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Would you fight?



  • pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Looks like this forum has been a real eye opener for you. The more you look, the more you see. Kind of makes you want to go out and slap people around, asking them, CAN'T YOU SEE??? Doesn't it?

    Of course, once YOU can see, your accused of being delusional, or a conspiracy theorist, by "almost" everyone else. Proof that "their" brainwashing is working on the sheeple.


    The gene pool needs chlorine.
  • tneff1969tneff1969 Member Posts: 6,682 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    If it was just me living in the house YES , my problem is that my wife is an LEO. That throws a curveball into the scenario as far as I am concerned.

  • pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Oh, and about the "assault rifles" was always an illusion. There were NO rifles that were banned. Every one of those rifles were available all along. Change the stock, take the bayonet lug off, and there you go. It was only some of the "cosmetics" of a rifle that were banned.

    What did we get back? The ability to put a flash hider, a pistol grip, or a bayonet back on a rifle? Buy more than a 10 round mag? Bid deal. During the "so called ban" did you ever hear of a mag over 10 rounds (a full capacity magazine) being unavailable?...NO...they just cost more, that's all.

    Unlike previous laws that have NO sunset clause, this one had NO teeth in it. Never did, wasn`t intended to. It was intentionally passed so that they could placate the people, with the ILLUSION of giving something back. You are right, it was to lull the people into that false sense of the tide turning, that we have spoken of.

    Noting I didn't say "sheeple"
    That is because I'm talking about "us" the ones who care.
    The sheeple don't care, one way or the other.

    Again I agree with you about "us" getting organized, that would be their worst nightmare.

    The gene pool needs chlorine.
  • CommissarRobCommissarRob Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thank God that they removed those cosmetics for awhile, after all, people were constantly being bayonted to death.
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's the rational behind it that gets me; you can't have a bayonet lug...for what reson was this? You can't have a collapsable or folding stock may be able to be hidden down your pants if the stock were to be shortened? You can't have a pistol grip...and I love this one...because you would better be able to control the weapon, isn't that a good thing? You can't put on a hand rail because it allows the shootr to fire his weapon without burning his hand. That was the actual language on that one. Then there was flash suppressors, now what on God's green earth could these have possibly done to increase the effectiveness of a criminal, for that matter, how would any of these increased the effectiveness of a criminal?

    This was one really stupid law and those who were behind it really shown their stripes. It is an absolutely ludicrus ideal and not worthy of having reached any voting platform yet even the president signed it. That goes miles in describing Bill Clinton's presidency. Might I suggest we start looking at the upcoming candidates for president, if we could get a guy like Judge Alito into the White House, he could strike down all of these BS laws with the stroke of a pen. Can you believe even after it sunset there are still people trying to push a version of the bill through the house? They're not even attempting to shadow their intentions anymore. That must mean that they feel we have already been incapacitated. What an understatement, this of course applying to the sheeple.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • nightmareperformancenightmareperformance Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I dont know any of my friends including myself in the military that would actually pull the trigger on an american. But i helped throw out a government that was said to be corrupted. And yes saddam was screwed up in the head. But now to the anwser. I fought for something that was confusing for me. I lost friends that were more like brothers to me. If im willing to die for someones freedom on the other side of the world I WILL DIE FOR WHAT I KNOW IS RIGHT AND FOR THE GOOD OF AMERICA.

  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nightmareperformance
    I dont know any of my friends including myself in the military that would actually pull the trigger on an american. But i helped throw out a government that was said to be corrupted. And yes saddam was screwed up in the head. But now to the anwser. I fought for something that was confusing for me. I lost friends that were more like brothers to me. If im willing to die for someones freedom on the other side of the world I WILL DIE FOR WHAT I KNOW IS RIGHT AND FOR THE GOOD OF AMERICA.


    I'm sorry for your losses and thank you for your service.

    If I may be so bold as to forge ahead, would you say that the commanders would be able to convince soldiers to fire on American citizens by...I don't know...maybe labeling them as terrorist or extremist? You say you wouldn't fire on us, thanks for that, I'm curious, why wouldn't you if you were told that we were a bunch of wack jobs?

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • nightmareperformancenightmareperformance Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I dont think so. But i dont speak for everyone. I couldnt becouse i know my little brothers would be the ones fighting back. And for my brother only beein 16 he can shoot. And im pretty sure he can out shoot me. I know if for some reason i was told to disarm americans i would be one of the first guys to go awol. Not becouse i would be scared but becouse it wouldnt be right to do it. Plus once a government crosses a line it cant go back. And that would be one of the ways to do it.Iknow i wouldnt be theonlyone leaving either. Alot of my unit was raised in the country or small towns. And 90% of my friends owned a gun before the service. One that there dads or granpas gave them. And i dont let anyone mess with my family. And most people are that way. So i dont think our commanders would give that order. We are to defend our country against enamies forien and domestic. Its just a shame my and my fellow soldiers of my unit are more trained than your basic infentry.
  • WoundedWolfWoundedWolf Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1


    The Second Amendment begins when the First Amendment ends.
  • Wagon WheelWagon Wheel Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    May I offer my condolences for your lose and thank you for your service. I know it was voluntary and respect you for that.

    Proud to be an American!
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nightmareperformance
    I dont think so. But i dont speak for everyone. I couldnt becouse i know my little brothers would be the ones fighting back. And for my brother only beein 16 he can shoot. And im pretty sure he can out shoot me. I know if for some reason i was told to disarm americans i would be one of the first guys to go awol. Not becouse i would be scared but becouse it wouldnt be right to do it. Plus once a government crosses a line it cant go back. And that would be one of the ways to do it.Iknow i wouldnt be theonlyone leaving either. Alot of my unit was raised in the country or small towns. And 90% of my friends owned a gun before the service. One that there dads or granpas gave them. And i dont let anyone mess with my family. And most people are that way. So i dont think our commanders would give that order. We are to defend our country against enamies forien and domestic. Its just a shame my and my fellow soldiers of my unit are more trained than your basic infentry.

    I think there will be a whole bunch of ex-military in our unit(s), that, I hope, will provide for quick training on the fly. Some of us are rather well trained in urban combat and CQB, I prefer that as opposed to being out in country. Far more nooks and crannies from which to snipe and run. Open warfare has it's benefits too, I'm not sure how big of a difference the training will make if we have 9,000,000 friggin people in our unit(s) of freedom fighters.

    Here's another question for you and I ask you because you are the first person that was in active military a short time ago who has a feel for the pulse of our armed services. Have you and your buddies ever discussed such a nightmare? Thanks for the candid answers, I didn't mean to come off like the Spanish Inquisition.

    "We are to defend our country against enamies forien and domestic", just who are those that would be domestic? I've been trying to figure this out. Our forfathers did everthing they could to protect us against the inevitable, but there were some peculiar things that were done also. Like the protections against standing armies yet a provision that states the Congress has the power to call on the military to put down insurrections, I wonder why they would put that in there. They could have prevented there use on American for any reason with different verbiage. This and then the Posse Comitatus act which is clearly unconstitutional was put into law by circumventing the constitution.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • nightmareperformancenightmareperformance Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I talked about it once with one of my E-6 we were both drinking but had the same views of leaving the army if that ever happened. But he was a good-ol-boy from texas. My dad joked about it when i first got into hunting. And a little more since there are a lot more people against guns than when he was growing up. Before the army i would always say i lost them over the side of a boat while duck hunting. But now i would stand and fight.
  • roysclockgunroysclockgun Member Posts: 310 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    First let me say that at 63 I am not going to try to go live in the woods, so since they'd most likely catch me by surprise anyway, they'd get my guns. That is a yes answer. I would give up my firearms rather then try to become some raggedy butt anti-gov'mt warrior at my age.
    Secondly, any out and out firearms confiscation would likely take place over days, with the largest holders of firearms, those with an FFL, being targeted first. "They" would not be stupid and arouse the entire public all at once. A young acquaintence of mine got into trouble. Namely, he was stopped with a loaded M1911A1 in his vehicle. The .45 was taken and with legal help and a family to put up their property as colateral for bail, he came home that night. Next day he had some "hang-up" phone calls before leaving for work. When he left for work, cops went into his home, with a warrant, and ransacked the place, taking several firearms and all the ammo that they could find. So, even with this anecdotal piece of evidence, one can see that the "authorities" know that a certain number of firearms owners would fight, but if the cops do things "right", no fight will occur. I wager that the vast majority of hunters who own firearms would turn them over without any real fight. Certainly, they would give up their firearms with one shot being fired.
    In terms of the military firing on civilians: I am convinced that most units of fighting men in the military have built up a strong bonding, which includes the "us against the rest of the world" mentality. They do not fight for Mom and apple pie and the good ole' USA. They fight for eachother. So, yes, it would not be hard to get a unit ready and willing to fire on US civilian citizens. Heck, it has happened before at Kent State. The "troops" at Ruby Ridge and Waco may not have been US military, but they were armed as military and they were dressed as military, so as the old saying goes; "if it looks like a duck....?"

  • CommissarRobCommissarRob Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I doubt that most of the US military would fire on US civilians. I know a few soldiers who couldn't stand seeing Iraqi civilians killed and had mental breakdowns as a result. I feel that the a good chunk of the military would rather fight with the "gun-toteing rednecks" than against them. There of course will be those willing to open up on US citizens but I doubt most will agree to it.

    "The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." Well I wonder what the hell that could mean!?
  • KYfatboyKYfatboy Member Posts: 859 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    hey cr, how are things in high school?

    parabellem molone lahveh
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by CommissarRob
    I doubt that most of the US military would fire on US civilians. I know a few soldiers who couldn't stand seeing Iraqi civilians killed and had mental breakdowns as a result. I feel that the a good chunk of the military would rather fight with the "gun-toteing rednecks" than against them. There of course will be those willing to open up on US citizens but I doubt most will agree to it.

    "The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." Well I wonder what the hell that could mean!?

    Have they started teaching you about "The New Deal" yet? What are World History classes like now days? Just curious.[8]

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • nightmareperformancenightmareperformance Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    And it wont be active duty soldiers if it ever happened. They would use your local reserves and national guard. And that would make it more dificult to do. Just becouse they would know the people they are dealing with.
  • CommissarRobCommissarRob Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well my high school is very anti gun and religion, and very pro expression(as long as you don't express a liking for guns or religion of course[;)]) and homosexuality.

    History classes are bad. Las year we did elightenment through cold-war. We spent two months on the Enlightenmen, French Rev, Russian Rev, Industrial revolution, and Imperialism. Then we went thought WWI from causes to effects in five days, depression in two days, WWII in five days, and cold war in about an hour. If I didn't know better I would think that El Alemain, Stalingrad, and D-Day were the only battles in WWII. And lets not forget that the only reason Africa is messed up is because of evil European Imperialism.

    This year I am going to study the polotical and cultural climates of Asia, the middle east and Africa.

    "The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." Well I wonder what the hell that could mean!?
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    CR- I'll answer your question from the other thread here since you just solidified my position. Take a look at the previous post you made. What's wrong with this picture? Kind of new at this espionage thing are yah? Well, you could try a board a little less observant and build up your skills then come back and try again. Oh, and change your name when you come back, that way we won't know it's you see.[;)]

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • CommissarRobCommissarRob Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am really lost, where don't my posts add up and what espionage thing are you talking about, help me out here because I am really at a loss.

    "The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." Well I wonder what the hell that could mean!?
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    CR- One more thing, being anti-gun and anti-religion almost always makes you a homosexual. So how could your school be anti-homosexual? I'll bet 35% of the girls in your High School are gay. You might want to study a little more about your cover too. Like one of us is going to bite on your BAR. Come on man, you gotta do better than that. Even then I don't know anybody here who would buy an illegal machine gun no matter what the price, the cost is too high.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • CommissarRobCommissarRob Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was not saying that I was anti-gun and anti-religion! I was saying that my school was by large anti-gun and anti-religion. I live in PA, which is liberal, and near Philly, making it more liberal where I live. I am part of the small "conservative" population in my High School. And I said it was a semi-auto BAR.

    "The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." Well I wonder what the hell that could mean!?
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by CommissarRob
    I was not saying that I was anti-gun and anti-religion! I was saying that my school was by large anti-gun and anti-religion. I live in PA, which is liberal, and near Philly, making it more liberal where I live. I am part of the small "conservative" population in my High School. And I said it was a semi-auto BAR.

    "The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." Well I wonder what the hell that could mean!?

    I didn't mean you were a homo, only that those qualifications tend to make one a homo. I should not have used "you" in the third person. My bad.

    Now about your BAR...come on what did you want us to think with the wink on the end of it? That generally indicates sarcasm or read between the lines. Since there was no real chance for sarcasm...

    Look at all your posts, your typing is near perfect. Then look at the above post, you tanked it so we would buy into it. If we're wrong, I'm sorry man but, it ain't changin'.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • CommissarRobCommissarRob Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Wait, look at the post about my high school again. I said anti gun/religion and Pro exrpession/homosexuality.

    And as for the BAR wink. First it is not my BAR, it is my friends brother's, he reenacts WWII and it IS semi-auto. The wink just meant that we have not figured out how to make it auto yet[;)], if you catch my meaning, and I'm sure you do.

    But what did you mean by espionage?

    "The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." Well I wonder what the hell that could mean!?
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by CommissarRob
    Wait, look at the post about my high school again. I said anti gun/religion and Pro exrpession/homosexuality.

    And as for the BAR wink. First it is not my BAR, it is my friends brother's, he reenacts WWII and it IS semi-auto. The wink just meant that we have not figured out how to make it auto yet[;)], if you catch my meaning, and I'm sure you do.

    But what did you mean by espionage?

    "The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." Well I wonder what the hell that could mean!?

    Nevermind. I wouldn't go making that BAR fully auto, your young and believe me when I tell you, they WILL put you in prison. They don't mess around when it comes to machine guns. You'll be OK, I guess.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You are correct, I am wrong you did state "pro-homosexuality". My bad.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by select-fire
    Your so called assault ban was a test. A test to see just how much the American folk would put up with and how much they would rebel. There was no rebellion. So the way I see it is when the Government starts getting into trouble.. taxing more and demanding more.. be prepared. I hope my eyesight holds out and my fingers heal quickly from loading mags and links, Just pass me the ammo , I am fighting. Once thing is for sure they will probably do me in .. but when the fighting is over the ratio will be in my favor.

    Just keep all your mags loaded and when the time comes grab a couple of young bucks who can serpentine & give cover fire. What kind of MG's do you have? Keep 'em oiled and ready to go. The sky may not have fallen on us yet but the times they are a changin' and the sky is coming down sooner or later.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
  • shootstrightshootstright Member Posts: 342 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I like you attitude , this is good.

    "Your so called assault ban was a test. A test to see just how much the American folk would put up with and how much they would rebel. There was no rebellion. So the way I see it is when the Government starts getting into trouble.. taxing more and demanding more.. be prepared. I hope my eyesight holds out and my fingers heal quickly from loading mags and links, Just pass me the ammo , I am fighting. Once thing is for sure they will probably do me in .. but when the fighting is over the ratio will be in my favor."

    I think you need to remember that the
    AW ban did sunset and no state has enacted a ban yet (NJ is not a state it's a state of mind.)

    A well armed society is the best form of homeland security.
  • John ZoellickJohn Zoellick Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well I gotta throw my 2 cents in.
    Yea I would fight for my rights.I have a few guns that belonged to my Great Grandfather and I aint gonna give them up to somebody so they can be destroyed,sold off to somebody or end up in some politicians gun case.
    If the local police came knocking at my door and wanted my weapons chances are they wouldnt find them unless they tore my house down.all the laws on earth are not gonna keep a dishonest person from obtaining a gun be it a rifle or a hand gun.

    "* ER DONE"
  • VeloxVelox Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    As an Infantryman, I cannot see myself EVER obeying orders like that. I joined to do my duty not only for my country, for every red-blooded American as well. Now if they told me to shoot-up that wacko that goes around the country protesting at soldier's funerals. I would possibly consider it because that is how I feel toward him. As for the other question, YES I WOULD. When I joined the Army I do recall stating in my oath that "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic." That was included in my oath I recited when I first joined and when I re-enlisted during my previous tour in Iraq. I take it to heart so so much.

    Samuel Colt- Inventor of the point and click interface.
  • rswolffrswolff Member Posts: 113 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's not the LIBERALS you have to watch out appears that it's George W. Bush that we should be watching!

    October 29, 2002


    If Only I Were A Dictator, by George W. Bush

    Yes, George W. Bush has stated he'd prefer to be a dictator at least three times....

    "You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier." Describing what it's like to be governor of Texas.
    (Governing Magazine 7/98)

    -- From Paul Begala's "Is Our Children Learning?"

    "I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don't agree with each other, but that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator," Bush joked.

    --, December 18, 2000

    "A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it, " [Bush] said.

    -- Business Week, July 30, 2001

    "A gentleman learns how to suffer ignorance with a smile."
  • John ZoellickJohn Zoellick Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Dictators cant be voted out of office.
    They have to be exterminated like rats.

    "* ER DONE"
  • Daniel HomerDaniel Homer Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    [black]I'm British and live in the United Kingdom. But still own guns and shoot em too. So don't worry if the Feds decide to go 'British' on you all. Owning a gun is a right NOT a luxury! Fight the legislation. And say NO to a ban!!! [:)]

    "Okay you wanna play rough, okay, say hello to my little friend" - Tony Montana (Scareface) [B)]
  • shootstrightshootstright Member Posts: 342 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Daniel Homer

    What dose it take to keep your gun in the UK
    these days?

    At the rate the UK is going , the criminals will
    own it before long. When this happens don't
    expect us in the US to send you arms to fight
    back this time.
    Your people are a sorry lot of sheep. Now wallow
    in your own dip.
    How goes the fox hunt?[8D][8D]
    A well armed society is the best form of homeland security.

    Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

    A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
    Make yourselves sheep, and the wolves will eat you.
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    The last great conflict...Homeowners sent over tens of thousands of personal gun to arm the home guards.

    War over..the arms were collected and put on ships for the return trip...and then dumped overboard...I supppose curtousy of an already Socialist American government unwilling to give the guns back....

    Won't happen again..anybody sending a gun out around me risks serious lumps.
    You folks had your chance to resist tyranny...and came up short.
  • D.K.D.K. Member Posts: 291 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I once would have said, YES, without hesitation.

    But it seems that the number of 6% that fought for freedom
    during the war of independence has not increased.

    As I continue to live in a PC world, I am more and more
    disgusted with what I see around me.

    So my answer nowadays is: To hell with the other 94%!

    The world doesn't much like Americans. Hell, come to think
    about it, I don't like them much either! I really don't give
    a damn what happens to this country anymore! It's no longer a place
    I'd fight for.

    The only thing we have left is an abundance of food?
  • WoundedWolfWoundedWolf Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    D.K., I hear where you are coming from. Highball thinks we are down to 3%, I now think it is more like .03% or .003%. I mean those would be the ones that would actually stand up and fight. In our nation of 300,000,000 that would be somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000 people.

    There would be a lot more sympathizers, but most would probably not be willing to put their lives on the line.

    However, I do not agree with this statement:

    quote:The world doesn't much like Americans. Hell, come to think
    about it, I don't like them much either! I really don't give
    a damn what happens to this country anymore! It's no longer a place
    I'd fight for.

    Despite all of its flaws, America is still the best thing this world has going. I think it is up to us to try and steer our country back to the right path, first within what remains of our lawful government, then, if necessary, by force.



    The Second Amendment begins when the First Amendment ends.
  • dsmithdsmith Member Posts: 902 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I tend to be wary of anybody giving "cold dead hands" speeches. While they may truly believe that their gun means everything to them, you never see anybody making such statements while holding up a AK-47 or AR-15. Even so, they seem to believe that "gun control" like the NFA or GCA is acceptable. I don't believe that many people who believe in gun control like the following can truly have a "cold dead hands" mindset. They talk big, but would probably be the first to surrender their guns.
  • D.K.D.K. Member Posts: 291 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I once felt that way too, WW. But from what I
    can see most of those you would be fighting for
    would sell you down the river in a minute!

    My fellow so-called americans have disgusted me to the
    point I have a new policy. I keep to myself and stay on my property.
    My neighbors do the same, that way they won't get shot!

    When I think of the liberal turds who live in New York,
    actually making it possible for Hilary Clinton to run for
    President in 2008, I reflect back and have had a change in heart.

    When 911 happened I felt outrage. I though we should have acted
    swiftly and harshly. My attitude now is that my ownly regret
    is that the damned ragheads didn't level the whole liberal * city!

    As you can see, I'm very angry with the majority of the apathetic,
    selfish and PC sheeple in this country. And I no longer wish
    them well. I hope they get what they deserve! And I enjoy every
    bad thing that happenes to them!

    I've enjoyed the hurricanes. I'm looking foreward to the
    tornados. I hope Ford and GM close more plants and sends the
    jobs overseas. I'd like to see $10.00 a gallon gasoline. I
    hope their neighborhoods get overrun with illegal mexicans!
    I hope their children have to dress up like ragheads during
    thanksgiving in their PC schools.

    Get the picture? I just don't care anymore! And I have absolutely no use for the azzholes that ruined my country! How the hell do you
    think you can change things through corrupted systems that don't

    I'm a Nam veteran and feel betrayed!

    My America is DEAD! [xx(] Why should I give a damn whether or
    not their's survives? [:(!]
  • John ZoellickJohn Zoellick Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    there is no way that ALL the guns are ever going to be turned in or found.Besides what good are they if you dont have any ammo? I stock up everytime ammo goes on sale.Tommorrow Iam gonna starting digging a vault in my basement,any one know anything about pouring concrete?

    "* ER DONE"
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