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Very over weight Folks who use Elect Carts



  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    I am so glad some of the people on here can LOOK at another person and know so much.

    They should just give out Dr's degrees to skinny people they know everything.

    I write this as a obese person who thinks skinny people should just shut the hell up and wait on my slow *. If you dont like that just pick me up and carry me along.

    I can look at a fella stumbling and slurring his speach and know he IS drunk. If I see he in that state often, I can sermise he is a drunk.

    I can look at FAT people, and know they are fat. I can sermise from all the excess weight they wobble around with, that they have a problem with the way they eat.

    People that are fat, choose to be that way. When someone invades our personal space, due to their excessive size, don't expect people to NOT be upset with said invasion. When someone whips out their foodstamp card to pay for a shopping cart FULL of sugar and fat, don't expect people who work to be accepting of that lifesyle that we workers PAY for. See where this is getting?
    People want to be fat, fine. I don't care if you desire to be the fattest person on earth. I may find it disgusting, but do as you wish.

    When your excessive size affects me, and my life, well too bad for you. It amazes me how people who are heavy get so defensive about their mass. Yet, if a smoker were to be blowing smoke in that persons face, WHOA NELLY!

    Okay Dr I stumble around and my speech gets slurred and it is due to being diabetic, how can you look at me and know that? You must make a fortune being Dr, my Dr is so stupid he has to do a test on my blood.

    I am just a big person its little folks that piss me off. You know who they are the ones that build doors to short to walk through.

    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids? Did you see all these fat folks eat all this bad food?

    I know what diabetic attacks look like. I have witnessed/treated them until the ambulance could haul them off. So, Dr Twinkie, I am sure I can tell the difference.

    I also have problems with short headspace on doorways. I don't cry and whine about it. I bend down far enough to NOT hit my head. I also realize not everyone is tall like me. Guess not only am I a doctor, I have a masters in engineering.

    NO, these fat people should NOT be allowed to buy all these fatty/sugary foods. They teach their kids eating habits. Let them earn the money to feed their kids crap foods. Not on MY dime. They also should not be allowed to be buying T-bone and porterhouse steaks. Are you promoting a hand OUT or a hand UP?

    For the record, anyone on government assitance out to have their homes searched. Anything of value found should be confiscated by the social workers and sold, to pay for their assitance. Anything that is not necessary. Guess no TV, computers, cadillacs, and high dollar clothes will make them work. Constitutional? No, but neither is welfare.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by drobs
    There but for the grace of God, go I.

    Indeed, but I will never be obese for the sake of being obese. I will also not allow myself to become obese due to immobility. If I am reduced to that, I will find a way to end the people I loves suffering and eliminate the problem from their life. When my life is no longer mine to live it ceases to serve it's purpose, as will I

    This tells me a lot about your character. You must be a coward. You would give up when the times get hard, unlike you many people dont lay down and die. Not wanting to be a burden on loved ones could be the reason a obese person uses the chair, it is possible they are doing what they can to be independant. It is small minded people like you that have the problem, learn to deal with it or lay down and give up the gohst, either way I don't care.
    Coward? Coward is one who clings to life because of his/her fear of the unknown. Coward is one who runs from their problems and refuses to meet them head on. Coward is one who creates an issue for themselves knowing that others wil step in and take care of them. Coward is one who sits on their * and lets tax payers, via the government, take care of them.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    EhlerDave -
    I know you have a disability, and I am in no way insulting you.

    But I have seen many obese folks buy the "wrong" food with Access cards.

    Snacks are fine, but like everything else, in MODERATION.

    I love wings, beer and fried foods. But if I ate them every day, I'd be over 350 easy.

    See an obese person shopping in a grocery store, and 5 out of 6 times the child(ren) with them will be obese. And another generation suffers.
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    People that on using the Government tit get so offensive! I wonder why? Don
  • MosinNagantDiscipleMosinNagantDisciple Member Posts: 2,612
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dcon12
    People that on using the Government tit get so offensive! I wonder why? Don

    Could be because their "gravy train" is threatened... [:)]
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.
    One of the few things I believe we will ever agree on. If someone else is doling the money to you, you should at least be forced to purchase healthy, nutritional food with those funds.
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.

    Years ago the people on welfare were delivered the food instead of Food Stamps. Cheese. powdered milk, canned ham and such. We need to go back to the same. Don
  • searcher5searcher5 Member Posts: 13,511
    edited November -1
    Is that before we cut the cash that is used for cigarettes, booze, and lotto tickets?

    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I really don't understand why this is going the way it is.

    I think everyone that has posted has been talking about folks that are simply obese through their diet choices.

    What am I missing here from those that claim to be truly disabled?
    I presume this will be poofed in short order, but it won't be due to anything I have said.

    I believe my eyes are opening even further than they were before.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by searcher5
    Is that before we cut the cash that is used for cigarettes, booze, and lotto tickets?

    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.

    Absolutely. none of those items should be allowed to be purchased with assistance money. For the record it is NOT YOUR MONEY. This is TAXPAYERS money that was stolen and given to you illegally. People on the dole should have some shame [V]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dcon12
    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.

    Years ago the people on welfare were delivered the food instead of Food Stamps. Cheese. powdered milk, canned ham and such. We need to go back to the same. Don

    Was that like the commodities programs?

    I am unfamilular with what your speaking of. But I agree.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    I really don't understand why this is going the way it is.

    I think everyone that has posted has been talking about folks that are simply obese through their diet choices.

    What am I missing here from those that claim to be truly disabled?
    I presume this will be poofed in short order, but it won't be due to anything I have said.

    I believe my eyes are opening even further than they were before.

    Marc, the discussion made a turn from this comment:
    quote:You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids? Did you see all these fat folks eat all this bad food?

    Above in red. What does that mean? I don't understand.
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree on the Fat + Lazy vs Fat + health problems. I used to be built like my dad, stocky, tall, bla bla bla. I injured my foot and gained weight.. but, that doesnt meant I cant lose it. Which I am. If todes were to see me again, he could probably notice im losing. Same for LF.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    I agree on the Fat + Lazy vs Fat + health problems. I used to be built like my dad, stocky, tall, bla bla bla. I injured my foot and gained weight.. but, that doesnt meant I cant lose it. Which I am. If todes were to see me again, he could probably notice im losing. Same for LF.
    J, you were never obese that I have seen, nor do I believe you ever asked anyone to take care of you. Your family is a upstanding, hard working one. Nowhere do I see a parallel between this discussion and you.
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.

    I tend to agree with this...not only would it force them the eat healthier, it would force them to use their "$$$" more effectively...getting far more bang for the buck. I think this is an EXCELLENT idea.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    I really don't understand why this is going the way it is.

    I think everyone that has posted has been talking about folks that are simply obese through their diet choices.

    What am I missing here from those that claim to be truly disabled?
    I presume this will be poofed in short order, but it won't be due to anything I have said.

    I believe my eyes are opening even further than they were before.

    Marc, the discussion made a turn from this comment:
    quote:You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids? Did you see all these fat folks eat all this bad food?

    Above in red. What does that mean? I don't understand.

    James,......if you are referring to MY red, it means that I don't understand the mindset of those that claim to truly be disabled.
    I seem to be finding that some folks that I would have previously had empathy for, sound a lot like others that I don't.

    I won't go any further with my thought process as I really don't mean to hurt feelings, or get the thread deleted.
    Hopefully you understand what I am saying.

    How many times can a person say that they are speaking of someone that is simply a gorging sloth.

    Others brought public assistance into this game.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by searcher5
    Is that before we cut the cash that is used for cigarettes, booze, and lotto tickets?

    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.

    Absolutely. none of those items should be allowed to be purchased with assistance money. For the record it is NOT YOUR MONEY. This is TAXPAYERS money that was stolen and given to you illegally. People on the dole should have some shame [V]

    that is one big problem, they feel they are OWED this.
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ECC
    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    quote:Originally posted by EhlerDave
    You know I ask you, should people on food stamps or getting any Gov. not be allowed to buy snacks for the kids?[/red]

    Splendid idea. In fact, they should not be allowed to buy ANY processed junk. They should only be allowed to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw ingredients like flour, oil, eggs, and sugar with food stamps.

    I tend to agree with this...not only would it force them the eat healthier, it would force them to use their "$$$" more effectively...getting far more bang for the buck. I think this is an EXCELLENT idea.

    I agree
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.
  • GatoGordoGatoGordo Member Posts: 1,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The government (tax payers) provide for road dollars, schools, public safety, libraries, and public radio therefore it's only fair that they tell us what we can drive, be taught, own for personal defense, read, and listen to.

    "You can rob me. You can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    I have been watching this argument from the periphery, as I don't have a dog in this hunt. I come from a line of just naturally thin women.


    If we are going to give special designation to individuals who choose to destroy their bodies through over-consumption of food, then why not give it to those who cannot control other impulses, such as tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs? Why don't we claim, all these as a disability?

    Oh, wait, we already do...
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.

    No Tod,

    I said The people who have a real legit reason for being fat and in wheel chair wont see your logic..

    Its offensive to me and I'm in shape..

    Re read what you have said, and if you still dont understand you are indeed an idiot.
    Then I will return the favor and inform you that you infact are the idiot, because nowhere did I attack someone for being disabled, in a wheelchair and fat for medical reasons other than obesity. Many times I tried to make sure that people understood the difference between overweight, and obese. I could care less if you find what I say offensive, it is not as if you mean anything more to me than I mean to you

    Hang on a minute tod, I'll show you your social folly. EMMM Kay,

    Think about what this says tod, Just think about it.. When you think you have though enough, think some more..

    [s1)nobody force feeds you, or makes you eat half a pound of bacon for breakfast and half a dozen eggs.

    2)Walk once in awhile before your weight gets totally out of control.

    3)You cannot use a thyroid problem as an excuse if you are ordering 4 big macs for lunch and a diet soda

    4)Obesity is nasty, dispicable, deplorable, expensive, and more of a inconvenience to the population as a whole than anything I have ever encountered.

    I do not want to smell you.
    I do not want to sit next to you on an airplane with your rolls hanging over the armrest.
    I do not want to watch you cram food in your mouth while talking about your weight issue
    I do not want to try to get around you in an aisle while you waddle at the speed of a sloth
    I do not want to hear you complain that a food stop should have to put wider than normal boothes in so you will not get stuck
    I do not want to hear you repeat over and over how the retail industry should have to conform to YOU so you can maintain YOUR gross behavior and make everyone else suffer to satisfy your selfish behavior
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.

    No Tod,

    I said The people who have a real legit reason for being fat and in wheel chair wont see your logic..

    Its offensive to me and I'm in shape..

    Re read what you have said, and if you still dont understand you are indeed an idiot.
    Then I will return the favor and inform you that you infact are the idiot, because nowhere did I attack someone for being disabled, in a wheelchair and fat for medical reasons other than obesity. Many times I tried to make sure that people understood the difference between overweight, and obese. I could care less if you find what I say offensive, it is not as if you mean anything more to me than I mean to you

    Hang on a minute tod, I'll show you your social folly. EMMM Kay,
    emmm, kay waiting with bells on
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Seems some just like to argue,......gee what's new on GB.
    Everything has been clear to me before I ever responded.

    Maybe I truly am gifted so to speak.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    Seems some just like to argue,......gee what's new on GB.
    Everything has been clear to me before I ever responded.

    Maybe I truly am gifted so to speak.

    Does the term "pizzing match" come to mind?
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    Seems some just like to argue,......gee what's new on GB.
    Everything has been clear to me before I ever responded.

    Maybe I truly am gifted so to speak.
    Sorry Marc, I really do NOT like to argue. If I made a mistake I will apologize for it, but I do not believe I attacked disabled people besides those claiming obesity as a disability.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.

    No Tod,

    I said The people who have a real legit reason for being fat and in wheel chair wont see your logic..

    Its offensive to me and I'm in shape..

    Re read what you have said, and if you still dont understand you are indeed an idiot.
    Then I will return the favor and inform you that you infact are the idiot, because nowhere did I attack someone for being disabled, in a wheelchair and fat for medical reasons other than obesity. Many times I tried to make sure that people understood the difference between overweight, and obese. I could care less if you find what I say offensive, it is not as if you mean anything more to me than I mean to you

    Hang on a minute tod, I'll show you your social folly. EMMM Kay,

    Think about what this says tod, Just think about it.. When you think you have though enough, think some more..

    [s1)nobody force feeds you, or makes you eat half a pound of bacon for breakfast and half a dozen eggs.

    2)Walk once in awhile before your weight gets totally out of control.

    3)You cannot use a thyroid problem as an excuse if you are ordering 4 big macs for lunch and a diet soda

    4)Obesity is nasty, dispicable, deplorable, expensive, and more of a inconvenience to the population as a whole than anything I have ever encountered.

    I do not want to smell you.
    I do not want to sit next to you on an airplane with your rolls hanging over the armrest.
    I do not want to watch you cram food in your mouth while talking about your weight issue
    I do not want to try to get around you in an aisle while you waddle at the speed of a sloth
    I do not want to hear you complain that a food stop should have to put wider than normal boothes in so you will not get stuck
    I do not want to hear you repeat over and over how the retail industry should have to conform to YOU so you can maintain YOUR gross behavior and make everyone else suffer to satisfy your selfish behavior
    I do not have to think about it, they are words that I typed, and I believe in. owhere does that attack a person who has a legitimate illness. Where is this attack which you claim that I have made. Perhaps I am dimwitted, and slow, but I do not see it. i think you are seeing what you want to see and not the spirit in which is was posted
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    Seems some just like to argue,......gee what's new on GB.
    Everything has been clear to me before I ever responded.

    Maybe I truly am gifted so to speak.
    Sorry Marc, I really do NOT like to argue. If I made a mistake I will apologize for it, but I do not believe I attacked disabled people besides those claiming obesity as a disability.

    Nope...some folks like to argue, just for the sake of arguing.
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.

    No Tod,

    I said The people who have a real legit reason for being fat and in wheel chair wont see your logic..

    Its offensive to me and I'm in shape..

    Re read what you have said, and if you still dont understand you are indeed an idiot.
    Then I will return the favor and inform you that you infact are the idiot, because nowhere did I attack someone for being disabled, in a wheelchair and fat for medical reasons other than obesity. Many times I tried to make sure that people understood the difference between overweight, and obese. I could care less if you find what I say offensive, it is not as if you mean anything more to me than I mean to you

    Hang on a minute tod, I'll show you your social folly. EMMM Kay,
    emmm, kay waiting with bells on

    And notice, I did say logic. Meaning your thoughts are sound just poorly articulated. This is a duplicitious topic. I'm sorry for calling you an Idiot, but just think about what you have said.
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    I agree on the Fat + Lazy vs Fat + health problems. I used to be built like my dad, stocky, tall, bla bla bla. I injured my foot and gained weight.. but, that doesnt meant I cant lose it. Which I am. If todes were to see me again, he could probably notice im losing. Same for LF.
    J, you were never obese that I have seen, nor do I believe you ever asked anyone to take care of you. Your family is a upstanding, hard working one. Nowhere do I see a parallel between this discussion and you.
    Im nowhere near obese, but I am a big boy. If someone wishes to lay around on their * with a bag of lays and mountain dew, so be it. [:D][:D]

    Speakin' of taking care, I gotta run see how grandpa is.. ill be back afterwhile
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.

    No Tod,

    I said The people who have a real legit reason for being fat and in wheel chair wont see your logic..

    Its offensive to me and I'm in shape..

    Re read what you have said, and if you still dont understand you are indeed an idiot.
    Then I will return the favor and inform you that you infact are the idiot, because nowhere did I attack someone for being disabled, in a wheelchair and fat for medical reasons other than obesity. Many times I tried to make sure that people understood the difference between overweight, and obese. I could care less if you find what I say offensive, it is not as if you mean anything more to me than I mean to you

    Hang on a minute tod, I'll show you your social folly. EMMM Kay,

    Think about what this says tod, Just think about it.. When you think you have though enough, think some more..

    [s1)nobody force feeds you, or makes you eat half a pound of bacon for breakfast and half a dozen eggs.

    2)Walk once in awhile before your weight gets totally out of control.

    3)You cannot use a thyroid problem as an excuse if you are ordering

    4)Obesity is nasty, dispicable, deplorable, and more of a inconvenience to the population as a whole than anything I have ever encountered.

    I do not want to smell you.
    I do not want to sit next to you on an airplane with your rolls hanging over the armrest.
    I do not want to hear you complain that a food stop should have to put wider than normal boothes in so you will not get stuck
    I do not want to hear you repeat over and over how the retail industry should have to conform to YOU so you can maintain YOUR gross behavior and make everyone else suffer to satisfy your selfish behavior
    I do not have to think about it, they are words that I typed, and I believe in. owhere does that attack a person who has a legitimate illness. Where is this attack which you claim that I have made. Perhaps I am dimwitted, and slow, but I do not see it. i think you are seeing what you want to see and not the spirit in which is was posted

    Yes suh you do, so you dont mind the fact that these things also apply to legitametly fat people?

    You dont think it is offensive to them?
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.

    No Tod,

    I said The people who have a real legit reason for being fat and in wheel chair wont see your logic..

    Its offensive to me and I'm in shape..

    Re read what you have said, and if you still dont understand you are indeed an idiot.
    Then I will return the favor and inform you that you infact are the idiot, because nowhere did I attack someone for being disabled, in a wheelchair and fat for medical reasons other than obesity. Many times I tried to make sure that people understood the difference between overweight, and obese. I could care less if you find what I say offensive, it is not as if you mean anything more to me than I mean to you

    Hang on a minute tod, I'll show you your social folly. EMMM Kay,
    emmm, kay waiting with bells on

    And notice, I did say logic. Meaning your thoughts are sound just poorly articulated. This is a duplicitious topic. I'm sorry for calling you an Idiot, but just think about what you have said.
    While my articulation may leave something to be desired in your opinion I am not one to wasted time putting something together for the sake of being pc. So what if people get their feelings hurt, or take it to heart? When did this country become a septic tank of wimps who cannot stand to hear anothers opinion, or as I believe, the truth? Why ice creamfot around a issue and try to nerf it? It is what it is
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.

    No Tod,

    I said The people who have a real legit reason for being fat and in wheel chair wont see your logic..

    Its offensive to me and I'm in shape..

    Re read what you have said, and if you still dont understand you are indeed an idiot.
    Then I will return the favor and inform you that you infact are the idiot, because nowhere did I attack someone for being disabled, in a wheelchair and fat for medical reasons other than obesity. Many times I tried to make sure that people understood the difference between overweight, and obese. I could care less if you find what I say offensive, it is not as if you mean anything more to me than I mean to you

    Hang on a minute tod, I'll show you your social folly. EMMM Kay,

    Think about what this says tod, Just think about it.. When you think you have though enough, think some more..

    [s1)nobody force feeds you, or makes you eat half a pound of bacon for breakfast and half a dozen eggs.

    2)Walk once in awhile before your weight gets totally out of control.

    3)You cannot use a thyroid problem as an excuse if you are ordering 4 big macs for lunch and a diet soda

    4)Obesity is nasty, dispicable, deplorable, expensive, and more of a inconvenience to the population as a whole than anything I have ever encountered.

    I do not want to smell you.
    I do not want to sit next to you on an airplane with your rolls hanging over the armrest.
    I do not want to hear you complain that a food stop should have to put wider than normal boothes in so you will not get stuck
    I do not want to hear you repeat over and over how the retail industry should have to conform to YOU so you can maintain YOUR gross behavior and make everyone else suffer to satisfy your selfish behavior
    I do not have to think about it, they are words that I typed, and I believe in. owhere does that attack a person who has a legitimate illness. Where is this attack which you claim that I have made. Perhaps I am dimwitted, and slow, but I do not see it. i think you are seeing what you want to see and not the spirit in which is was posted

    Yes suh you do, so you dont mind the fact that these things also apply to legitametly fat people?

    You dont think it is offensive to them?

    Save for maybe one, or two of the things I posted if what is typed there applies to them then they are not legitimately large, they are large of their own undertaking and therefore it is still truth and applicable to them. Eat four big macs, half a dozen eggs and a half pound of bacon and complaining of being fat not only makes you disgusting, but also a hypocrite.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    Seems some just like to argue,......gee what's new on GB.
    Everything has been clear to me before I ever responded.

    Maybe I truly am gifted so to speak.
    Sorry Marc, I really do NOT like to argue. If I made a mistake I will apologize for it, but I do not believe I attacked disabled people besides those claiming obesity as a disability.

    I wasn't referring to you, Todesengel.

    I will say that I have attempted to "restrain" myself on this board with the ever increasing flood of dolts, and Libs.

    The "round and round" really doesn't accomplish anything.
    How much time have you and I spent going round with various members today, and what came of that?

    I believe I will find a better use of my time, like looking at the pics of your wife's boobs, or Andrea's butt tat![:D]
    I don't know why I continue to attempt to fight "stupid."

    Surely not leaving, but sticking to non-issues so to speak.
    At least I am going to try!
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by quickmajik
    I tend too agree that a persons contributions too the human race or the people around them supercedes what they look like.

    Some of you guys that I have alittle respect for have disgusted me on this issue, but for the same reasons I except ugly and or fat people I choose to over look this.

    Do you think those guys who are fat or in wheel chairs for a reason beyond what you deem unfit really see merit in what Tod is saying.

    If any of you do, you are idiots.

    Ignorance is desease also.

    Empathy and compassion are free things..

    those guys have a right to be pissed.

    So, just to make sure I understand you correctly;

    It is quite acceptable to make yourself a huge mass of quivering jello and be supported by the government tit?

    You have the right to make others miserable to sustain your own selfish desires?

    I suppose you do not believe in responsibility and accountability?

    I could care less whether some person who has destroyed their body feels about my thoughts of them. I could also care less what someone on public aid thinks about me. Quite frankly i could care less what a able bodied hard working person thinks about me. I live my life for me, and not others, I DO believe is self accountability and responsibility, and obese people are in the same league as drug abusers to me.

    No Tod,

    I said The people who have a real legit reason for being fat and in wheel chair wont see your logic..

    Its offensive to me and I'm in shape..

    Re read what you have said, and if you still dont understand you are indeed an idiot.
    Then I will return the favor and inform you that you infact are the idiot, because nowhere did I attack someone for being disabled, in a wheelchair and fat for medical reasons other than obesity. Many times I tried to make sure that people understood the difference between overweight, and obese. I could care less if you find what I say offensive, it is not as if you mean anything more to me than I mean to you

    Hang on a minute tod, I'll show you your social folly. EMMM Kay,

    Think about what this says tod, Just think about it.. When you think you have though enough, think some more..

    [s1)nobody force feeds you, or makes you eat half a pound of bacon for breakfast and half a dozen eggs.

    2)Walk once in awhile before your weight gets totally out of control.

    3)You cannot use a thyroid problem as an excuse if you are ordering 4 big macs for lunch and a diet soda

    4)Obesity is nasty, dispicable, deplorable, expensive, and more of a inconvenience to the population as a whole than anything I have ever encountered.

    I do not want to smell you.
    I do not want to sit next to you on an airplane with your rolls hanging over the armrest.

    I do not want to hear you complain that a food stop should have to put wider than normal boothes in so you will not get stuck

    I do not want to hear you repeat over and over how the retail industry should have to conform to YOU so you can maintain YOUR gross behavior and make everyone else suffer to satisfy your selfish behavior
    I do not have to think about it, they are words that I typed, and I believe in. owhere does that attack a person who has a legitimate illness. Where is this attack which you claim that I have made. Perhaps I am dimwitted, and slow, but I do not see it. i think you are seeing what you want to see and not the spirit in which is was posted

    Yes suh you do, so you dont mind the fact that these things also apply to legitametly fat people?

    You dont think it is offensive to them?

    Save for maybe one, or two of the things I posted if what is typed there applies to them then they are not legitimately large, they are large of their own undertaking and therefore it is still truth and applicable to them.

    Eat four big macs, half a dozen eggs and a half pound of bacon and complaining of being fat not only makes you disgusting, but also a hypocrite.

    I'm done with this discussion.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    well perhaps I will bow out as well. Thanks for the conversation folks, good luck to you!
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    ...It's good to see you two folks end it tactfully.[8D]
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    See,......all I had to do was mention boobs, and butt tats![:0][:D]
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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