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Let us Cease the Defensive Posture

HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
edited February 2009 in General Discussion
It has been said that the best defense is a hell of a good offense.

That ties in with the retreat of the gun Rights supporters in this country for as long as I have witnessed it...and that is a long time.
We sit on our hands and wait for another gun control bill to be rolled out...then belatedly scurry about like madmen, trying to defeat entrenched scoundrels and their schemes.

The few `advances' over the last 20 years have been Trojan Horse victories .. what appears on the surface to have `advanced' the noble cause of Gun Freedom have, under scrutiny, failed to do so...miserably.

CCWs ?
They codified into law the abject willingness of the common man to cede his Rights over to government...and pay that government to pass judgment on that man...over and over and over and many times as that man buys a gun.

The Heller case ?
Codified into law that government has the absolute authority to restrict weapons...very nearly at will.

Castile Doctrine ?
Once again, codifying into LAW the theory that NOTHING is exempt from government meddling...INCLUDING the Right to defend your own life...or the life of your loved ones.

Project Exile ?
Eagerly sponsored by the NRA , the `premiere gun rights organization ` in America ? Merely further proof that `Gun Rights' are NOT a concern of the NRA....for there should be NO trials for `crimes against federal/state gun laws'...for there should BE no laws concerning mere possession of this or that weapon.

No..we have been fighting a desperate, rearguard action...FOREVER behind the curve. I spoke with Larry Pratt 15 or more years ago...insisting that the PROPER response to the deluge of gun laws would be pre-emptive strikes at the gun grabbers....laws introduced EVERY SESSION to roll back gun laws.

He just chuckled ..what a rube I must have seemed to him.

Today, we worry about using terms like 'weapons'. Afraid that we will cause people to be afraid of us. Folks..they have been TAUGHT to be afraid of a gun owner by propaganda..and callling a weapon a fuzzy-wuzzy ian't going to change that.
We need to stop slinking about like whipped pups, like somehow we are doing something wrong.
It is THEY..the non-gun owner, the government lackey...THEY are the guilty parties here.
Time we acted like it.

Today, we are fast coming to the fork in the road. We WILL be forced to make the decision...obey government...or obey the Constitution.
Gentlemen, it is past time to make your decision.
Vow, from this day forward, to cut the gun grabbers ABSOLUTELY NO SLACK; Let us go on the offensive.

They WILL support the Second Amendment AS WRITTEN...or call them what they are. These people are NOT your friends...and they are not the friends of a free America.

They must be ostracized . They are as pariahs, to a man that values Freedom. How can you associate with someone determined to tear down the values that you should cherish above life itself ? Without values , what price is merely existence without substance. Not even above the level of animal...indeed, far worse.

An animal cannot think, reason at any level approaching human..yet that animal will revel in the freedom of being turned loose from a trap. Humans appear to willingly trap THEMSELVES....


  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Gentlemen, it is past time to make your decision.
    Vow, from this day forward, to cut the gun grabbers ABSOLUTELY NO SLACK; Let us go on the offensive.
    My decision has been made, years ago also.

    There is no slack, no quarter, no mealy-mouthing, no compromising, no agreement with restriction, no compassion, no cooperation, nothing, as it relates to Amendment II and those who act, advocate and/or cooperate in its weakening and erosion, none at all from this hard man, period.
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Agreed... my forefathers fought for my freedom, they did not die in vain.

    I support the Constitution with all I have and more. The 2nd Ammendment guarantees my right to "keep and bear arms". This is my right and so be it, so help me GOD!

  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    ...about as organized as flies on poop

    No mealy mouthed compromises right? Hard men, right? Good. So I can speak freely

    What are you going to do, each make your own little Alamo? This is precisely why most folks are able to be taught that the gun nuts are to be feared- half-cocked knee-jerk reactions. You guys would argue about the color of your resistance hats, but you're going to march to victory? And I ain't making fun. You're describing a Mob, not a Movement.

    Be smarter than that[xx(]
  • Sav99Sav99 Member Posts: 16,037 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well said Highball, and all very true. It's time I take an even firmer stance on all Government regulation of our 2A rights.
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1


    646 Posts
    Posted - 01/31/2009 : 10:52:44 PM

    ...about as organized as flies on poop
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    You're describing a Mob, not a Movement.

    Where do you stand?
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    So what are you talking about here? I see a lot of hints at something, a lot of vague goals.

    Again, not making fun. I see nothing here but the usual.
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    So what are you talking about here? I see a lot of hints at something, a lot of vague goals.

    Again, not making fun. I see nothing here but the usual.

    Speaking of vague...
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rockatansky
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    You're describing a Mob, not a Movement.

    Where do you stand?

    I stand where I always stand- getting the facts first

    Where do you stand, Max? With a bunch of hot air you read online?
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rockatansky
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    So what are you talking about here? I see a lot of hints at something, a lot of vague goals.

    Again, not making fun. I see nothing here but the usual.

    Speaking of vague...

    Talking the Talk, Max

    Tell me what the plan is for the Walk, and I'll stop calling it "vague"
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    I stand where I always stand- getting the facts first

    Again, you've said nothing.

    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    Where do you stand, Max? With a bunch of hot air you read online?

    Why do you care?

    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    Talking the Talk, Max

    What does this mean given the context? Are you saying anything in particular?

    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    Tell me what the plan is for the Walk, and I'll stop calling it "vague"

    Somehow I sense trolling in this last sentence. Do you want an honest answer so you can ponder or an honest answer so you can take a dump on it and its author?
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    ...about as organized as flies on poop

    No mealy mouthed compromises right? Hard men, right? Good. So I can speak freely

    What are you going to do, each make your own little Alamo? This is precisely why most folks are able to be taught that the gun nuts are to be feared- half-cocked knee-jerk reactions. You guys would argue about the color of your resistance hats, but you're going to march to victory? And I ain't making fun. You're describing a Mob, not a Movement.

    Be smarter than that[xx(]

    Every thing starts with an idea and a fire deep inside. This is just the beginning of the truely free people to stand and say it has gone too far. What I am taking a stand for guarnatees your right to this freedom of speech. If you treasure this freedom, take a stand and enjoy this freedom before it too late to be heard.


    I don't care what color hat I wear as long as I wear one. If I don't the top of my head will get sunburned![;)]
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    quote:We need to stop slinking about like whipped pups, like somehow we are doing something wrong.
    It is THEY..the non-gun owner, the government lackey...THEY are the guilty parties here.
    Time we acted like it.

    Today, we are fast coming to the fork in the road. We WILL be forced to make the decision...obey government...or obey the Constitution.
    Gentlemen, it is past time to make your decision.
    Vow, from this day forward, to cut the gun grabbers ABSOLUTELY NO SLACK; Let us go on the offensive.

    They WILL support the Second Amendment AS WRITTEN...or call them what they are. These people are NOT your friends...and they are not the friends of a free America.

    They must be ostracized . They are as pariahs, to a man that values Freedom. How can you associate with someone determined to tear down the values that you should cherish above life itself ? Without values , what price is merely existence without substance. Not even above the level of animal...indeed, far worse.

    Plain English ;
    No minced words, no hidden agendas here. Only one brain-dead could make any mistake what the above words mean.
    No doubt you would love to twist those words into a call to the streets and shooting you can get some brownie points with you handlers. Sorry..those kind of words are not there.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    ...about as organized as flies on poop

    No mealy mouthed compromises right? Hard men, right? Good. So I can speak freely

    What are you going to do, each make your own little Alamo? This is precisely why most folks are able to be taught that the gun nuts are to be feared- half-cocked knee-jerk reactions. You guys would argue about the color of your resistance hats, but you're going to march to victory? And I ain't making fun. You're describing a Mob, not a Movement.

    Be smarter than that[xx(]

    Every thing starts with an idea and a fire deep inside. This is just the beginning of the truely free people to stand and say it has gone too far. What I am taking a stand for guarnatees your right to this freedom of speech. If you treasure this freedom, take a stand and enjoy this freedom before it too late to be heard.


    I don't care what color hat I wear as long as I wear one. If I don't the top of my head will get sunburned![;)]

    So far, you're the General, Lance, since you at least seem to have an idea of how to make a plan

    But so far I read "the ends justify the means" in what's being talked about. And Lance, from me to you, I was given some advice by the Christian Brothers once:

    Don't ask what a good man is. Be one

    How can I in good conscience make a stand with people who won't even describe what they mean to do about a thing?
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    How can I in good conscience make a stand with people who won't even describe what they mean to do about a thing?

    Has it ever occurred to you that it might be a problem with you not listening or understanding "what they mean to do about a thing"?

    "They" in this case could mean anyone and anything, nothing contextual.

    Having said that, I come back to my last post: I sense trolling and it isn't very productive to be having a discussion with someone doing just that.
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The way I view it a "mob" with common beliefs takes to voice and the noise is indistinguishable. There starts a guidance and organization from one, it spreads to another and so on. Before long these voices that could not be heard and understood becomes a choir and sings in unison. Then their message is as spoken as one.

    We are just clearing our throats.

  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    quote:We need to stop slinking about like whipped pups, like somehow we are doing something wrong.
    It is THEY..the non-gun owner, the government lackey...THEY are the guilty parties here.
    Time we acted like it.

    Today, we are fast coming to the fork in the road. We WILL be forced to make the decision...obey government...or obey the Constitution.
    Gentlemen, it is past time to make your decision.
    Vow, from this day forward, to cut the gun grabbers ABSOLUTELY NO SLACK; Let us go on the offensive.

    They WILL support the Second Amendment AS WRITTEN...or call them what they are. These people are NOT your friends...and they are not the friends of a free America.

    They must be ostracized . They are as pariahs, to a man that values Freedom. How can you associate with someone determined to tear down the values that you should cherish above life itself ? Without values , what price is merely existence without substance. Not even above the level of animal...indeed, far worse.

    Plain English ;
    No minced words, no hidden agendas here. Only one brain-dead could make any mistake what the above words mean.
    No doubt you would love to twist those words into a call to the streets and shooting you can get some brownie points with you handlers. Sorry..those kind of words are not there.

    See, here's where I call BS on you

    All your pretty words...your attempts at calling attention to "one who is brain dead" as if you're a preacher or something...are you seriously dishing up that pantload?

    Save it pal. It's your way or the highway, and if somebody asks questions, hit the road. What kind of Man just does what you say because it came from You, as if you are the only one who has a Right under the constitution?

    And you think I should just fall in line? Nice try brother. Whip up some more flowery prose while you dance askance the questions (oooo, Chris took English, too!)

    You pant about "it has been said". Well f'n great.

    And when I ask just what it is, pray tell, you mean to actually do, I get more hot air, proclamations, judgements, and folderol

    Well that's good and all, but you talk like a teenage broad. No more compromises. Fantastic!

    So just so long as YOU put your foot down, it's all better, is that it?

    Like I said, as organized as flies on poop

    Just because you think you have all the answers, that doesn't make you and your cronies the only ones who love their Country, their Constitution, and their Rights

    Don't F it up for the rest of us, fuzzy wuzzy

    Lance- you better get your own hat man. Don't rely on this highball cat, he wants to do your thinking
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    It's your way or the highway, and if somebody asks questions, hit the road.

    While this is an oversimplification as questions got all the answers, so you're merely overreaching here, but having reached (which isn't the case yet) a certain point, this is the only way sometimes and my question is why do you see it being wrong?
  • Colonel PlinkColonel Plink Member Posts: 16,460
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rockatansky
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    It's your way or the highway, and if somebody asks questions, hit the road.

    While this is an oversimplification as questions got all the answers, so you're merely overreaching here, but having reached (which isn't the case yet) a certain point, this is the only way sometimes and my question is why do you see it being wrong?

    I'll bet if you had tried for thirty more seconds, you could've muddled that sentence to complete unrecognizability.

    Give it another go. I have faith in you.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    ??? err...

    My questions were not answered Max. What are you talking about? I got a reply that said "this means no compromises, etc etc"

    Yeah sure. But again- what does that MEAN WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT?

    The electoral process? Running for offices? Supporing certain officials? Organizing gun clubs into rallies or marches? Taking out ads in newspapers? TV spots? The ever popular gunplay scenario?

    what the F does it really mean?

    It's a concept, not a plan. Yeah sure great concept. So I just sit around, waiting for something to not compromise on...and when the occasion comes up...BAM! I am inflexible.

    You're not serious when you say you don't see what I'm talking about.

    ...or maybe I'm not one who is easily led by a few words, and it really is hard for others to see the paper-thin structure here
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I just realized that 'm00n bat' gets re-written by the profanity filter as 'fuzzy wuzzy'. That's pretty funny
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Colonel Plink
    quote:Originally posted by Rockatansky
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    It's your way or the highway, and if somebody asks questions, hit the road.

    While this is an oversimplification as questions got all the answers, so you're merely overreaching here, but having reached (which isn't the case yet) a certain point, this is the only way sometimes and my question is why do you see it being wrong?

    I'll bet if you had tried for thirty more seconds, you could've muddled that sentence to complete unrecognizability.

    Give it another go. I have faith in you.

    Yup. Half-gibberish.
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yup. Half-gibberish.

    Thought it was straight out of "Blazing Saddles".[;)]

  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    ??? err...

    My questions were not answered Max.

    Neither have been mine.

    And yes, imo, we are talking about a philosophy, or a concept, which leads to a certain plan.

    So, to get back closer to the point -- I sense trolling, and I don't wish to participate in it. If I am wrong -- more than glad to talk about it.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hey, Max Rocatansky-

    Stop giving your old posts multiple edits, and then expecting me to answer them again, but now in a way that will address the new points you made in your old posts!

    Just make a new post. I can't be expected to check your old posts for edits 5 minutes later, re-consider what you said, then go and edit my old posts to answer your new points. It doesn't get anyone anywhere
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by zink

    Yup. Half-gibberish.

    Thought it was straight out of "Blazing Saddles".[;)]



    more like: "I'm not exposed to speak any such information to you, nor would I even if I had said information you want, at this juncture be able."
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    Hey, Max Rocatansky-

    Stop giving your old posts multiple edits, and then expecting me to answer them again, but now in a way that will address the new points you made in your old posts!

    Just make a new post. I can't be expected to check your old posts for edits 5 minutes later, re-consider what you said, then go and edit my old posts to answer your new points. It doesn't get anyone anywhere

    It ain't about me or my posts, it's about a concept or philosophy that has been discussed here for years now.

    I don't expect everyone to know or remember or pay attention, hence my question.

    Anyways, now we're all digressing.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1 prove me wrong, it is only necessary to completely ignore anything I say

    I guess that works. Fine.

    I see a lot of words. Talk is cheap. Show me how worthy and righteous these actions born of these noble concepts are.

    I don't believe highball could fill a ten gallon hat with pisswater even if followthrough was cheap beer.

    Good night
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    I see a lot of words. Talk is cheap. Show me how worthy and righteous these actions born of these noble concepts are.

    Once again, you are showing to be trolling.
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Isn't it a ghoulish sort of some people understand plain English...and some profess to not ?

    This 'person' is...and HAS been...looking for words that could be used in a Court of law to indict somebody...preferably ME...for conspiracy to commit terrorist acts.

    Let me try ONE MORE TIME to dislodge the dunce hat from atop the critics head.

    We are STILL IN THE SOFT WAR PHASE. Got it ?????

    The original post...and MOST posts of mine for many years...has been directed at the men that will eventually coalesce into the fighting force that will regain freedom for this country.
    These are men that have absolutely no trouble understanding `Shall Not Be Infringed'.

    I am ASKING them to consider another course of action then what has brought us here ..politics, the NRA, letters to the editors...ALL begging elected officials to `please obey the Constitution'.
    That INCLUDES succoring and making excuses for the pizants that support gun control.

    Shine the bright light of the Constitution on the scurrying cockroaches that infest this country . make DAMN SURE there is no mistaking the stupid from the intelligent.

    People like you ain't gonna like it.
    Get the Constitution out and read it. Perhaps you will find your courage in there somewhere.
  • FrancFFrancF Member Posts: 35,278 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Patriots Vs Radicals.[:)]
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by FrancF
    Patriots Vs Radicals.[:)]

    Given previous uttering, I assume you put all those who don't agree with Highball and the ilk in "Patriots" lot. Which would make the above statement nonsense on so many levels.
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Yeah, Rock ; It would appear so.

    How very special of these people. They want me to lay out for them, somehow, a COMPLETE campaign for retaking freedom from these evil, corrupt creatures that hold power in America today.

    Know what is AMUSING about this ? They do not concede that elected officials ARE corrupt !!
    They themselves are comfortable, they are mostly happy with the gun control laws in place, and they get perks from the corrupt system ..many having figured cleaver ways around the infringements the honest folks suffer under.

    No...they want the complete, laid out point by point plan to see if there is something in their that they can turn over to their masters ..for change to personally responsibility TERRIFIES THEM !!
    How do I KNOW that ? Because they support gun laws.

    ONLY a coward can support gun so afraid of taking control of their individual space that they prefer the government to do it.
    Notice how those that profess to understand "Shall Not Be Infringed" NEVER ask for complete, neatly packaged plans for `conquest' the anti gunners view it ?
    Conquest and anarchy being the code words for those hating freedom and personal responsibility. Oh, they even conceal the word `conquest' in the drivel they write ..but the meaning is perfectly clear. They are CONVINED that `Constitutional' is the word used by terrorists to further their fevered dreams of taking over the country and institution the tyranny they ALREADY live under...and are too stupid to see

    THEY don't ask simply because they are MEN...and men understand that you play the cards that you are dealt. Those men instinctively understand that all anyone can do is play along with the game ..right up until the time you cannot stomach it any more.

    Then you look to the Founders for guidance.
    No grandiose `plans' ..were there somebody out there to reveal a `Master Plan' that looked like it would work....HE WOULD BE DEAD INSIDE 48 HOURS!!

    The other side of this is...WHEN THE HELL did I ever mention that I was smart enough to figure out any SUCH 'Plan' ??? Why do you suppose I subject myself to the idiots that continually attack me ? Because here and there, out there, are men that are quiet, thoughtful that, when jarred enough, instinctively understand that we live in terrifying times, that ALL the systems are busted.....THOSE are the men that will come up with the 'PLAN' that the cowards will point to and laugh about....
    But that MEN will use to re-establish America the Beautiful.
  • brier-49brier-49 Member Posts: 7,073 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Highball, at least you admit to not being smart enough to make the plan,but while saying that you expect those of us who are thoughtfull and quiet to come up with a plan.And your calling some idiots is off base because many of us who you call idiots are the ones working on a "PLAN". All that I have read posted by you indicated that you were the one with the plan and I had hoped you would reveal a little of it so I could see if it matched our plan. It is probable you have somewhat of a plan in your head because I don't think you are not smart enough to have something. Many quiet thoughtfull people sometimes need a loud thoughtless person to fit in that last peice of the puzzle to make everything work. Toss out some ideas.
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I consider myself a patriot also. we have not even discussed any "radical" ideas (no sedition, no violence no anything) just getting our voices to be heard in a conjoined effort. I believe in the United States and the Constitution as it was written and intended. I will defend these by all means I have. I have said before my blood runs deep in this country and I don't intend to see it spilled in vain. I am now at the stage of exercising my first amendment rights. I believe it better to be proactive instead of reactive.

    I am not a member in the United Church of Highball. I have been saying we need to be heard with a united voice for a long time. I think and act by my own will. Nobody here, or elsewhere has put ideas in my heard, I think for myself. If you believe otherwise, put your tinfoil hat on because it is coming to a theatre near you.

  • Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 39,827 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    I decided many years ago, by the time I was 14 or 15, which road I would travel.

    The wife got an e-mail yesterday from some friends on HR45. The e-mail proclaimed "write your congressman". Well I got news for ya, I ain't writin' nobody.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Highball

    The original post...and MOST posts of mine for many years...has been directed at the men that will eventually coalesce into the fighting force that will regain freedom for this country.
    These are men that have absolutely no trouble understanding `Shall Not Be Infringed'.

    Yeah, and you think I don't see that. The trouble is I see that, and through it like a laserbeam

    You pretend people can't understand you if they don't agree with every word you say. You pretend that I, for instance, do not respect and need my full rights if I don't parrot your words, sign up for your ideas, and like what you say

    And to paint anyone who doesn't agree with you just so, you hide behind ideals. That's what you do when you say "these ideals are for men" and so on.

    You're a two bit demagogue. And apparently people here love it, people who can't form ideas and opinions and come to conclusions on their own. Hey great for you. But don't think I'm no lover of my country becasue I don't buy a ticket on your train. My opinion is that you're full of it. That plain enough English for you? You won't do a damn thing ever except blow hot air online
  • scrumpyjackscrumpyjack Member Posts: 5,336 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Lance, your voice (OK keystroke) is one that could unite and inspire men. You're a level headed and even tempered man. I've gained more insight and respect for you in these few postings than I have reading the fire and brimstone preachings from the United Church of Highball flock over the past several years.

    Highball: Take note from Lance's postings, this is how you talk to MEN.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    ...about as organized as flies on poop

    No mealy mouthed compromises right? Hard men, right? Good. So I can speak freely

    What are you going to do, each make your own little Alamo? This is precisely why most folks are able to be taught that the gun nuts are to be feared- half-cocked knee-jerk reactions. You guys would argue about the color of your resistance hats, but you're going to march to victory? And I ain't making fun. You're describing a Mob, not a Movement.

    Be smarter than that[xx(]
    You sir, express an idiotic opinion. A man taking a firm vocal, opinionated stand on the principals on which this nation was founded is proper. Some 'smart-guy', such as yourself, then attempting to turn this simple verbal stance on principal into some "insurrectionist" plot is simply stupid and it speaks volumes about reading comprehension and grasp of simple concept.

    Go figure....
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by scrumpyjack
    Lance, your voice (OK keystroke) is one that could unite and inspire men. You're a level headed and even tempered man. I've gained more insight and respect for you in these few postings than I have reading the fire and brimstone preachings from the United Church of Highball flock over the past several years.

    Highball: Take note from Lance's postings, this is how you talk to MEN.

    Thank you! I am a simple man, and I believe that if I put in context that I understand, then others will also (speak to others as you would want to be spoken to).

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