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Differences Of Opinion

Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
edited April 2002 in General Discussion
It seems that alot of us has a different way of looking at some things and I wonder why that is. Is it because some of us believe when we think we are right the next guy with a differing view is wrong? Let's take the infamous .223 debate which has been going on for a few weeks now. If you feel it is a bad cartridge for deer, does it make it wrong when somebody thinks it's ok? If I think it is a good cartridge does that make me stupid? I own several different rifles in larger calibers but I choose to use the .223 whenever possible because it is more of a pleasure and cheaper to shoot. Am I a bad person? I pick on the the guys with the larger guns just to agitate and because some honestly believe you need maximum horse power for deer. Am I wrong to think that? I have shot deer with my WTBY Vanguard in .300 Wtby mag, in my opinion that is just too much gun. Heck even to me a 30-06 is not necassary for deer but it is used alot around here. It's all on what you want. I apologize for insulting anybody for using a large gun but some of that was done in retaliation to comments made to me. There are two fella's here that have outright gotten nasty over the .223 debate, why is that? Did I get nasty? If I did I'm sorry. I shouldnt have stooped down to that level, although there is one guy in particular whom I cannot stand and have no use for him after I seen a comment he made, I will not appologize to him.

Take some other subjects we arque about. Why do some of us get so wound up over some things? Is it that some subjects hit home with us and we feel a need to defend it. Is calling somebody names the answer to getting our opinion across? I admit I have doen that before and I shouldnt, I also apologize for calling sombody names and I hope I never got to the point of being nasty. I have a short temper and sometimes I speak(type) before I think about what I'm about to say. Like I said, I mean no disrespect to any of you, well excpet for one.

There are a couple subjects that perk me up. One of which is the trucking industry. There are a few truckers on here I can relate to, there are some times that non truckers have a problem seeing our point of view and will chastise us for feeling a certain way. I take some things personal about trucking. I love the job, I love the freedom. At 31 years old I have seen this country in a way that some only think about. I have seen every major city in this country, been to every state except for HA and AK. I'v seen alot of bad things and I have seen alot of good thanks to trucking. There are alot of times I feel like I'm beinf treated as a lower class individual because of the truck, I feel discriminated against because of the truck. People think truckers are bad, dope smoking pillpopping whore chasing bums. Well some og them are but not all of us. Why do some states act as if the trucks cause all the problems on the road. Every time a truck get's into an accident, people say "damned truckers need to be put on a leash, they are dangerous and need to be controlled". It's been proven already thet 80% of car/truck accidents are caused by the car driver but the media will never tell you that. They see us as a group of missfits that needs strict regualtion. Truckers are some of the safest drivers out on the road today but nobody see's that. They use the excuse that we are big and slow, that we are dangerous and we need to be controlled. People get offended when a truck get's in front of them, I'v heard people say they get eyeballed in the mirror and then cut off, while that may happen some times it's not common. Climb up in a truck and see why we do things we do. Find out what it's like to have the pedal on the floor with a heavy truck and not being able get the speed up, you say we hog the road, be patient, we are trying to move but sometimes it takes time. Have you ever seen somebody speed up when a truck is trying to pass? People do that, then all the others pass on the right boxing the truck into the left lane, now the guy directly behind the truck says we are hogging the road. We live on those roads and we have unwritten rules, some of you will never understand them and will continue to judge us in a way that makes you angry. In simple words, you drive your vehicle, I'll drive mine. When you get home and have dinner, I'll still be on the road trucking away. Like I said I love it, it's a lifestyle not a job. The more peolle understand how things work with us the better things will be. You would be sueprised how much easier the trip would go if you allowed us to flow with the traffic instead of trying to "conqure"(sp?) the truck.

Anyhow, sorry about the ranting. All I'm trying to say is sometimes we have differences of opinion. Just because we differ from somebidy elses opinion doesent make them wrong, or us right. Maybe we could benefit from others opinions instead of fighting them. Maybe if the opinions where put in a way that is not insulting it would help also. I'll try to be nicer and watch my mouth. I'll admit when I make a mistake, can y'all do the same? We are all gunowners, we need to get along. We need to share ideas and and form freindships. Have you ever heard the saying, " United we stand, divided we fall"? Well alot of us here will fall because we get bullheaded and don't want to listen to any body elses opinions and go on the defensive. Like I said I'm guilty of that too and I'll try to behave.

Thanks for reading and if ya dont' like it, too bad!LOL


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    k.stanonikk.stanonik Member Posts: 2,109 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm you and i have disagreed on issues befor but i respect you for your opinion, if it works for you great we all have the right to our own opinions. I agree with you about people trying to force their beliefs on everyone else is wrong. if we all thought alike life would be dull and we would not learn. I think i know the party you are speaking of and he is young and has not learned how to agree to disagree with honor
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    Gordian BladeGordian Blade Member Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I would never look down or think poorly of truckers. It's a tough job that takes skill. If they all decided to pull it over and watch TV for a week, most city people would starve to death. The one bad thing I will say is about Canadian truckers, in particular French Canadian truckers. I see plenty of them on I-87 (between Montreal and Albany) several times a week. They don't know where they're going, but they're in a hell of a hurry to get there.

    As for .223, I like to shoot 9mm, so don't ask me!
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    will270winwill270win Member Posts: 4,845
    edited November -1
    I bet me and you would be great huntin' partners. Even though i don't know english.(edit, hehehe)

    It has become my purpose in life to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. ~Secret Select Society Of Suave Stylish Smoking Jackets~

    Edited by - will270win on 04/13/2002 23:49:01
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    salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm- Have you ever used that .223 to hunt turkeys? A few years ago I was hunting turkey season(fall) in Potter county, and I ran into a guy with a turkey in his bag, and a .223 over his shoulder. He said "This is the seventh turkey Ive gotten this ye....uhhhh with this gun." Told me he shoots them at super long distances, and the 223 is perfect for longe range turkey hunting. I never met anyone who hunted turkey with a rifle, and I thought it was weird, but cool.

    Happiness is a warm gun
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    Tailgunner1954Tailgunner1954 Member Posts: 7,734 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm I am sure that you and I see things a little differently, but I bet we could have some fun together.
    BTW I'm the guy that blinks his lights so you know when you have room to come over, dosn't slow down after I get by you in bad weather, dosn't ride on your bumper, signals for lane changes in front of you etc.

    Some guys like a mag full of lead, I still prefer one round to the head.
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    dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    7mm nut,

    I didn't get into this debate because Texas White Tails are about as big as a Doberman. A .223 will drop them in their tracks. I remember the first dear I shot with a Ruger No.1 in 7mm Mag. Blew the poor son of a gun to peices. I love to argue, but I never mean it personally. I got into a good on with salzo, and I don't think he's forgiven me yet. Some folks would rather fight than argue. So be it.

    Save, research, then buy the best.Join the NRA, NOW!Teach them young, teach them safe, teach them forever, but most of all, teach them to VOTE!
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    salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    DHEFFLY- I forgive you.

    Happiness is a warm gun
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    4wheeler4wheeler Member Posts: 3,441
    edited November -1
    My opinion:If everyone had the same opinion sure would be a boring world.I REST MY CASE.

    "It was like that when I got here".
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    nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,028 ******
    edited November -1
    I try to stay clear of trucks on multi-lane highways. Anybody ever see a trailer tire blow out at 70 mph? You DO NOT want to be alongside. Even if the tires don't blow, anyone can make a mistake, and a truck changing lanes without checking the mirrors can ruin your day.

    Give them big boys plenty of room.

    Certified SIG pistol armorer/FFL Dealer/Full time Peace Officer, Moderator of the General Discussion Board on Gunbroker. Visit, the premier gun auction site on the Net! Email davidn
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    Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks for the replies. The last couple weeks there has been some things said that should not have been said. I just thought maybe some of us need to call a truce. I didnt get on here to fight although I do like to be oinery and stir sometimes. The opinions about the guns and trucks should be left as that, opinions. My opinions arent aways right and so are some of the others but we need to straighten up and act like adults instead of acting like a bunch of 6th graders. Anyhow, it's time to have some fun.

    Salzo, I accidentaly shot a turkey with it during deer season, don't know what happened, I was watching it in the scope and the gun went off.Oopsy! I'm a die hard believer in those gg grain bal tips for deer and that load did a number in that turkey. I took a body shot and it was ruined. I don't know what load I would use for turkeys with it. I have however shot a bubch of turkeys while squirrel hunting using a .22. I carry two magazines, one with winchester hp's for squirrel and one with stingers for turkey and it works well.

    Will270, sure would like to hook up with ya sometime and go after those desert mutts. We got 'yotes around here but they are sneaky and hard to find. I need to go out with somebody who knows how to hunt them so I can learn a few things. Maybe if I go back to driving coast to coast we can hook up.

    k.stanonik, yes thats the one. Did you see the post he made on the thread about somebody buying an AK47? That did it for me with him, if I ever meet him I think I'll just kick him in the nuts and walk away.

    Gordian, don't get me started on them frenchmen, I hear them on the cb speaking french and I go into full blown red face attack mode, cant stand them!

    Tailgunner, we drivers appreciate that alot, especially in bad weather. You would be surprised how hard it is to see the end of a 53'er in the rain.

    dheffley, I thought those deer was bigger than that. TNN must used special imported deer for their hunting videos. And Salzo and I got into one before but we have gotten over it and now we get along ok. If I lived where he lives I would get cranky sometime too!

    4wheeler, yeah it would be boring, I just can't stand the fights over opinions. The last couple opinions I made got me flamed. Made me sit back and think a little bit and read some of my posts. I thought to my self, "man I sure was an *", decided to cool off a little bit and make it known that I shouldve been a little more mature.

    Time to go see if there are any boring threads that need a little humor thrown in them!
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    k.stanonikk.stanonik Member Posts: 2,109 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Didnt see the post but i can believe it was not a pretty sight. I have gotten to the point that he is not worth the blood pressure meds to let him get to me, i figure in a few years he will dry out behind the ears and see the foolish things he has done or i can at least hope. What part of the country are you from, i'd like to hook up some time myself
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    Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I live in south central PA between State College and Altoona. Got a bunch of farm ground and mountains around here. Makes for some pretty good hunting if you don't mind walking. If you live in the area are you going turkey hunting? I wouldnt mind going out with a partner for turkey this year. I need to learn some more on calling so I can get one in close for my daughter. I can get them in rtange for the 835 but she will be needing closer shots than that and I'm still a rookie when it comes to calling gobblers.
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    k.stanonikk.stanonik Member Posts: 2,109 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm up in Illinois, sounds like i will need to make a road trip this yr. I'm supposed to be in west virginia in may or june maybe swing over and say howdy
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    Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Depending on where in WV you are going the WV line isnt far from here, due south is Berkley Springs WV. Let me know and I'll throw out the welcome mat.
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    k.stanonikk.stanonik Member Posts: 2,109 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'll be in Parkersburg
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    Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thats down on rt 50 near the Ohio line I believe isnt it? Thats a pretty good hike from here. Pa would be a good bit out of your way.
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    k.stanonikk.stanonik Member Posts: 2,109 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes it is, but can always detour to talk firepower especialy .223
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    Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Now you're talkin! We need to get GHD up here also to show us how good those XP's work on groundhogs. Could turn into a nice little contest to see who can pop one the farthest!
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