we'd sick the dogs on them,(field recruiters) the military targets the lower to middle class. period. why? because they know how to survive without. anyone with more than 12 years educated is refered to OPO. so dont tell me i dont know the game folks. been there done that. and allow me to repeat...there are those that want to serve. bravo. but i just wonder how many would be in if there wasnt a 9/11?[?] im saddened to hear cpo's are being forced to have degrees to advance. just like things like airwarfare or seafare wings or bubbles. when you force people to get these awards, they arent doing it because they want to anymore, (which seperates good from best performers,) it forces them to do it because they HAVE to. educating a man while in the military is a good thing and a benifit. but to push force a no load up into postions once filled by WINNERS who didnt have to be pushed just pushes the problem further up. all may be equal on paper and make congress happy, but all you do is just get educated idiots in higher places. God a hate what the japs did to america in the business world! so bottom recruit people of less quality backgrounds, you get the problems associated with it. not ALL are like this. i know. i was a D student when i went in. but i went in single and stayed single for decades. allow me to quote my company commander..." if the navy wanted you to have a wife, they would have issued you one in your seabag." i lived by that and never had a distraction in my 21 years single. i laughed at those that did get married and couldnt live a normal military life. its my opinion and im sticking to it. in closing...maybe we should ask keith morrisons father how much a distraction his son was????[;)]

    former air operations officer SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team 2. former navy skeet team, former navy rifle/pistol team member. co-owner skeetmaster tubes inc.. owner/operator professional shooting instruction. NRA certified instructor.
    Retired Naval Aviation
    Former Member U.S. Navy Shooting Team
    Former NSSA All American
    Navy Distinguished Pistol Shot
    MO, CT, VA.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Like I said, today's military is not the military of your day. Every retired guy and former enlisted guy that was in the military, say, 3+ years ago thinks they know what it's all about. Things have changed quickly and dramatically over the course of the last 3 - 5 years in the military.

    By the way....the Army's standards for a H.S. Senior to enlist are higher. They Navy requires a 31 and we require a 50. A very rare exception will allow us to sink as low as the Navy, Air Force or USMC with regards to AFQT for a H.S. Senior. By today's standards, less than 1% of people recruited for the Army has a GED. I turn people away with GED's all the time.

    We're recruiting a different breed today. It's COMPLETELY different from what you describe. Ever recruit during the entire duration of a prolonged war where your service RAISED the enlistment standards? The war in which we are currently engaged has not HELPED enlistments at all. 9/11 didn't to $H!+ for this region of the country. The only people that "walked in" were the typical broke unqualified people who thought we lowered the standards. I can see where you'd have the opinion that you have after working in NYC. NYC doesn't make the entire nation's mission. I've been a recruiter twice as long as you were a recruiter and I've been recruiting RECENTLY. Don't speak on behalf of the Army. The Navy may still be the way you describe. The Army isn't.
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I hate to think what the military divorce rate would be if SpecOps personnel were not predominantly gay.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by DancesWithSheep
    I hate to think what the military divorce rate would be if SpecOps personnel were not predominantly gay.

    DWS--Don't forget it was the SpecOps community that returned to Fort Bragg after "fighting the good fight" and murdered several of their wives that they suspected were cheating on them.
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by idsman75
    DWS--Don't forget it was the SpecOps community that returned to Fort Bragg after "fighting the good fight" and murdered several of their wives that they suspected were cheating on them.

    That was the reported reason, sure. But the real reason was despair over leaving the nightly ACOG and Vaseline parties with a HumVee mechanic named Ken.
  • guntech59guntech59 Member Posts: 23,187 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Night Stalker
    Guntech, I think you were able to sneak on over on the old ex-wife. I've had two soldiers in my company go through a divorce tis year, and as soon as their wive's went to JAG, they were given the 50% figure no sooner than they sat down.

    In my nearly 17 years of service, I've never heard of anyone over 10 getting out of the 50% retirement loss... except for you. Congrats, got any tips I can pass along to my soldiers?


    Nightstalker, The law hasn't changed. What does JAG have to do with it? They can help you with a legal seperation but, not in civil court. The presiding judge is the one that has the final say. Don't ask for names but I know of several people that were told the same thing and got a good lawyer. One got out at 25% the other at 35%. Both of them were career soldiers with over 20 years in the Army AND their marriages. You have to fight and show that you know the law.

    Are you in command? I seem to remember that from an earlier post. Ask at JAG again and then ask a civilian attorney that is familiar with it. Tell your soldiers NOT to accept it as fact and get a lawyer to fight for them. $2500 for the lawyer is NOTHING compared to loss of 50% of your retirement for 30 or 40 years!!!!


    I learn something new everyday.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by DancesWithSheep
    quote:Originally posted by idsman75
    DWS--Don't forget it was the SpecOps community that returned to Fort Bragg after "fighting the good fight" and murdered several of their wives that they suspected were cheating on them.

    That was the reported reason, sure. But the real reason was despair over leaving the nightly ACOG and Vaseline parties with a HumVee mechanic named Ken.

    There's a lot to be said for the sensation derived from stroking a lubed-up ACOG.
  • mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by DancesWithSheep
    quote:Originally posted by idsman75
    DWS--Don't forget it was the SpecOps community that returned to Fort Bragg after "fighting the good fight" and murdered several of their wives that they suspected were cheating on them.

    That was the reported reason, sure. But the real reason was despair over leaving the nightly ACOG and Vaseline parties with a HumVee mechanic named Ken.

    That's KENNETH to you...



    "I am what I am!" - Popeye
  • guntech59guntech59 Member Posts: 23,187 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This is soooooo good! Why is it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wide!!!!!!!!!!!!!![:D][:D][:D]


    I learn something new everyday.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    TO quote my favorite gay band from the south.....

    "What's the frequency Kenneth...."
  • Ray BRay B Member Posts: 11,822
    edited November -1
    Old corps vs New corps- same old argument; Like the sign at supply at MCRD said "If your 782 gear didn't look like this (Roman Legion Gear) don't talk to me about Old Corps. I guess if you guys had been in a real branch of the military, you'd see things a little more clearly.
  • Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
    edited November -1
    Dang you will need to have an Associates to be a Chief in the Army by 2007?

    In the wussy AF you already need more than an Associates to get above E-7.

    Another factor on why the military doesn't have a 100% Divorce rate....the other 30% ain't been deployed to Korea or the Middle East yet.[:D][:D]

    Boy this thread really has stirred the pot...keep 'em coming.
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When did the Army get "chiefs"?

    *scratches head all confused*
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