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prayers needed ***thanks you all**new update

hk-91hk-91 Member Posts: 10,050
edited January 2007 in General Discussion
my one week old was taken to the ICU because of seizures last night. they think they were caused from low calcium but they wont know until later. i could use a prayer or two.


i just wanted to say thanks for all the prayer and good thoughts. they still don't really know what caused the calcium to get so low but they do know that it what caused the seizures. his calcium is back to normal and he is off the seizures medicine. they took him off all medicine today and are going to put him back on just formula to see if his calcium levels stay up. there going to run another EEG( i think that's what they called it. it measures brain waves) on Monday and there going to also run a ct scan on Monday. and if they both come back good and his calcium stays up he will be able to come mid next week.

again thanks for all the prayers and good thought and i will keep you updated on his condition..

I guess with everything that's been going on i forgot to update every one. my son got to come home on the 11 of DEC. he was put on calcium and seizure medicine. along with being on some special formula. i can't believe how expensive the calcium and other formula are. the calcium is over $200.00 for a 1 ml. and that's generic. the formula is $100.00 for 6 small cans. i can get the regular formula for $118.00 for 6 large cans. almost four time the size of can that i get with the special formula. and there made by the same company. i hope he's not on this long. the doctor said it could be anywhere from 1 month to 6 month to a year. just depends on how his levels are doing. i figured that the seizure meds would be the most expensive but its only about $20.00 for a month supply. anyway I'm glade he got to be home for his first christmas. that and sense we signed our union contract at work they quit laying us off and started giving us our OT back. anyway just wanted to let every one know that he's doing better


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