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Very over weight Folks who use Elect Carts



  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Think about addiction. With alcohol, gambling, drugs and other vices there is a way to get completely AWAY from the problem. Not food. This gets away from my point a bit.....because what I am saying is that everyone should be able to keep any reason they have this problem to themselves without people thinking that they deserve to be that way. Plus, respect is something EVERYONE deserves....kindness from others is not a "gift" you give out to the ones you choose worthy. Respect and kindness go hand in hand.

    You can't get to know someone without letting your "guard" down a little. They aren't going to LET you know them unless you give them respect.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jamesjo
    Tom A.
    Good words Tom, nice to hear from someone actually living it. Not just these holier than thou types that have no clue, they just see a fat guy/gal, and think it's all from overeating /laziness. Maybe stories like yours will wake them up, but I doubt it.
    Yes America is overweight, but just be damn sure you know what the story is with any person before you get up on your soap boxes and start yelling about fast food and potato chips. I have a lung disease that will take my life. I work out every day on my bicycle, and 3 days a week at my local hospital to try keep the progression to a minimum.
    For almost 30 years, I worked very physical jobs, and maintained a weight of around 210 in the summer and 220 in the winter. Not thin by any means, but not horrible either.
    After my lungs got so bad I could no longer work, and I got put on a large dose of Prednisone to help keep my lungs clear, I gained 70 Lbs. in less than a year. Partially due to the fact that when you can't breathe, you can't really exercise too much either, but also because Prednisone is a steroid, and it promotes weight gain, especially with long term use.
    I still don't use a wheelchair or scooter, or the carts supplied by stores like Walmart, etc. That day is coming, but until then, I will keep walking, and leaning on the shopping cart, and stopping to catch my breath when needed.
    ECC and all you other *, probably complain about me too, the fat guy leaning on the shopping cart and walking too slow for them.
    Well DEAL with it! I am every day of my life.
    Rant over.

    Go back and re-read the context. It might help you understand the debate a little better...and help you come down off your high horse.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1

    +1 yet again...damn...this is starting to get unusual...there are very few folks that I agree with, this much...but then again, I see you are a brother.
    You're a good man Eric, from everything I have read. People mistake bluntness, and being true to their beliefs as being cold. Well it may sound cold, but I am betting you are much like me and would give your shirt to help another person. The operative word here is "GIVE". Voluntarily passing something of your own accord to help a person who has a REAL need for it.

    People do not get it. My possessions mean nothing to me. They do not own me, I own them. There was a point where I didn't own a thing, and will be a time where again I will have nothing but my body to give back to this earth. This has nothing to do with greed, and being cold.

    I am all about compassion and help, just ask, don;t take. If you take what I have not voluntarily given I will fight till I have no breath left.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Locust Fork
    Think about addiction. With alcohol, gambling, drugs and other vices there is a way to get completely AWAY from the problem. Not food. This gets away from my point a bit.....because what I am saying is that everyone should be able to keep any reason they have this problem to themselves without people thinking that they deserve to be that way. Plus, respect is something EVERYONE deserves....kindness from others is not a "gift" you give out to the ones you choose worthy. Respect and kindness go hand in hand.

    You can't get to know someone without letting your "guard" down a little. They aren't going to LET you know them unless you give them respect.
    Kindness and respect are two totally different things LF. These are not one in the same. Quite frankly I do not need to know anyone one elses medical condition, nor have I asked. I am simply stating my view on people who are disabled due to being obese, as stated above. Respect is a gift I guard very carefully. There are very few people in life I respect, and they got my respect by earning it through deeds, not words.

    In regards to the addiction part yes, you require food, but it is no different than anything else that we require daily but are forced to use self restraint. I like sex, but I cannot force myself on people who do not want to have sec with me. I need clothes but I can't buy more than I can afford to pay for, etc. Hell you do not even need to cut way back on food as long as you are more active than a kiwi fruit in a bag
  • drobsdrobs Member Posts: 22,611 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    There but for the grace of God, go I.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by drobs
    There but for the grace of God, go I.

    Indeed, but I will never be obese for the sake of being obese. I will also not allow myself to become obese due to immobility. If I am reduced to that, I will find a way to end the people I loves suffering and eliminate the problem from their life. When my life is no longer mine to live it ceases to serve it's purpose, as will I
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by drobs
    There but for the grace of God, go I.

    Indeed, but I will never be obese for the sake of being obese. I will also not allow myself to become obese due to immobility. If I am reduced to that, I will find a way to end the people I loves suffering and eliminate the problem from their life. When my life is no longer mine to live it ceases to serve it's purpose, as will I

    This is not necessarily true...and it sounds as if you may have not come to realize this yet. I doubt (although I hope I'm wrong) that you are a Believer...but God can do miraculous things with folks who've lost their mobility. Every life is precious.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ECC
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by drobs
    There but for the grace of God, go I.

    Indeed, but I will never be obese for the sake of being obese. I will also not allow myself to become obese due to immobility. If I am reduced to that, I will find a way to end the people I loves suffering and eliminate the problem from their life. When my life is no longer mine to live it ceases to serve it's purpose, as will I

    This is not necessarily true...and it sounds as if you may have not come to realize this yet. I doubt (although I hope I'm wrong) that you are a Believer...but God can do miraculous things with folks who've lost their mobility. Every life is precious.
    I am a believer, but not so with the current interpretation of the bible. While I believe that every life is precious, it is also true that every life ends. The bible is full of suicide, which quite frankly in a case where there is no quality of life left, death has already claimed it's victim. I do not expect you to see eye to eye with me on this one, but I know what my course of action would be. As long as I am mobile obesity is not in the cards for me my friend.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by drobs
    There but for the grace of God, go I.

    Indeed, but I will never be obese for the sake of being obese. I will also not allow myself to become obese due to immobility. If I am reduced to that, I will find a way to end the people I loves suffering and eliminate the problem from their life. When my life is no longer mine to live it ceases to serve it's purpose, as will I

    Have you considered the fact that it may serve a higher purpose?

    You will find NO INSTANCE in Scripture where the Word condones suicide...quite the contrary.

    We do not have to see eye to eye on the end though, we will all meet our maker.

    Take care.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    yes, eating can be an addiction, just like Booze and drugs.

    But there is Overeaters Anyomous.

    No suprise they are more fatties. Look at McDonalds. the drink that used to be the medium is now the small. Soda is the WORST culprit IMHO to get fat quick, coupled with extra large fries, Double QP's with cheese, and living in front of a Tv/computer screen.
    Do they even teach nutrition anymore?

    I see more fat kids today than when I was young. We played all day to burn off the fat, and NO SODA except for special occasions (and, guess what my Dad did for a living? Managed a Coca-Cola bottling plant).

    This, plus the prevailing attitude of entitlement (the Govt/life owes me something) is why we are going down the crapper rapidly
  • mogley98mogley98 Member Posts: 18,291 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Call a wrecker
    Why don't we go to school and work on the weekends and take the week off!
  • 1911a1-fan1911a1-fan Member Posts: 51,193 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    i think there is a bit of confusion and misunderstanding in this thread, fat and lazy vs. fat and disabled very much apples and oranges till the fat and lazy become disabled because of their sloth and gluttony
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,061 ******
    edited November -1
    Yes. And it's kinda hard to tell the difference at first glance, hunh?
  • Rack OpsRack Ops Member Posts: 18,596 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ECC

    ...and as I said, I have the utmost respect for those who legitimately need/use such devices...but I believe there are far more folks who'd be a lot better off without them than those that actually need them.

    Very well said.

    Just like other attempts to help those with legitimate need, the system gets abused, and unfortunately it stigmatizes everyone who uses one...It shouldn't, but that's just human nature.
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    I went from 5'10 & 282 to 5'8 and 130 in a little over two years.

    Once I decided I didn't want to be fat anymore.

  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    OK, it seems people are still confused here. Overweight does not equal obese.

    Oh, and yes, you can generally tell a person who is obese due to a food obsession rather than disability. Obesity is rarely caused from a disability that I know of (although I am not a doctor, and someone with medical training may be able to dispute this). People who are obese because of a food addiction are generally always within arms reach They always seem to be shovelling something in their cake hole. They eat an enormous amount of food. I have seen many truly disabled people who are overweight, but that is a far cry from obesity.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have been staying out of this one so far![:D]

    Yes, I know there ARE folks that are truly disabled, and become large due to conditions, and an assortment of medical ailments.
    I have the utmost sympathy for them, as it can land in ANY of our laps at any time.

    Like others, I believe there is a massive amount of abuse taking place with the "freebies" and the special treatment.
    Nothing is free,......someone is paying for it all!

    I find it hard to believe that a large part of our obesity epidemic is being caused my medical conditions. It did not used to be this way in this country.
    Common sense dictates that the cushy lives American's lead, and the huge amount of high fat food we eat is the cause,.......let's be real here,.......about 1/3 of "children" are fat, or obese!
    No getting around that change.

    I have seen it myself with a few friends of my mothers. They sit all day, and eat constantly while yacking on the phone, or reading and sending e-mail. Also too much TV.

    I guess I am rude, but not long ago I was over at her house doing some work for her, and a friend of hers that I have known since I was a kid was over.
    I listened in the back ground to her complaining constantly about her knees, back, and other various aches and pains. I finally walked by and dropped the "bombshell" by saying that she would feel a lot better if she lost some significant weight. Believe me,......I have seen this woman eat, and she is also a real "sweet-tooth" as well as a constant soda sucker.

    Well guess what?
    She took it to heart, and has already lost about 30 pounds. Another friend of my mothers is also on a major diet kick as well.
    My mom has never been more than 20 pounds overweight, and has been about perfect for years. They ask her how she can still do all she does,.......duh!

    I become miserable when I get above 15 pounds over ideal weight, and immediately go about losing it. Right now I still have a bit less than 10 to lose, and I will be back to my ideal 185.
    I don't drink soda, and I don't eat sweets on anything approaching a regular basis.

    No "fast-food" and I don't stuff myself with bacon, eggs, and biscuits every morning. I eat fresh fruit, or make a smoothie out of the same most mornings. Sometimes it's cereal with 1% milk also with fruit thrown in.

    I still eat all of the things I love, but in moderation, and not "everyday."
    Throw in a light workout 3 times a week, and lots of walking in my job, and all is well per se.
    BTW,......I have a very bad back, and also my knees. All it does is help me by not becoming obese.

    Look at the big picture.
    None of these folks are attacking those with REAL illnesses by any means.
    Most of America's obese are not "ill" though,......or if they are, it is a direct result of lifestyle choices that led to the obesity in the first place.

    My say is done![:0][:D]
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • GatoGordoGatoGordo Member Posts: 1,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    A soldier chooses to ignore his training and gets his buddy killed and himself crippled. You see him in uniform with one leg, you buy him a drink.

    You see a person in one of the Pity Parking spots at Wal-Mart off-load his wheelchair from the van he needs for a spinal injury he sustained when he chose to get drunk and wrap his H-D around a tree. You see the Harley sticker on his van so give him a nod.

    You have some fat sumbi*ch slowing you down on your way down the aisle at the 7-11 to get your 6-pack and wish someone would just shoot the fatty 'cause he's inconveniencing you. Doesn't matter that he has a mind almost infinitely superior to yours and a driving ambition to solve major problems from the computer he sits at 10 hours a day. He should eat better and exercise more but he made a choice to work to better others instead of himself.

    You make your judgements on these people based on appearance only. My judgement; you're a kind individual.

    Edit by you are within the posting guidelines.[;)]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 1911a1fan
    i think there is a bit of confusion and misunderstanding in this thread, fat and lazy vs. fat and disabled very much apples and oranges till the fat and lazy become disabled because of their sloth and gluttony

  • GatoGordoGatoGordo Member Posts: 1,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Was my last post deleted by some moderator that disagreed?
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    I have been staying out of this one so far![:D]

    Yes, I know there ARE folks that are truly disabled, and become large due to conditions, and an assortment of medical ailments.
    I have the utmost sympathy for them, as it can land in ANY of our laps at any time.

    Like others, I believe there is a massive amount of abuse taking place with the "freebies" and the special treatment.
    Nothing is free,......someone is paying for it all!

    I find it hard to believe that a large part of our obesity epidemic is being caused my medical conditions. It did not used to be this way in this country.
    Common sense dictates that the cushy lives American's lead, and the huge amount of high fat food we eat is the cause,.......let's be real here,.......about 1/3 of "children" are fat, or obese!
    No getting around that change.

    I have seen it myself with a few friends of my mothers. They sit all day, and eat constantly while yacking on the phone, or reading and sending e-mail. Also too much TV.

    I guess I am rude, but not long ago I was over at her house doing some work for her, and a friend of hers that I have known since I was a kid was over.
    I listened in the back ground to her complaining constantly about her knees, back, and other various aches and pains. I finally walked by and dropped the "bombshell" by saying that she would feel a lot better if she lost some significant weight. Believe me,......I have seen this woman eat, and she is also a real "sweet-tooth" as well as a constant soda sucker.

    Well guess what?
    She took it to heart, and has already lost about 30 pounds. Another friend of my mothers is also on a major diet kick as well.
    My mom has never been more than 20 pounds overweight, and has been about perfect for years. They ask her how she can still do all she does,.......duh!

    I become miserable when I get above 15 pounds over ideal weight, and immediately go about losing it. Right now I still have a bit less than 10 to lose, and I will be back to my ideal 185.
    I don't drink soda, and I don't eat sweets on anything approaching a regular basis.

    No "fast-food" and I don't stuff myself with bacon, eggs, and biscuits every morning. I eat fresh fruit, or make a smoothie out of the same most mornings. Sometimes it's cereal with 1% milk also with fruit thrown in.

    I still eat all of the things I love, but in moderation, and not "everyday."
    Throw in a light workout 3 times a week, and lots of walking in my job, and all is well per se.
    BTW,......I have a very bad back, and also my knees. All it does is help me by not becoming obese.

    Look at the big picture.
    None of these folks are attacking those with REAL illnesses by any means.
    Most of America's obese are not "ill" though,......or if they are, it is a direct result of lifestyle choices that led to the obesity in the first place.

    My say is done![:0][:D]

    Marc, stop throwing common sense and reason into the arguement! [:D]

    In my own OPINION, fat people are FAT because the CHOOSE to be FAT. We all control what we put into our bodies. My MIL has thyroid problems, yet she is thin. Thin because she eats right and is allways busy. My SIL is fat, because she drinks POP all day, and eats like a hog.
    IMO, steroid may help along weight gain, but you can counteract that with CONTROL of caloric intake.
    What REAL medical condition CAUSES anyone to become fat?
    Fat people that have bad joints, back, ect., I have no symapthy for. They caused their own problems by NOT controling their weight.

    So while some offer up excuses why people are fat, the fact remains they are FAT and doing nothing to fix it.

    I had a step sister that was fat. Went and had the sugery done on her stomach. Four years later, after losing over 200 POUNDS, she is FAT all over again. She is FAT because she CHOOSES to be.

    Welcome to America, land of the fatty fats. [8D]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Again, hard to tell the diff beween those who are disabled, and then gained weight, and those who are disabled BECAUSE of their weight.

    Still, in all, I think the American lifestyle is the cause, and a lack of self-control is why there are SOOO many fat people , and becuase of that, so many fat kids.

    I go 215, 6ft1, have a bit of a gut. But I can work all day, and walk till the sun goes down.

    And when I go to WalMart (THE fat capitol of the Universe IMHO) I feel skinny
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by GatoGordo
    Was my last post deleted by some moderator that disagreed?

    Which post? I edited one of your posts to keep it within posting guidelines...but I did not delete any of your posts.
  • Survivalist86Survivalist86 Member Posts: 3,105
    edited November -1
    2 weeks ago I went to the market. In Texas being too fat give you the a right to a handicapped sticker. I get there and a lady, probably in her late 30s and her daughter probably 17, and her son were parked in the handicapped zone unloading the motorized chair. The mother must have been 500+ lbs, the daughter was in the 300 lb range. Did I mention they had an Escalade converted to carry the motorized cart?

    I was smoking my cigar, and did not want to waste it, so watched as they did what all needed to be done to get momma into her chair. They then went in. I then went in after words. She was the rudest person I have ever met. She would park her chair in the middle of the aisle and make her obese kid bend over an pick stuff up for her off the shelves. People would try to get around her and she refused to move. I looked at what they were buying. 8 loaves of bread, Cartons and cartons of Little Debbie snacks. 3 cases of sugared pop, 2 gallons of milk, pounds and pounds of crap. I finnaly got my bacon and flour and cream and the other stuff I needed and got stuck behind her in the checkout line while she yapped at her kids. She bought tabloids, and at least 10 candy bars. They rang her up and she paid with friggin food stamps (It is called the Lone Star Card I believe here in Texas). She then had the "special" employee push her cart to her Caddy and loaded up, and I did not see her even tip the austistic kid who loaded her junk food up for her.

    That, my friends, is my perception of the obese on motorized carts. They have taken the term "WELFARE COW" to a new level.
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by fordsix
    suck her and the cart up on a flat bed[:0]

    OMG! I had a visionary stroke with this comment!!![B)]
    I think I laughed for at least thirty minutes...
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    Again, hard to tell the diff beween those who are disabled, and then gained weight, and those who are disabled BECAUSE of their weight.

    AND again, WHAT cause people to become fat? Is it caloric intake, or is it some strange disease/virus?
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    Again, hard to tell the diff beween those who are disabled, and then gained weight, and those who are disabled BECAUSE of their weight.

    AND again, WHAT cause people to become fat? Is it caloric intake, or is it some strange disease/virus?

    caloric intake, natch. But I knew (he died) a man who was paralysed in a hunting accident. He gained a lot of weight over the years, before he died. So his disability was a factor in his weight gain.

    I think the majority of the Welfare Cows that was in the post previous are just fat slobs who don't give a crap that they are eating themselves into an early grave. We have tons of them (literally) in PA
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    Again, hard to tell the diff beween those who are disabled, and then gained weight, and those who are disabled BECAUSE of their weight.

    AND again, WHAT cause people to become fat? Is it caloric intake, or is it some strange disease/virus?

    caloric intake, natch. But I knew (he died) a man who was paralysed in a hunting accident. He gained a lot of weight over the years, before he died. So his disability was a factor in his weight gain.

    I think the majority of the Welfare Cows that was in the post previous are just fat slobs who don't give a crap that they are eating themselves into an early grave. We have tons of them (literally) in PA

    Not to talk ill of your friend, but IF he chose to eat better, you suppose he wouldn't have gained the extra weight?
    I know he couldn't run. But he COULD control his food intake.

    My mother is a prime example of this. The nursing home lets them eat whatever they want. They supposedly can NOT deny them anything they ask for. Mom had a stroke and doesn't know any better. She also has NEVER been this overweight.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    Again, hard to tell the diff beween those who are disabled, and then gained weight, and those who are disabled BECAUSE of their weight.

    AND again, WHAT cause people to become fat? Is it caloric intake, or is it some strange disease/virus?

    caloric intake, natch. But I knew (he died) a man who was paralysed in a hunting accident. He gained a lot of weight over the years, before he died. So his disability was a factor in his weight gain.

    I think the majority of the Welfare Cows that was in the post previous are just fat slobs who don't give a crap that they are eating themselves into an early grave. We have tons of them (literally) in PA

    Not to talk ill of your friend, but IF he chose to eat better, you suppose he wouldn't have gained the extra weight?
    I know he couldn't run. But he COULD control his food intake.

    My mother is a prime example of this. The nursing home lets them eat whatever they want. They supposedly can NOT deny them anything they ask for. Mom had a stroke and doesn't know any better. She also has NEVER been this overweight.

    I guess, but I know he was on a lot of meds too. So that may or may not have affected him.

    This guy was pretty much a quadraplegic. Food may have been one of his few pleasures.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by GatoGordo
    A soldier chooses to ignore his training and gets his buddy killed and himself crippled. You see him in uniform with one leg, you buy him a drink.

    You see a person in one of the Pity Parking spots at Wal-Mart off-load his wheelchair from the van he needs for a spinal injury he sustained when he chose to get drunk and wrap his H-D around a tree. You see the Harley sticker on his van so give him a nod.

    You have some fat sumbi*ch slowing you down on your way down the aisle at the 7-11 to get your 6-pack and wish someone would just shoot the fatty 'cause he's inconveniencing you. Doesn't matter that he has a mind almost infinitely superior to yours and a driving ambition to solve major problems from the computer he sits at 10 hours a day. He should eat better and exercise more but he made a choice to work to better others instead of himself.

    You make your judgements on these people based on appearance only. My judgement; you're a kind individual.

    Edit by you are within the posting guidelines.[;)]
    oh, now we have people who are obese because they are working for the betterment of mankind over their own health. That is the funniest thing I think I have ever read. Thanks for the laugh. Wonder why Einstein wasn't fat, or Bill Gates. I mean these people probably spent more time working than anyone else known to man.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    Again, hard to tell the diff beween those who are disabled, and then gained weight, and those who are disabled BECAUSE of their weight.

    Still, in all, I think the American lifestyle is the cause, and a lack of self-control is why there are SOOO many fat people , and becuase of that, so many fat kids.

    I go 215, 6ft1, have a bit of a gut. But I can work all day, and walk till the sun goes down.

    And when I go to WalMart (THE fat capitol of the Universe IMHO) I feel skinny

    You aren't fat or obese PBJ, know that.[;)]

    We have a problem in this country, and it appears that most don't like to recognize it.

    It will kill us all one day, as nobody in the USA will be able to work, unless they are sitting on their butts in front of a computer.

    I guess Universal healthcare will solve the problem though.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    Again, hard to tell the diff beween those who are disabled, and then gained weight, and those who are disabled BECAUSE of their weight.

    AND again, WHAT cause people to become fat? Is it caloric intake, or is it some strange disease/virus?

    caloric intake, natch. But I knew (he died) a man who was paralysed in a hunting accident. He gained a lot of weight over the years, before he died. So his disability was a factor in his weight gain.

    I think the majority of the Welfare Cows that was in the post previous are just fat slobs who don't give a crap that they are eating themselves into an early grave. We have tons of them (literally) in PA

    Not to talk ill of your friend, but IF he chose to eat better, you suppose he wouldn't have gained the extra weight?
    I know he couldn't run. But he COULD control his food intake.

    My mother is a prime example of this. The nursing home lets them eat whatever they want. They supposedly can NOT deny them anything they ask for. Mom had a stroke and doesn't know any better. She also has NEVER been this overweight.

    I guess, but I know he was on a lot of meds too. So that may or may not have affected him.

    This guy was pretty much a quadraplegic. Food may have been one of his few pleasures.
    And I can totally understand that in his case.

    I have said all I have to say really, and I hope it didn't offend anyone.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    Again, hard to tell the diff beween those who are disabled, and then gained weight, and those who are disabled BECAUSE of their weight.

    Still, in all, I think the American lifestyle is the cause, and a lack of self-control is why there are SOOO many fat people , and becuase of that, so many fat kids.

    I go 215, 6ft1, have a bit of a gut. But I can work all day, and walk till the sun goes down.

    And when I go to WalMart (THE fat capitol of the Universe IMHO) I feel skinny

    You aren't fat or obese PBJ, know that.[;)]

    We have a problem in this country, and it appears that most don't like to recognize it.

    It will kill us all one day, as nobody in the USA will be able to work, unless they are sitting on their butts in front of a computer.

    I guess Universal healthcare will solve the problem though.
    Nowhere is the victim mentality more evident than the discussion of weight in this country.
    It is the fault of fast food companies
    It is the soda industries fault
    It is the super markets fault
    It is societies fault
    It is everyones fault except the person who decided to stuff their face full of crap ad live a lazy existence. Victims abound, deflect, dodge, and ATTACK!
  • GatoGordoGatoGordo Member Posts: 1,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    You make my point for me. Can't seem to grasp a concept based on an (admittedly exaggerated) example choosing instead to focus on the simply observable. Simple things for simple minds. BTW, is it your contention that only physically fit people have contributed to society?
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by GatoGordo

    You make my point for me. Can't seem to grasp a concept based on an (admittedly exaggerated) example choosing instead to focus on the simply observable. Simple things for simple minds. BTW, is it your contention that only physically fit people have contributed to society?
    I make no point for you, I can grasp reality firmly, and realistically while you prefer to play with the excuses aspect.

    You make no distinction between obesity and being overweight, which has been my argument all along. I never said that overweight people were not, could not be an asset to society in any fashion, but the person who is obese out of laziness and self indulgence is a drain on society. Perhaps you would like to read the entire thread before you jump to conclusions and make assumptions
  • EhlerDaveEhlerDave Member Posts: 5,158 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am so glad some of the people on here can LOOK at another person and know so much.

    They should just give out Dr's degrees to skinny people they know everything.

    I write this as a obese person who thinks skinny people should just shut the hell up and wait on my slow *. If you dont like that just pick me up and carry me along.
    Just smile and say nothing, let them guess how much you know.
  • searcher5searcher5 Member Posts: 13,511
    edited November -1
    Yer welcome in my house, Dave. Maybe we can go down to the all you can eat IHOP and wallow in the trough.

    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    I am so glad some of the people on here can LOOK at another person and know so much.

    They should just give out Dr's degrees to skinny people they know everything.

    I write this as a obese person who thinks skinny people should just shut the hell up and wait on my slow *. If you dont like that just pick me up and carry me along.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    I am so glad some of the people on here can LOOK at another person and know so much.

    They should just give out Dr's degrees to skinny people they know everything.

    I write this as a obese person who thinks skinny people should just shut the hell up and wait on my slow *. If you dont like that just pick me up and carry me along.

    I can look at a fella stumbling and slurring his speach and know he IS drunk. If I see he in that state often, I can sermise he is a drunk.

    I can look at FAT people, and know they are fat. I can sermise from all the excess weight they wobble around with, that they have a problem with the way they eat.

    People that are fat, choose to be that way. When someone invades our personal space, due to their excessive size, don't expect people to NOT be upset with said invasion. When someone whips out their foodstamp card to pay for a shopping cart FULL of sugar and fat, don't expect people who work to be accepting of that lifesyle that we workers PAY for. See where this is getting?
    People want to be fat, fine. I don't care if you desire to be the fattest person on earth. I may find it disgusting, but do as you wish.

    When your excessive size affects me, and my life, well too bad for you. It amazes me how people who are heavy get so defensive about their mass. Yet, if a smoker were to be blowing smoke in that persons face, WHOA NELLY!
  • EhlerDaveEhlerDave Member Posts: 5,158 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by drobs
    There but for the grace of God, go I.

    Indeed, but I will never be obese for the sake of being obese. I will also not allow myself to become obese due to immobility. If I am reduced to that, I will find a way to end the people I loves suffering and eliminate the problem from their life. When my life is no longer mine to live it ceases to serve it's purpose, as will I

    This tells me a lot about your character. You must be a coward. You would give up when the times get hard, unlike you many people dont lay down and die. Not wanting to be a burden on loved ones could be the reason a obese person uses the chair, it is possible they are doing what they can to be independant. It is small minded people like you that have the problem, learn to deal with it or lay down and give up the gohst, either way I don't care.
    Just smile and say nothing, let them guess how much you know.
  • EhlerDaveEhlerDave Member Posts: 5,158 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    I am so glad some of the people on here can LOOK at another person and know so much.

    They should just give out Dr's degrees to skinny people they know everything.

    I write this as a obese person who thinks skinny people should just shut the hell up and wait on my slow *. If you dont like that just pick me up and carry me along.

    I can look at a fella stumbling and slurring his speach and know he IS drunk. If I see he in that state often, I can sermise he is a drunk.

    I can look at FAT people, and know they are fat. I can sermise from all the excess weight they wobble around with, that they have a problem with the way they eat.

    People that are fat, choose to be that way. When someone invades our personal space, due to their excessive size, don't expect people to NOT be upset with said invasion. When someone whips out their foodstamp card to pay for a shopping cart FULL of sugar and fat, don't expect people who work to be accepting of that lifesyle that we workers PAY for. See where this is getting?
    People want to be fat, fine. I don't care if you desire to be the fattest person on earth. I may find it disgusting, but do as you wish.

    When your excessive size affects me, and my life, well too bad for you. It amazes me how people who are heavy get so defensive about their mass. Yet, if a smoker were to be blowing smoke in that persons face, WHOA NELLY!

    Okay Dr I stumble around and my speech gets slurred and it is due to being diabetic, how can you look at me and know that? You must make a fortune being Dr, my Dr is so stupid he has to do a test on my blood.

    I am just a big person its little folks that piss me off. You know who they are the ones that build doors to short to walk through.

    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids? Did you see all these fat folks eat all this bad food?
    Just smile and say nothing, let them guess how much you know.
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