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Looks like Israel's got trouble

bigcitybillbigcitybill Member Posts: 4,903 ✭✭✭
edited June 2010 in General Discussion
What do you make of this?

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israeli naval commandos stormed a flotilla of ships carrying aid and hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists to the blockaded Gaza Strip on Monday, killing nine passengers in a botched raid that provoked international outrage and a diplomatic crisis.


  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    I'd say that those who screw with Israel have trouble...
  • bobbyrose512bobbyrose512 Member Posts: 2,212 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    More power to them. Everybody was warned. So what is the big deal with the rest of the world talking crap. Need to mind there own bees wax.
  • Lucky_LeftyLucky_Lefty Member Posts: 7,971
    edited November -1
    I am glad israel is doing what they need to do.
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    Isreal always has trouble. But they seem to know how to handle it very well.
  • TooBigTooBig Member Posts: 28,559 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Go Israel at least the take action while our clown just runs his mouth
  • gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Those ships were still many, many miles in international waters.
    This was piracy. I would hope that Turkey & other nations would send their warships to escort the next convoy.
    The "contraband" was CEMENT. This is state terrorism.
  • Wyatt EarpWyatt Earp Member Posts: 5,871
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    Those ships were still many, many miles in international waters.
    This was piracy. I would hope that Turkey & other nations would send their warships to escort the next convoy.
    The "contraband" was CEMENT. This is state terrorism.

    Yeah I wish other muslim countries would get dragged into it, then us on Israel's side and lets get this this started and finished.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    Those ships were still many, many miles in international waters.
    This was piracy. I would hope that Turkey & other nations would send their warships to escort the next convoy.
    The "contraband" was CEMENT. This is state terrorism.

    They don't have the balls to take on Israel...nor the level of lunacy necessary to compensate for the lack of balls.
  • we_dig_itwe_dig_it Member Posts: 6,614 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ECC
    I'd say that those who screw with Israel have trouble...

  • we_dig_itwe_dig_it Member Posts: 6,614 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wyatt Earp
    Originally posted by gruntled
    Those ships were still many, many miles in international waters.
    This was piracy. I would hope that Turkey & other nations would send their warships to escort the next convoy.
    The "contraband" was CEMENT. This is state terrorism.

    Yeah I wish other muslim countries would get dragged into it, then us on Israel's side and lets get this this started and finished.

    "us on Israels side," I dont think so. For the first time America has a President and administration that will not side with Israel. As a nation we are turning our back on Israel. I will stop here, because if I continue this thread will get locked.[:)]
  • WulfmannWulfmann Member Posts: 4,900 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If it was only cement they would have allowed an inspection.

    There is a blockade for a good reason. Muslim terrorist have been rocketing Israel and the blockade is meant to insure at least less weaponry comes into Gaza.

    If you think military vessels stopping ships in international water is wrong then perhaps you can explain the war on drugs.
    I know people that have been stopped by the coast guard off Florida and have had their boat trashed under gun point and they had nothing to do with drugs.
    The coast guard does whatever it wants in international waters.

    Why aren't you screaming Obama is a terrorist for allowing piracy in international waters?
    Oh wait Gruntled, its only piracy when Jews do it; Sorry, I forgot the different standards for Obama and Israel.

    "Fools learn from their own mistakes. I learn from the mistakes of others"
    Otto von Bismarck
  • gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wulfmann
    If it was only cement they would have allowed an inspection.

    There is a blockade for a good reason. Muslim terrorist have been rocketing Israel and the blockade is meant to insure at least less weaponry comes into Gaza.

    If you think military vessels stopping ships in international water is wrong then perhaps you can explain the war on drugs.
    I know people that have been stopped by the coast guard off Florida and have had their boat trashed under gun point and they had nothing to do with drugs.
    The coast guard does whatever it wants in international waters.

    Why aren't you screaming Obama is a terrorist for allowing piracy in international waters?
    Oh wait Gruntled, its only piracy when Jews do it; Sorry, I forgot the different standards for Obama and Israel.


    They never asked to inspect, they just attacked. If you can't see a difference between cement & drugs I suspect you have been using way too many of the drugs.
    I would like to see not just Muslim nations but a vast array of others, including the United States, respond to this outrage by leading a naval task force to break the blockade.
  • Ox190Ox190 Member Posts: 2,782 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    They should have just bombed the ship....fewer Palestinian supporters and vessels in which to support the cause. But I am a cold heartless person.
  • txlawdogtxlawdog Member Posts: 10,039 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think Obama will side with the muslims... I don't recall which one, but he said he would side with the muslims if it came down to it.

    I wonder what would happen if he did that? Went along with other countries and used our power against israel. God help us.
  • savage170savage170 Member Posts: 37,502 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sounds like to me they wanted this confrontation

    A spokeswoman for the Free Gaza movement, which organized the flotilla, said the group's goal - beyond just bringing supplies to the impoverished territory - was to shatter the blockade
  • footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
    edited November -1
    I remember a PREZ once who had BALLS.[^] He stopped a bunch of Ruskie ships going to CUBA with missles. Guess thats what it means having BallZ. The African Muslim up in DC is a complete eunich (NO BALLZ)[:(!]
  • WulfmannWulfmann Member Posts: 4,900 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    They never asked to inspect, they just attacked. If you can't see a difference between cement & drugs I suspect you have been using way too many of the drugs.
    I would like to see not just Muslim nations but a vast array of others, including the United States, respond to this outrage by leading a naval task force to break the blockade.

    It is typical of those with a poor argument to attack the poster so thanks for admitting my points were correct by attempting to divert the attention to drugs (Of which I have nothing to do with)

    These ships were notified to stop for inspection and ignored all commands which led to boarding.

    Your its OK for the USA to ignore international water but Israel under constant terrorist attack can not stop smugglers shows you have a double standard and therefore no credibility to reason fairly.

    Just another Jew hater looking to justify his small minded racism.

    "Fools learn from their own mistakes. I learn from the mistakes of others"
    Otto von Bismarck
  • COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    ...Nothing new, Israel was born from trouble...[;)]
  • MMOMEQ-55MMOMEQ-55 Member Posts: 13,134
    edited November -1
    I bet next time they will have real guns.
  • TxsTxs Member Posts: 17,809 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by savage170
    Sounds like to me they wanted this confrontationThat's the truth of this situation.

    Public opinion is a legitimate and sometimes powerful weapon of guerilla warfare.
  • MaaloxMaalox Member Posts: 5,155 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Netanyahu cancels upcoming meeting with Obama

    (CNN) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled this week's scheduled meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, Israeli government officials said Monday. The two leaders were slated to meet Tuesday during a visit by Netanyahu to Washington.

    Netanyahu also decided to cut short a visit to Canada and return to Israel, according to an e-mail statement from his media adviser.

    Netanyahu's cancellation of the meeting came in the wake of international condemnation of Israel after Israeli soldiers stormed a flotilla of ships carrying aid intended for Palestinians in Gaza, leaving at least nine people dead in the resulting violence.

    Israel claimed it was defending itself, with the Israel Defense Forces saying the soldiers' lives were in danger after they were attacked with "severe physical violence, including live fire, weapons, knives and clubs."

    Several nations, however, have condemned the military action and called for an investigation.

    Obama spoke on the phone with Netanyahu Monday morning, according to a statement from the White House press office. He "said he understood the prime minister's decision to return immediately to Israel to deal with today's events ... (and) agreed to reschedule their meeting at the first opportunity."

    Obama "expressed deep regret at the loss of life in today's incident, and concern for the wounded," the statement noted. He "also expressed the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances around this morning's tragic events as soon as possible."

    Netanyahu and Obama were set to discuss, among other things, the recently completed U.N. conference on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, according to an earlier statement from the Israeli government.

    The final document released by participants in the month-long conference, which ended Friday, called for a 2012 conference of all Middle Eastern states to move forward on a 1995 proposal for a nuclear-free Mideast. The document also called on Israel to sign the treaty and place "all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] safeguards."

    Israel is not a member of the NPT and has neither confirmed nor denied that it has a nuclear weapons stockpile.

    The Israeli government said in a statement the conference's document is "deeply flawed and hypocritical" and said it "ignores the realities of the Middle East and the real threats facing the region and the entire world." The statement also complained that Israel is singled out in the document and Iran, which is a signatory to the NPT, is not mentioned.

    The United States signed onto the document, but Obama National Security Adviser Gen. James Jones said the U.S. government has "serious reservations."
    Regards, MAALOX
  • WulfmannWulfmann Member Posts: 4,900 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    5 of the 6 ships complied and there were no problems.

    The 6th ship attacked the Israelis who came on board with paint ball guns instead of real one and were attacked by the people on the ship. Video documented this so it is not he said she said it is easy to see the mob attacked.

    Those that hate Israel will cry like babies, as usual but anyone that sees the video will clearly see what this was a staged confrontation to whine about.

    It won't change any minds on which side people were on to begin with.

    "Fools learn from their own mistakes. I learn from the mistakes of others"
    Otto von Bismarck
  • gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wulfmann
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    They never asked to inspect, they just attacked. If you can't see a difference between cement & drugs I suspect you have been using way too many of the drugs.
    I would like to see not just Muslim nations but a vast array of others, including the United States, respond to this outrage by leading a naval task force to break the blockade.

    It is typical of those with a poor argument to attack the poster so thanks for admitting my points were correct by attempting to divert the attention to drugs (Of which I have nothing to do with)

    These ships were notified to stop for inspection and ignored all commands which led to boarding.

    Your its OK for the USA to ignore international water but Israel under constant terrorist attack can not stop smugglers shows you have a double standard and therefore no credibility to reason fairly.

    Just another Jew hater looking to justify his small minded racism.


    Just another Jew hater looking to justify his small minded racism.

    Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.
  • partisanpartisan Member Posts: 6,414
    edited November -1
    Good for Israel!! They shouldn't have to explain a damn thing about tjeir actions against terrorist!!
    Israel was our closest ally until we got us one of them muslims as our leader. I will stand with Israel everytime!
  • partisanpartisan Member Posts: 6,414
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wyatt Earp
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    Those ships were still many, many miles in international waters.
    This was piracy. I would hope that Turkey & other nations would send their warships to escort the next convoy.
    The "contraband" was CEMENT. This is state terrorism.

    Yeah I wish other muslim countries would get dragged into it, then us on Israel's side and lets get this this started and finished.

  • partisanpartisan Member Posts: 6,414
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by txlawdog
    I think Obama will side with the muslims... I don't recall which one, but he said he would side with the muslims if it came down to it.

    I wonder what would happen if he did that? Went along with other countries and used our power against israel. God help us.

    This is Obama's own book! How much more can we take?
  • dfletcherdfletcher Member Posts: 8,168 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    North Korea attacks and sinks a South Korean ship in international waters and we hear pretty much nothing. The Israelis stop 5 of 6 ships with no problems and fire back after being attacked - major stink.
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Before somebody reminds me I wasn't there and don't really know what happened, I'll confess I wasn't there. All I know is what I've heard on radio and TV.

    According to reports the Captain of the blockade runner announced his intention to run the blockade when told to standby for inspection. The Israelis helicoptered a SEAL team armed with paintball rifles to the blockade runner and were attacked as soon an they were onboard.

    My opinion, for what it's worth: They should have put one across the bow. If the blockade runner refused to heave to, she should have been sent to the bottom and survivors rescued if possible.

    The way they did it is probably better than my solution.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • ZebraZebra Member Posts: 5,762
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JamesRK
    Before somebody reminds me I wasn't there and don't really know what happened, I'll confess I wasn't there. All I know is what I've heard on radio and TV.

    According to reports the Captain of the blockade runner announced his intention to run the blockade when told to standby for inspection. The Israelis helicoptered a SEAL team armed with paintball rifles to the blockade runner and were attacked as soon an they were onboard.

    My opinion, for what it's worth: They should have put one across the bow. If the blockade runner refused to heave to, she should have been sent to the bottom and survivors rescued if possible.

    The way they did it is probably better than my solution.

  • WulfmannWulfmann Member Posts: 4,900 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    Just another Jew hater looking to justify his small minded racism.
    Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

    There is one difference. I am not small minded! LOL

    "Fools learn from their own mistakes. I learn from the mistakes of others"
    Otto von Bismarck
  • mrseatlemrseatle Member Posts: 15,467 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wulfmann
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    Just another Jew hater looking to justify his small minded racism.
    Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

    There is one difference. I am not small minded! LOL


    Race is a sinful illusion, Jesus says.
  • wittynbearwittynbear Member Posts: 4,518
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wyatt Earp
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    Those ships were still many, many miles in international waters.
    This was piracy. I would hope that Turkey & other nations would send their warships to escort the next convoy.
    The "contraband" was CEMENT. This is state terrorism.

    Yeah I wish other muslim countries would get dragged into it, then us on Israel's side and lets get this this started and finished.
    +1 but it would be over in a few minutes after Israel nukes every major muslim city in the world.
  • v35v35 Member Posts: 12,710 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Look at Israel's geography. It's long and thin, having a large perimeter for its'included area. Then there's the Gaza srrip and Jerusalem in the center.
    Add to it that it's surrounded by enemies who lob in rockets at random for laughs.
    Can they afford to screw around with threats and blockade runners?
    I'd really hate to be tasked with having to defend that vulnerable
    strip of real estate.
    Now the Turks want to kill them. They are/were our allies.
    Obama and Clinton need to walk a tighter tight rope.
    If Israel bends under provocation, it's done.
    I support the action.
  • TxsTxs Member Posts: 17,809 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mrseatle
    Race is a sinful illusion, Jesus says.At the risk of a counter-religion lock, what chapter/verse would that be found in?
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by v35
    Look at Israel's geography. It's long and thin, having a large perimeter for its'included area. Then there's the Gaza srrip and Jerusalem in the center.
    Add to it that it's surrounded by enemies who lob in rockets at random for laughs.
    Can they afford to screw around with threats and blockade runners?
    I'd really hate to be tasked with having to defend that vulnerable
    strip of real estate.
    Now the Turks want to kill them. They are/were our allies.
    Obama and Clinton need to walk a tighter tight rope.
    If Israel bends under provocation, it's done.
    I support the action.
    You're absolutely right that it's a hard place to defend, and looking at the size of the enemy makes it even worse. Quantity has a quality of its own. I don't see how they can afford not to blockade weapons coming into Gaza though.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • chaoslodgechaoslodge Member Posts: 790 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    How much more is this escapade going to tag onto the national debt? Israel is a parasite. I don't care what it does as long as it is not on my dime.
  • gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mrseatle
    quote:Originally posted by Wulfmann
    quote:Originally posted by gruntled
    Just another Jew hater looking to justify his small minded racism.
    Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

    There is one difference. I am not small minded! LOL


    Race is a sinful illusion, Jesus says.

    Okay, I will accept that you have a swelled head. You did seem to somehow overlook the fact that you complained about an ad hominem
    argument & then proceeded to use a far more vicious ad hominem attack of your own.
    The simple fact is that you can't refute the argument so you simply resort to vilification.
  • KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Israel can commit state piracy but a get crucified for proposing to send some B-25s after Jap whalers...WTH man???
  • mrseatlemrseatle Member Posts: 15,467 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Txs
    quote:Originally posted by mrseatle
    Race is a sinful illusion, Jesus says.At the risk of a counter-religion lock, what chapter/verse would that be found in?

    It's been passed down verbally. But anyone who is a serious student of the Gospel of The Lord Jesus could find it in writing.
  • cactuspete1cactuspete1 Member Posts: 1,482 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Do you people in here think Israel is a friend of the US? If you do I got some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
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