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Would you fight?



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    wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sounds like the rantings of another internet commando and armchair warrior who has never heard a shot fired in anger or served one day in the country's armed forces. It'll sure be nicer on the internet when school starts up again in a few weeks and these kids clear off the forums.

    When is your first day back, and how many more years of grade school do you have left before you are promoted to middle school?
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    JuggernautJuggernaut Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Only Patriots will fight and to the death if necessary, the others are all talk and cowards that hide behind their little computers badmouthing and mocking whenever they can since they know that they do not have the wherewithal and fortitude of a Patriot.
    Sooner or later the war will once again be upon us requiring a great sacrifice to be laid upon the altar of freedom for the tree of liberty will once again need to be refreshed with blood.
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    Dangerous TDangerous T Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JDraco
    Only Patriots will fight and to the death if necessary, the others are all talk and cowards that hide behind their little computers badmouthing and mocking whenever they can since they know that they do not have the wherewithal and fortitude of a Patriot.
    Sooner or later the war will once again be upon us requiring a great sacrifice to be laid upon the altar of freedom for the tree of liberty will once again need to be refreshed with blood.

    You know, what, guys? It is really, really easy to be an armchair commando, or suburban survivalist. I think that NONE of you would have guts to resist the police, army, or whatever else descendance of Gestapo and SS will be sent against you. When someone aims a gun at your heads, you will raise your hands and surrender.

    What is "Never shot, brand new and only dropped once"? A rifle of US Soldier when he doesn't have overwhelming superiority.

    None of you will EVER resist. Those dumb enough to do so will die pointlessly, while endangering their families.

    Frankly, I am more than half convinced that many of you in this topic who so hotly advocate armed resistance are nothing but provocateurs on FBI or NSA or whatever else SS/GESTAPO descendance payroll.
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    Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    You got part of that right. But I can attest to times when I, a US soldier, did not have 'overwhelming sureriority' and I, and many others, did not drop our weapons.
    But you are correct, the ones with the 'big mouths' are the ones who usualy are the first to fold![;)]
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Jim Rau
    You got part of that right. But I can attest to times when I, a US soldier, did not have 'overwhelming sureriority' and I, and many others, did not drop our weapons.
    But you are correct, the ones with the 'big mouths' are the ones who usualy are the first to fold![;)]

    Perhaps, soon enough, we can test your theory.
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    Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    No theory, just a fact of human nature![;)]
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Then, Jim, that should be a big relief to you;

    As you are shooting civilians defending a Constitution that you do not understand or believe in...hmmm ?
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    JuggernautJuggernaut Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Amazing why the anti gunners even bother posting here at all, without knowing anything about anyone here they hide behind their little computer screens slinging insults and stating how none of us will ever do anything and even the ones that do will die needlessly, they have a lot to learn and need to go back and read about the Revolutionary War amongst other things.
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    quote:slinging insults and stating how none of us will ever do anything and even the ones that do will die needlessly, they have a lot to le
    Thanks, feller, for bringing that back up. I was going to respond to THAT bit of incongruity..but slipped up.

    Odd thing, isn't it.
    The continual drumbeat of "You are all cowards...but if you DO stand up you are dead"...bullsnit the Anti-gunners continually muster to attempt to discourage and fragment the precious few of us intelligent enough, and tough enough to even discuss the issue in some other light then `Ain't the NRA wunnerful'...
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    Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    What anit-gunner are here JD?
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    wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What anti-gunner are here JD?

    I believe this has been established
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    Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
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    Dangerous TDangerous T Member Posts: 119 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Now, folks. Listen up and listen up good. Both, you and me know that the moral descendants of SS and Gestapo known as FBI, Police, NSA, FDA, Secret Service or whatever else are visiting and reading this boards. Just the same way that they have infiltrated militias.
    I will say it once and only one for all of you "patriots", "brave soldiers" and by this I mean loudmouth armchair commandoes and windbag suburban survivalists. I would REALLY REALLY think twice about posting ANYTHING about armed resistance if I were you.
    You never know how many provocateurs who are snitching to the feds are reading your answers to theirs and others posts.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Dangerous T
    Now, folks. Listen up and listen up good. Both, you and me know that the moral descendants of SS and Gestapo known as FBI, Police, NSA, FDA, Secret Service or whatever else are visiting and reading this boards. Just the same way that they have infiltrated militias.
    I will say it once and only one for all of you "patriots", "brave soldiers" and by this I mean loudmouth armchair commandoes and windbag suburban survivalists. I would REALLY REALLY think twice about posting ANYTHING about armed resistance if I were you.
    You never know how many provocateurs who are snitching to the feds are reading your answers to theirs and others posts.

    You can look at me as foolish, if you like.

    I give NOT one red damn about any alphabet soup turd that reads what I post. They can listen/read ANYTHING from within your home and OUT if they choose to. I am quite sure, they do this a BUNCH more than any of us could fathom.

    Let them spy, my spirit will NOT ever be broken. I will resist till I am no longer able to.

    Better to live MY life upright, and as a MAN, rather than live my life as a whipped dog. Some things in life are worth more than "comfort and security".
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    JuggernautJuggernaut Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Still the need to sling their little insults; apparently some sort of liberal delusions of grandeur as its the only little power that they will ever have which isnt much, kind of like the * song by Weird Al Yankovic.
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Thanks for the warning.
    Some of us already 'been there, done that'..and understand the murky depths that LEO power has sunk to in this country.
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    wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    originally posted by Dangerous T:

    You know, what, guys? It is really, really easy to be an armchair commando, or suburban survivalist. I think that NONE of you would have guts to resist the police, army, or whatever else descendance of Gestapo and SS will be sent against you. When someone aims a gun at your heads, you will raise your hands and surrender.

    None of you will EVER resist. Those dumb enough to do so will die pointlessly, while endangering their families.

    Well, tell us, Mr. T, what would you do?
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Thanks for the research. Knew it was there, was too lazy to dig it out.
    Sorta makes you wonder a bit, coming back after a long time to bring us a 'friendly warning'...makes you wonder.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    originally posted by Dangerous T:

    You know, what, guys? It is really, really easy to be an armchair commando, or suburban survivalist. I think that NONE of you would have guts to resist the police, army, or whatever else descendance of Gestapo and SS will be sent against you. When someone aims a gun at your heads, you will raise your hands and surrender.

    None of you will EVER resist. Those dumb enough to do so will die pointlessly, while endangering their families.

    Well, tell us, Mr. T, what would you do?

    WS, "T" has allready stated he will run away . That is the kind of guy "t" is. You certainly have encountered a "pansie" or two in your day, haven't you?
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    wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've seen a couple here and there. Just suprised to see them on here, a RTKBA forum.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    I've seen a couple here and there. Just suprised to see them on here, a RTKBA forum.

    least we forget our newest "comprimise" poster.

    A pansie IMO as well.
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    JuggernautJuggernaut Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No doubt, only each person knows if they will fight or run and the moment of truth may soon be at hand whether anyone likes it or not and to the "die needlessly" comment I think not as I don't believe that our brothers and sisters during the Revolutionary War died needlessly as they fought and died for what they believed in and I for one appreciate their sacrifices which is a lot more than I can say for the talk a lot do nothing sheeple out there.
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    wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    could be, but your label of "tory" was pretty accurate
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    45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, I don't any think anyone here knows exactly what they would do until it happens. I like the idea one guy mentioned about hiding the majority and waiting to fight another day. Going head to head in an unwinnable situation won't get you far. But waiting for the dust to die down and getting together with others and getting organized.......Thats an idea. AS for the rantings of "T", he's a coward and has no respect for any authority. Cops are bullies ? Remember that the next time you need one. As for New Orlenes, I know people who were in N.O. with the military/outside law enforcement and I can tell you that none of them took anybodies gun. Period. What they did do was stop looters and killed preditors. Maybe you should be looking at Ray Nagen and asking him some questions. Since he was the one who gave the order.

    Now. Would I fight? Sure. Would I come busting through my front door and take on the local swat team? No. Suicide doesn't help anyone. But a tactical withdrawl to fight another day on my terms would be a better answer. The thing is, no one knows when or what line will have to be crossed by the government before the gun owning populace decides enough is enough. But WHEN it does happen, then everyone will know why the 2nd is there.
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    JuggernautJuggernaut Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I would like to think that most here would fight, I know that I would and like I said the moment of truth may soon be at hand whether anyone likes it or not and will definitely answer that question for everyone once and for all.
    What we need to do is to get organized in our various areas and supply and train groups for guerilla warfare tactics which has been proven time and again to be effective against a superior force including their technology and to be ready at a moments notice if the call is given and to support one another's groups; as it is 1775 all over again and history repeats itself and the war is forced upon us. There is no need to make threats and such as that may prove to be counter productive at this time as we already know that Alice and the Looking Glass are ever vigilant in their activities and we must also be as well; as the time has come to stop talking, but to act in a call to arms to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic and our way of life as that it what is in jeopardy.
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    Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    Why is it so hard for you guys to answer simple questions?[:)]
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    45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well for thing Jim, it's NOT a "Simple" question. Lots of things are involved and I think that the majority of respondents have answered this question pretty well. Thats the thing with guys like you Jim. If a "simple" yes or no reply is given then the person is either lying or a coward. A no win situation. The question is not simple by any stretch. You have family to consider. You have situational possibilities to look at. Is the person replying by himself? Does he have his wife and child standing behind him when he opens that door to the ATF? If so, does he risk their lives to keep his guns at that moment? Or does he relent and fight another day? I would guess that most would relent. Especially if they live in an urban area. Rural areas are a lot different and bring with them a whole other set of situations.

    Simple question ? *L* No.
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    kyplumberkyplumber Member Posts: 11,111
    edited November -1
    Seems to be a lot of posts as of late that are dealt with in this post.
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    flankdrivemanflankdriveman Member Posts: 78
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by kyplumber
    Seems to be a lot of posts as of late that are dealt with in this post.

    Where did this come from???????? out of the woodwork???? It started in 2003.....I've got some reading to do. and I'll post one day.
    You bet your * I'd fight though.
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    wittynbearwittynbear Member Posts: 4,518
    edited November -1
    I would not fight in my own home or in front of my family. I would give them the guns that I have in the house. I would then take action after making sure my family was safe. I would probably start off with a knife, and start taking out government goons until I got the guns ammo and equipment I needed, and if possible pick up my hidden weapons. Then I would find like minded individuals and hammer out a plan. Then the real offensive would begin.
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    Lucky_LeftyLucky_Lefty Member Posts: 7,971
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wittynbear
    I would not fight in my own home or in front of my family. I would give them the guns that I have in the house. I would then take action after making sure my family was safe. I would probably start off with a knife, and start taking out government goons until I got the guns ammo and equipment I needed, and if possible pick up my hidden weapons. Then I would find like minded individuals and hammer out a plan. Then the real offensive would begin.

    Smart answer. I like it.
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    therockguytherockguy Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    we need to make the first stand together, before it is too late and we are unarmed. they keep restricting my guns, and its unconstitutional, the next generation is being brainwashed, and our freedoms are flying out the door.

    All the Rifles I own, including my straight pull military Rifle, and all my semi-autos are on the next list to be banned and I wont take it anymore, I hate these politicians and they are guilty of treason.
    let them fire the first shot, but lets get together and stand against them and tell them we will not take there tyranny anymore and get our constitution revived.

    I am open to setting a date and time for a mass protest against tyranny armed to the teeth and ready to take action, but all within there evil legal limits. let them fire the first shot and end there path of tyranny and fertilise out tree of liberty.

    Boston Massacre part two, its not pretty but neccesary to insure freedom for my kids and grandkids. Ill be there. they will never come to us and make this simple.
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    therockguytherockguy Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    hear that? thats silence.[V]
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    melkormelkor Member Posts: 191 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am now eating my Wheaties ! Jogging in place for 5 minutes, and have perfected my NInJA throwing Stars ! YA YA YA !! I am ready, someone needs to show me how to tie this darn White belt ~! [:D]
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    mqqnmqqn Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hi trstone -

    I would not give up my weapons willingly.

    If I thought it would come to that, I would take measures to ensure my weapons were safe from confiscation, and then prepare for a more opportune time to fight.

    But fight I would.

    best regards -

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    therockguytherockguy Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    take the belt and wrap it about your neck 13 wraps and up the center.......

    melkor be serious ninja stars in your hands are more dangerous to you then to others.
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    therockguytherockguy Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    the next generation is being brainwashed so much now that they would probally give them up willingly, this is indoctranation that needs to be stopped. they will taste the socialism and tyranny that is to come unless we stop it. there goals will outlive us, does our legacy die with us also, or will we make a stand and change the path we are headed down?
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    D.K.D.K. Member Posts: 291 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    It's been a long while since I was last here.

    Not much has changed, has it?

    We now have president obummer and a very anti-gun conress and senate.

    Where is the revolution?

    What are the "Yes, I'd fight in a minute" guys doing now?

    What is going to happen when your government packs your neighborhoods with even more muzzies and mexicans, THEN...THEN come for your guns?

    Will Texas actualy secede? One can only hope for another free place to live.

    The last time I addressed this issue, some called me "bitter". Want to change that to "prophetic"?

    Enjoy the new america. But remember, it was the voting morons that gave it o you!!!!
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    JamesQuinnJamesQuinn Member Posts: 123 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Same question I asked about 400 posts ago, and still no answer from any of you John Wayne wannabees. Here, I'll try again-

    Just who do you think you are going to fight? The US military? Your local SWAT team? US Marshals? The FBI? Who?

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    melkormelkor Member Posts: 191 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I got my Toads for making my ninja darts , Oh ya down with the Commies [^]
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