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Saudis Funding Suicide Bombings

Patrick OdlePatrick Odle Member Posts: 951 ✭✭✭✭
edited April 2002 in General Discussion
Did a telethon for martyr's families. Again proving that all arabs thinks with one mind. deny this if you are a so called american arab or are ignorant of all arabs.

One good thing you never hear a succesful suicide bomber saying "Seconds Anyone"!


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    TeamblueTeamblue Member Posts: 782 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    After the 911 attacks the Pres. said in his speech to congress that countries who aid or harbor terrorists would share in their fate. I wonder what this means if the suicide bombings start in the U.S.?? Or one of them kills Americans overseas?? If we link one of these bombings to Saudi support will the administration take steps against Saudi Arabia??? Don't count on it. It angers me greatly that our supposed friends the Saudis blatantly support this stuff.

    Justice through Valor 1*
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    sodbustersodbuster Member Posts: 2,305 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I just read on FOX news,,the saudis raised over 100
    million dollars for the families of the suicide bombers!!
    I say stop doing business with the saudis (SP?). Then
    if they don't mend their ways,,which they won't,,
    BOMBS AWAY! Also,,ship em all back,,,as long as they
    have free run of OUR COUNTRY this terrorism will only
    increase!! Am I wrong
    Please don't confuse this post with those that want a
    certain people who are here for a better life and pursue
    the American dream removed from our country, I'm talking
    about people that want you and me dead

    It's not the number of your stars that count,,it's the size of your moon.

    Edited by - sodbuster on 04/13/2002 22:38:41
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    AlpineAlpine Member Posts: 15,070 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree with Sodbuster. If they are assisting terrorism boot them out.
    If they want to be Americans, and have entered this country legally, I have no problem with them becomming citizens. The problem would be they would be told, the fund they were donating to would be to " help the widows and orphans back home". Unless State Department would let everyone know that weren't necessarly so, they will notknow the differance.
    ?The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.?
    Margaret Thatcher

    "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
    Mark Twain
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    Bushy ARBushy AR Member Posts: 564 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Very interesting topic. I think one of the so-called reasons for the 9/11 attacks was our "occupation" of Saudi Arabia. My question is this:are we there to protect freedom,which there is none of there,or protect our own oil interests? I say leave them to their own misfortune and when they get invaded by one of their neighbors,only agree to help them if we can have all their oil free.

    Only in America a homeless war veteran slept in a cardboard box while a draft dodger slept in the white house...NEVER AGAIN!!
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Didn't I read somewhere that politics makes for strange bed fellows? Didn't our greatest 20th century President, Ronald Reagan, sell some stuff to Iran to help out our friends in Central America? Sometimes you have to deal with the devil to get what you want....Anybody want to spend $6.00 a gallon for gas. I'm sure our trucker friends on this forum would have something to say about those kind of gas prices!! Beach
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    gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    And how many billions did we send to Israel this year & how are they spending it right now?
    Bush to Sharon, back off.
    Sharon to Bush, Screw you!
    With friends like this , who needs any enemies?
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    25-0625-06 Member Posts: 466 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Gruntled, I disagree with you. I think it is the epitome of hypocrisy that Bush is telling Sharon to back off when we are blowing the Hell out of Afganistan, which I think is great. We have no business telling the Jews how to handle their problems. They are the only real ally we have in the Middle East. The Saudis are the ones Bush should be dictating some ultimatums to. Like quit giving money to terrorists or we will start on you next and take your precious oil for free.
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    OLD SF-EROLD SF-ER Member Posts: 57 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Maybe we need to have old Jerry Lewis do a special telethon for the US! Our mission could be to raise money to help eliminate the militant Arabs off the face of the earth ! In "Desert Storm", I heard that we acually made money off the war from contributions from other countries. Why should we have to shoulder all the load? A telethon would give us more money to drop more bombs and have more telethons to raise more money to drop more bombs, etc!

    Seriously, the Saudi Telethon raising money for the Palestinians is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion. All they're doing is setting their country up to lose; if we stopped buying their oil and providing protection for them, their kings would become Saddam's slaves. (Maybe that's what needs to happen).

    "If you can do it, it ain't braggin'".
    JR Ewing - "Dallas"
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    The Saudis have shown no desire for peace in the region! The "Saudi Peace Plan" is a sham! But let's not single out one Arab nation, because none of them care one whit for peace OR the Palestinians.
    I'm sure some of our "resident historians" will remember Israel's offer to return the Gaza Strip to the Egyptians. The Egyptians had no desire to care for the Palestinian refugees in that region so they refused Israel's offer, turning their backs on the Palestinians that they professed to care so deeply about! The Arab nations only apparent desire is for the complete destruction of Israel first, then the rest of the "Western World".
    Let's not forget that while the United States is calling for Israel to withdraw it's forces, I have heard none of the Arab nations calling for the Palestinians to stop the terrorist activities.
    When we do develop an alternate energy source and find that we no longer need to deal with our backstabbing 'Arab friends', these nations will be plunged further into poverty.
    Then I'm sure we will be deeply loved in the region because we can end our "occupation".
    Those who maintain that the region's problems are due to our need for imported oil should really get their heads out of the sand. The oil producing nations of the world need us far more than we need them!!

    Of course this is just my humble absolutely correct opinion.

    My wife?.........Sure!My dog?..........Maybe!MY GUNS??........NEVER!!!
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well as soon as the terrorist Israeli gestapo leaves the burning refugee camps and their smouldering ovens(you like that stanman?) heroic Palestinian martyrs will again go out and show the Israeli Nazis that there is not shortage of Palestinian heroes. Remember to the Palestinians there are no Israeli civilians... every Israeli goes armed and is allowed to butcher Palestinians at will. The sooner the United States stops funding the Israeli Nazis and lets both sides work it out on their own...the better for the United States. Let's see how well the Israelis do with out the biased Israeli lobby propping up their Nazi regime. I really think the Israelis should dump the star of david and go with the swastika as their symbol; it really does fit their tyrannical method of oppressing the innocent. We are going down a long sad road propping up that government. And anybody that thinks that Israel is our friend needs a dose of reality.....they would and have screwed us in the past if it fitted their needs. At least we know where the Palestinians stand. Beach
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Actually I don't feel quite as strongly as my last entry sounds...I just tire of stanman's sanctimonious drivel. Beach
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    More emotional, unsubstantiated, anti-semetic rhetoric.
    And of course the obligatory personal attack!
    Thank you Beach,, you never disappoint.

    Notice beginning members that member ranking here is based only on number of posts, not intellectual content.
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    sodbustersodbuster Member Posts: 2,305 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    There are many members who use this board that have more
    knowlege about the middle-east than I will ever have.
    I have learned a great deal from some of the posts on this
    topic. Do I have this correct? Israel lets the palastinians
    live in an area but they are strictly controlled by Israel.
    The palastinians feel that they have a right to live free of
    Israel control. Israel says pigs-nose,,you live here you
    gonna live as we tell you how to live. Israel has F-16 jets,
    tanks,etc,,and billions of U.S.A. money. The palastinians
    get aid from other muslums. All muslims hate our guts and
    want to kill all Americans because we give Israel billions.
    Unless we give the palastinians a place to live in freedom
    they will suicide bomb til nobody is left to strap C-4 to.
    What I want to know is what do we get in return for all those
    billions that we give to Israel? (Besides all arabs hate our
    guts)Israel is our friend,,I've seen this on posts,,how do
    they show us friendship? I don't really care about either one of these people but it looks like we are right in the middle of it. Now what would be wrong (don't be bashfull you ain't going to hurt my feelings as I have taken no sides here) with this. Cut Israel off of their allowance for a couple of years (or longer),,secure the palastinians a place to live in freedom. Then,,,,prepare to give either one of them a spankin' if they get out of line??

    It's not the number of your stars that count,,it's the size of your moon.
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Anti semetic????? Stanman I made no reference to Jews. I targeted only the Nazi like government of Israel. There are Christians and Arabs who are citizens of Israel. I can hear the strains of "Wir fliegen nach Palestine" echoing in the distance. Please confine yourself to the Nazi-like posturing by Der Fuhrer Adolf Sharon. I realize that you are Israel's posterboy here at GB and that when ever anyone speaks badly of your "Fatherland" you will come rushing to the rescue....

    Stanman I'll let my postings over the last few years stand the observation of time. That you choose to denegrate me I too have come to expect from the shallow hollow being that you are. I am more interested in peace than you could imagine. As a military man I know who dies when this country is drawn into war. I believe you probably have never served your country or you would be far more reluctant to shed American blood for Israel. Actally I'd be a little more respectful of you if you had. You dismiss any anti Israel argument out of hand and continually spout the Israeli government's party line. Were you to offer some constructive remarks rather than mere condemnation of all that is not Israeli you might be taken a little more seriously around it stands you will just always be the litlle Israeli posterboy. Beach
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    More name calling, personal attacks and now speculation about my service to my country!!
    Do you know the definition of the word "sanctimony"??

    Now rather than wait for your reply, I think I'll take my lovely wife to dinner someplace nice!!

    Edited by - stanman on 04/14/2002 22:14:51
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    DarkStar11DarkStar11 Member Posts: 1,557 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Beachmaster -- X-ring.

    quote:What I want to know is what do we get in return for all those billions that we give to Israel? (Besides all arabs hate our guts)Israel is our friend,,I've seen this on posts,,how do
    they show us friendship?

    The USS Liberty, on 06/08/67.

    DarkStar11"Now is the test of the boomerangtossed in the night of redeeming"
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    No name calling, no personal attacks, just a few observations. You made your bed here stanman....I didn't....and you'll have to sleep in it. I merely have observed your behavior over many posts involving the Middle East and Israel. You are so blind in your allegiance to Israel that you appear blind and deaf to anyone with a differing opinion(I appreciate your allegiance to your cause but I am distressed because the SS had the same sort of allegiance). As I have said before I doubt that there is anyone alive today who will solve the problem in the Middle East. There is plenty of blame to go around on both sides and simply spouting the Israeli government's view is a shortsighted approach to the issue. When young Palestinians are so convinced of the righteousness of their country's position that they sacrifice themselves to make a statement even an unthinking Israeli supporter should look with a view to some common ground. You haven't to my knowledge made that look. If someone could wave a magic wand and undue all of the wrongs it would be a wonderful thing.....but the wrongs have occurred on both sides of the issue. Did you notice that early during the Israeli incursion into the Palestinian areas that many Israeli mouthpieces were spouting that NO NEW SUICIDE BOMBINGS had occurred as if the Israeli actionwas actually going to stop them. The mouthpieces stopped spouting their prattle when the last two suicide attacks occurred.

    You still haven't put my speculation to bed regarding your dedication to this country.....I wonder if it equals your dedication to Israel.

    And yes I do. Beach
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    salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1

    Happiness is a warm gun
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    BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1

    Uh huhhhh......

    Since you seem to be into utterly baseless, chest-thumping, anti-Semetic, xenophobic Jingoism, I think I can point you in the direction of a few sites you might like:

    Here's one that gives LOTS of reasons why Tim McVeigh was totally innocent and the OKC bombing was orchestrated by the mob.

    Heres' one that says that George Bush is collaborating with the Communist Chinese to push drugs on our children.

    Here's one that says John Ashcroft is actually a Reptoid in a human-skin costume, and is secretly plotting the invasion of the world.


    And last but not least, heres

    What do these sites all have in common?

    They all give dozens of anecdotes and obscure references to support a ridiculous idea...
    ...and they're all patent bullsh**, spun by corroded minds and based in deep-seated hatred and emotional issues.

    I'm disgusted, frankly, and I've heard this crap too many times.

    Come back and talk to me when you can deal in facts.
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Dark Star....Thankyou. I have gone around and around with stanman, the Israeli posterboy, on every Middle East discussion here at GB. Rather than debate the issues he has time and time again ignored specifics and used sound bytes supportive of Israel. You know I don't relish the idea of paying $6.00 a gallon for gas simply because we have backed Israel in this dispute. Israel has done little for us and only takes and takes and takes.
    What I think angered me more than anything about stanman was his casual dismissal of the attack on the USS Liberty as a simple mistake even in light of the evidence to the contrary. By his reasoning if Israel did an horrific act Israel must have had justifiable cause really rubs me the wrong way. His refusal to admit that Israel could be a part...even a small part of the problem over there defies any logic. His belief that if Israeli's butcher and murder it's ok but if a Palestinian does it it is a terrible terrorist act....well you guys get the picture.
    Most of you guys know me and know I'm pretty level headed. But when stanman starts up his simplistic pro-Israel prattling instead of addressing an issue...I'll continue to take umbrage with it. Beach

    P.S. What really frosts me though is when he calls anybody not in bed with Israel an anti-semetic. Palestinians are a semetic people does that make the Israeli government itself an anti-semetic organization? Just a question. Beach
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    bullzeye...."baseless, chest thumping, anti-Semetic, xenophobic jingoism"???? You cut me to the quick. We have had some good discussions on the Middle East and you have made some excellent observations critical of my position that I have acknowledged. I'd like to think that some of my observations have equally moderated some, certainly not all, of your opinions about this volatile area of the world. Beach
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    FitzFitz Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You send $6.5 billion a year to Israel. All you Constitutionalists, read theirs:

    Section 1 Basic Principles
    Basic human rights in Israel are based on the recognition of the value of the human being, and the sanctity of his life and his freedom, and these will be respected in the spirit of the principles of the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel.

    Section 1a Purpose
    The purpose of this Basic Law is to protect human dignity and liberty, in order to anchor in a Basic Law tile values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

    Section 2 Preservation of life, body and dignity
    There shall be no violation of the life, body or dignity of any person as such.

    Section 3 Protection of property
    There shall be no violation of the property of a person.

    Section 4 Protection of life, body, and dignity
    All persons are entitled to protection of their life, body, and dignity.

    Section 5 Personal liberty
    There shall be no deprivation or restriction of the liberty of a person by imprisonment, arrest, extradition or by any other manner.

    Section 6 Leaving and entering Israel

    (a) All persons are free to leave Israel.
    (b) Every Israel national has the right of entry into Israel from abroad.

    Section 7 Privacy

    (a) All persons have the right to privacy and to intimacy.
    (b) There shall be no entry into the private premises of a person who has not consented thereto.
    (c) No search shall be conducted on the private premises or body of a person, nor in the body or belongings of a person.
    (d) There shall be no violation of the secrecy of the spoken utterances, writings or records of a person.

    Section 8 Violation of rights
    There shall be no violation of rights under this Basic Law except by a Law fitting the values of the State of Israel, designed for a proper purpose, and to an extent no greater than required or by such a law enacted with explicit authorization therein.

    Section 9 Reservation regarding security forces
    There shall be no restriction of rights under this Basic Law held by persons serving in the Israel Defence Forces, the Israel Police, the Prisons Service and other security organizations of the State, nor shall such rights be subject to conditions, except by virtue of a Law and to an extent no greater than required by the nature and character of the service.

    Section 10 Validity of laws
    This Basic Law shall not affect the validity of any law (din) in force prior to the commencement of the Basic Law.

    Section 11 Application
    All governmental authorities are bound to respect the rights under this Basic Law.

    Section 12 Stability
    This Basic Law cannot be varied, suspended or made subject to conditions by emergency regulations; notwithstanding, when a state of emergency exists, by virtue of a declaration under Section 9 of the Law and Administration Ordinance, 5708-1948, emergency regulations may be enacted by virtue of said section to deny or restrict rights under this Basic Law, provided the denial or restriction shall be for a proper purpose and for a period and extent no greater than required.

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    gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    25/06: Sounds like you are proposing a "Final solution to the Palistineanian Problem". I only suggest we stop sponsoring state terrorism. If we cut them off they would quickly make an offer that couldn't be rejected. The earlier offer that everyone criticizes Arafat for rejecting fell far short in terms of returning land & made no mention of the "Right of Return". The Saudi proposal opens the door to negotiations regarding payment for surrendering this right.
    The only stumbling block would be the Wailing Wall & there should be a way to offer compensating land in return for the wall.
    Beach: That should be "Wir fahren gegen Palistine".
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    Please take a deep breath and try to read this post as if someone elses screen name appears on the left over there OK?
    It's late here so try to bear with me, if you would, as I stumble across the keyboard.
    Nowhere, never, in any of my posts have I advocated for direct US military involvement in defense of Israel. Yet you stated that if I were a "military man" I would be more "reluctant to shed American blood in defense of Israel." I don't honestly know where that came from. I would say that historically Israel has proven her ability to fly her own planes and drive her own tanks, wouldn't you? I don't believe they need or want our people, just our hardware. They do it better for themselves than we could ever hope to do it for them.

    "What I think angered me more than anything about stanman was his casual dismissal of the attack on the USS Liberty as a simple mistake even in light of the evidence to the contrary."

    Perhaps you would be so kind as to show me where I even had the opportunity to respond to the post about the USS liberty??
    You can't do that can you beach,,,,,, You put words in my mouth, made statements on my behalf, and you call ME a shallow, hollow being. You should be ashamed! I sincerely hope you teach metal shop or PE, something harmless, God forbid YOU were trying to teach HISTORY!!

    I have noticed that you typically respond to member's posts in a calm, thoughtful and well spoken manner. However, for whatever reason, you have chosen to respond to my posts with extreme,almost adolescent volatility. You have never hesitated to resort to name calling and have basically behaved rather like a troll. Maybe someone with my name screwed your girlfriend in college (hey, was that YOUR girlfriend??) You have made historically inaccurate statements and then accused me of being ignorant of history. ("Israel launched a Pearl Harbor style attack", wow, that one still cracks me up beach.)

    But,, since I live with my wife and our three teenage daughters I deal with that sort of 'I'm right because I want to be' mentality every day, so I'll leave the last word on this one to you, as I have before, as I'm sure your cheering section is eager to hear what you have to say for yourself.

    I must, however, confess some surprise that Salzo couldn't see through your spin job, he always strikes me as being much more astute than that! Perhaps he was just temporarily blinded by all your many stars.
    Oh, and about my military service,,,,,,, No, you don't even deserve to know under whose flag I might have served.

    Bullzeye: ............. BULLSEYE!!

    Plenty of edits, huh?

    Edited by - stanman on 04/15/2002 05:40:48

    Edited by - stanman on 04/15/2002 05:44:05

    Edited by - stanman on 04/15/2002 06:00:21
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Oh please stanman don't profess such ignorance. In a previous forum thread you were adamant that the bombing of the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. Don't try to crawl back under your rock with protestations of ignorance. I'm not going to call it up out of the archives because you don't merit that much research and if you are anything like the country you so proudly represent on this board you probably have already deleted it.
    You mentioned once building an outhouse for me. I mentioned that I doubted your ability to construct something that simple. Nothing you have said since causes me to change that opinion of you. You seek to anger me by some reference to college girlfriend's being nailed by someone with your name....highly unlikely. And I'm certain I didn't nail your wife....she only has daughters.
    Stanman I will continue to view you as Israel's little posterboy dressed up in your SS uniform with a Star of David on your arm. I too tire of debating an individual who resorts to name calling whenever he meets with difficulty....sounds a lot like Sharon to me. I realize you are not reading this stanman as per your prior statement but perhaps if you were you would propose a solution to the Middle East rather than merely mouthing Israeli platitudes. If you want to see what happens as a result of Israel's latest incursion you will....when Israel pulls out previously moderate Palestiinans will have been driven to the point of putting their explosive backpacks on and begin the suicide bombing anew. Something has to be done to prevent means thinking outside of the box....something Sharon and Arafat have been unable to do. Until they do the cycle will only continue.
    Oh and stanman...I don't need to know about your lack of military service. Your reluctance to state your chosen service speaks volumes to those who actually have served. Most people who are reluctant to speak of their service usually had an unhappy time and blame it on the military. In any case stanman...let's hear your solution to the Middle East....and you are not permitted to set up extermination camps like Treblinka as one of your choices. Beach
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    gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Stanman: I'm the one who characterized the Israeli sneak
    attack on Egypt as a Pearl Harbor like attack.
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    DarkStar11DarkStar11 Member Posts: 1,557 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    So, Bullz, if you believe that the attack on the USS Liberty was NOT an accident by Israel, you are anti-semetic? Dang, my Jewish friends are going to be pretty surprised when they find out -- especially since they think Israel intentionally attacked the USS Liberty, too!

    We all better go get our heads shaved after work.

    I deal in facts every day. Like the one where over 4000 Palestinians have been "arrested" since Israel started its campaign in the occupied territories. And the fact that Israel has been pushing Palestinians into, I mean, refugee camps. And the fact that while the Israelis say they have nothing to hide in the refugee camps and that they haven't killed hundreds of civilians in Jenin (as alleged by Palestinians) they won't allow reporters into the camp to see what has happened there. And there seems to be a lot of evidence showing that the attack on the USS Liberty was not just a casual mistake by Israel.

    DarkStar11"Now is the test of the boomerangtossed in the night of redeeming"
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    Right you are, it would appear I have incorrectly attributed your quote to beachmaster. My mistake!

    I sincerely regret having credited you with the "pearl harbor attack" statement. You, however, have tagged me with two seperate statements which I never made, and rather than dredge up the testicular mass to admit when you're wrong, you have replied with juvenile statements and denial.
    "I'm not going to call it up out of the archives because you don't merit that much research and if you are anything like the country you so proudly represent you probably have already deleted it."
    The fact that the statements were never made means nothing to you, so why don't you ask your cheerleaders if they remember the posts that I supposedly deleted? Of course you won't do that, I wouldn't either, I would just admit that I was wrong.
    You have used half truths, fraudulent quotes, and personal attacks to elevate your own opinion of yourself and to denegrate me. Hillary needs people with your special skills for her Presidential campaign.

    Shhhh, whats that sound??
    Oh, that's just beach's credibility on this forum going down the toilet!!
    Let me speculate about your service beach............ Coast Guard??
    Ok, NOW I've wasted all the time I can waste on one pathetic little man.
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    salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Stanman-I was giving Beachmaster an XRing, for his assessment of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. It had nothing to do withpersonal comments directed at you. However, rereading your posts(I mean I had to after your little comment about Beachs "cherleaders")I do agree that you do not have much to offer on the topic, except for the Israeli pary line. Beach was right on his assessment. You are a good Israeli cheerleader.

    Happiness is a warm gun
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    Sorry you feel that way Salzo, your opinions here have always carried some weight with me! They still do!
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well my malignant little Israeli posterboy. I did try to dredge up the USS Liberty statements that I believed you to have made. They were not there. I believed them to have been made by you during the thread in which you so generously offered to build an outhouse for me and for which I declined as I thought you would have lacked those basic carpentry skills to complete a project of that complexity. I did find a disagreement over the USS Liberty which I had with jeenyes and since you were not involved in that discussion it may have been a mistake on my part. Everyone is entitled to at least have made several.
    I did state with certainty earlier that I couldn't possibly have been the father of your children....that was before I realized that you lived in Portland....I went to Portland several times during the Rose Festival in that city between 15 and 18 years ago maybe one is mine.
    Stanman, my little Israeli posterboy, did you think to insult me by tagging my military service as Coast Guard? Do you and your little JDL friends believe the Coast Guard to be a joke? Well I'll tell you this every military man appreciates what the Coast Guard does. They have to go out and rescue others in need when the other services do not. They always have to go out....they don't have to come back. It was not my honor to serve in the Coast Guard you malignant little JDL chancroid. By casting dispersions on the Coast Guard you have shown this forum what a juvenile little sack of fecal material you are.

    Now just go and put on your little SS uniform and goosestep around for a while thinking about what you'd like to do with the Palestinians.....Incidently stanman do your SS runes go above or below the Star of David on your uniform? Beach

    P.S. Stanman you bore me with your predictable pro-Israeli rhetoric. When you have something worth saying that could solve the problem then speak; otherwise you are just part of the problem. You know I asked you if you had any ideas on how to solve it. You came up with maggies drawers. Try again and see if you can produce an X-Ring. Beach

    Edited by - beachmaster73 on 04/16/2002 13:12:07
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    gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Beach: I know its hard to watch the evening news & then abide
    anyone that is cheering on these atocities but I hope you might consider deleating or at least editing the last post.
    Which brings up the question of how? I can't find any symbol
    that has the eraser on it.
    It is abidingly strange how they can complain at such length about the Holocaust & then turn around & become everything that the
    Nazis were. I also get upset when I hear their fighters decribed as
    gunmen or terrorists. They are policemen & militamen defending their
    homes & families.
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    beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Gruntled out of respect for you I did just that. It is tremendously unfair of me to make assumptions about stanman's family because they have the misfortune to deal with him daily.

    Oh yeah....gruntled you have to be logged on and the eraser thing shows at the top of your message. Beach

    P.S. Thanks gruntled for the oil check there...I did go over the top a little.

    Edited by - beachmaster73 on 04/16/2002 13:16:00
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    I guessed Coast Guard based on your user name you twit, more spin, predictable as a menstrual cycle.
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